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P. 27
I Give …


Meet some of the supporters who make the work of United Way possible:

Bruce Dickie, Chris Taylor and Dino Chiodo Armelle Richardson Christian Pinard
UNIFOR Locals 2458, 200 and 444 Giles Campus French The Children’s Safety Village
United Magazine Sponsors Immersion Public School
“I like that United Way always
“When one thinks of giving back we believe that “As a donor I get a chance finds time to bring it back to
Windsor-Essex County is second to none, we feel it, to direct my money towards a community level. It feels like
and understand the need to reach out and help others. meeting the needs of the it’s not just throwing money
The reason we sponsor United Magazine, and why community, which is my goal.” into the wind - they actually
we’re donors, is because United Way is investing in the see the results of the money
community where it’s needed most. We want everyone that’s being spent.”
to know about the great work they’re doing and without
the United Way, many vulnerable individuals and families
would be falling through the cracks.”

Jonathon Azzopardi

President, Laval International
and United Way Cabinet
Member Martin Sobocan
Freedom 55, Sobocan
Insurance & Financial Services
“What’s important to Laval is
giving back to the community
Reid Bigland Prakash Pandya - playing our part as a locally “United Way provides help to
President & CEO Student, United Way owned and operated company a lot of small organizations,
FCA Canada Board member and fulfilling our responsibility and when we donate to
to support those in need. We United Way, we give back to
“Dollars collected go directly “I think it’s fairly easy in our day want our example to inspire our local community and I
to helping our friends and age to close our eyes and others in the Tool and Mold think that’s really important.”
and neighbours in the put the blinders on, and go
communities across Canada about our daily lives without industry to give back too.”
where we live and work. The really considering the people
funds collected are critical in who are around us who might Leilani Logronio
helping United Way continue be suffering - it might be CUPE Local 82,
to do their important our neighbours, it might be City of Windsor
work of trying to reduce our friends, it might even be
poverty and mitigate its people in our family. I started “Why I give to United Way
effects by building stronger off in United Way because I Windsor-Essex is simply
communities. Together we want to be able to work with because I believe in what
can make a difference.” people and get a one-on-one you do - your initiatives on
connection with them.” addressing/improving social
issues in our community -
everything! You all are
amazing!” | 25
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