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Award of Distinction

The late Justice Edward Ducharme will be given annually to a Carolyn Gray, Justice Ducharme’s wife,
member of the Windsor-Essex accepts the inaugural award
United Way, in partnership community who demonstrates The Ducharme family
with Sutts, Strosberg LLP and outstanding contributions to Summer Lunch kids
Shibley Righton LLP, launched education or leadership Bart Seguin (above) at Shibley Righton
a new community service award and/or to the public good. LLP and Harvey Strosberg (right) at Sutts,
named in honour of the late Strosberg LLP helped make the Summer
Justice Edward Ducharme. On “The late Justice Ducharme Lunch Program a reality.
September 30, 2015, the legal was a community leader who
community gathered to honour valued community service and
Justice Ducharme’s memory, and was dedicated to giving back
to support United Way’s Summer through his profession and
Lunch Program pilot in West through his personal endeavors,”
Windsor. The problem of ‘hungry says Lorraine Goddard, CEO
kids’ was something Justice of United Way. “We would like
Ducharme lamented about, says to thank Carolyn Gray, and
his close friend Harvey Strosberg. the Ducharme family, for their
courage and commitment to this
The Honourable Edward W. project.”
Ducharme Award of Distinction
In Windsor and Essex County
between 2013 and 2014
food bank usage increased by
9% while nationally it only
increased by 1%. Of the 22,000
individuals in Windsor-Essex
who accessed food bank services
during that period, 38% were
children. The Summer Lunch
Program ensures that children
who rely on school nutrition
programs don’t go hungry over
the summer while school is out.


In 2015, United Way and its partners fed 190 local kids and
handed out 2,455 healthy lunches during the summer.

To learn more about the success of the Summer Lunch Program Pilot,

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