Page 6 - TEC-520 Professional Development Magazine
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Intro to Collective Intelligence Design
You've probably heard of Jigsaw, but have you tried it
yet? The Jigsaw Method has been proven to promote
high achievement, increase motivation, and help
develop a sense of tolerance and empathy in the
classroom (Karacop, 2017).
Blogging is a fantastic student-driven way to get
conversations going. Students can pose their own
questions, share their learning, and ask for help or
ideas from others (Barnes, 2018).
Do your students like gaming? Why not have them
work in groups to create an assessment game on sites
like Quizlet, EdPuzzle, or Kahoot? You can even give
them content to research and learn on their own as
part of the process!
Speaking of research, we can promote collective
intelligence by having students curate sources and
create their own personal libraries of information.
Platforms like Diigo allow users to tab, highlight,
annotate, and store reference materials as well as
share with others (Barnes, 2018).