Page 3 - UnitedMagazine2016 - rev
P. 3

Tim Catherwood How many of us know that, today, 1 in 5 people in Windsor
Chair & Essex County are living in poverty? That 23,481 teens and
United Way 2015 kids in our community are living in poverty? That 42% of single
Campaign Cabinet mothers are raising their kids in poverty in the neighbourhoods
in which we live and work?

As I speak with people throughout Windsor and Essex County,
I find that most of us did not know. But, when we hear about
this crisis, and begin to understand the impact it is having, we
want to help.

Today, United Way and its funded partners are doing excellent
work in supporting people in our community affected by
poverty. But, as we move forward, we must go beyond these
efforts and begin to take new steps that reduce poverty in our
community. To achieve this goal, we will need a new level of
engagement from people living in Windsor and Essex County.
We need more donations than ever before so that United Way
is able to address the root causes of poverty.

In September 2015, United Way launched its BOLD
POSSIBILITIES fundraising campaign. We challenged the
community to raise $7.5 million this year for United Way. If we
each ask our family, friends, co-workers and neighbours to join
us in donating to United Way – to give what they can whether
it be $4 a week (the cost of two cups of coffee) or $2,000 per
year – we can meet this challenge.

Take bold action against poverty. Support United Way.
Together, we are possibility.


Lorraine Goddard The act of giving is an important one. Whether you donate money,
Chief Executive Officer your time, or your talent, these are valuable contributions to our
United Way/Centraide community.
Windsor-Essex County
Being a champion for those less fortunate than ourselves is an
equally important act. United Way wants to help vulnerable people
in our community who often don’t have a voice to speak for
themselves. That is why United Way exists. This edition of United
provides you with a glimpse of the excellent work that is being
done by United Way and its partners to address poverty across
Windsor and Essex County.

I ask you to give generously to United Way and to share the
importance of our message with your friends and family – to help
us take bold action and lift 4,000 kids out of intergenerational
poverty in Windsor and Essex County. Because together, we can
make a difference. | 1
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