Page 4 - TEC-520 Professional Development Magazine
P. 4



                   What is it, and why should I care ?

        Are two heads better than one?                              thanks or credit.  Unfortunately, you are

        Introverts may disagree, but there is                       doing yourself and your department a
        something special that happens when                         great disservice by keeping your ideas to
        people come together to share their                         yourself.

        ideas and solve problems.  That is really
        all collective intelligence is: the                         Many of us have used someone else's

        acquisition of knowledge and the                            lesson or activity or been inspired by
        application of skills done by a group of                    simply hearing about a project that

        individuals working together (Jenkins,                      another teacher is doing with his/her
        2008).                                                      class.  Now, we need to consider how we

                                                                    can work to create experiences that
        As educators, we have opportunities to                      promote this idea of collective
        collectively learn during professional                      intelligence for the benefit of our

        development and PLC meetings.  That is                      students.  In this issue, you will find
        why it is so important that we show up                      instructional strategies and technology

        ready to listen, share, and ask questions.                  that you can begin implementing right
        It can be tempting to lock yourself in                      away.  There are also links to scholarly

        your classroom and hold your ideas                          resources that support the validity and
        captive.  Maybe you are tired of people                     importance of promoting collective

        using your plans without giving proper                      intelligence.  Enjoy reading, and please
                                                                    reach out to your campus DLS with any
                                                                    questions you have.  They are also

                                                                    available to come into your classroom or
                                                                    planning meeting to help you and your

                                                                    team design and integrate technology
                                                                    that will support your students in

                                                                    collaborating and learning together.
             What is Collective Intelligence?
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