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Villanova Principal Patrick Hickson and Vice-Principal▼
Danielle Desjardins-Koloff took home the Villy Chopped trophy.


Fans of the popular Food difficult it is for people using to complete the challenge.
Network show Chopped, which food banks to create nutritious The winning educator duo,
features chef gladiators battling meals with limited options and featuring Villanova’s Principal
it out for top honours with fewer fresh food choices. Patrick Hickson and Vice
no advance knowledge of the Principal Danielle Desjardins-
ingredients they cook with, will Students who attended the Koloff, made arancini (stuffed
appreciate Saint Thomas of event – all of whom either paid rice balls). The Technical
Villanova Catholic Secondary $2 to attend or donated a canned Studies class used their
School’s efforts to engage good – heard a United Way expertise to live-stream the
students and learn about poverty presentation about poverty and event on giant screens, so
in our community. learned about the people who students could follow the
are accessing local food banks. action during the culinary
This past fall, the entire school More than one third of people challenge.
attended a cooking competition being fed by food banks are
held in the gymnasium, where children, according to the latest “It was a great experience,”
teacher and administrator teams Hunger Count Report released says Principal Hickson. “The
were challenged to create a meal by Food Banks Canada. students got a pretty good
using only ingredients found at a picture of how tough it is for
food bank, along with a mystery Teachers were given pasta someone living in poverty to put
basket ingredient – seaweed. or rice options, as well as something together that’s going
a table filled with canned to maintain a healthy body
The student-led event aspired goods to create their Chopped and a healthy mind, based on
to raise awareness about how dishes, and only 30 minutes ingredients from a food bank.”

20 | Magazine of United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County • Winter 2016 • Vol. 4
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