Page 22 - United Magazine 2014
P. 22

Driving the
Social Change Agenda

United Way invests for the future

United Way asked how best to help and the Focus Area 2015-2020 Programs
community answered.
After extensive public consultation involving Poverty to Possibility Youth Career Building
focus groups, a survey of the general public, and Food Security
a review of community data, United Way/ All That Kids Can Be Access to Transportation
Centraide Windsor-Essex County chose its Strong Communities Family Supports
investment priorities for the next five years. Strengthening Kids
Barry Horrobin, Volunteer Chair of the United Counselling and Supports
Way Community Impact Council and Vice-Chair of Neighbourhood Engagement
the Board, said detailed analysis of the results paid
off. The volunteer Community Impact Council will
review the applications for funding from community
“When you roll that together, you get a very organizations to decide which programs best align
complex, multi-dimensional data input source that with United Way’s three focus areas.
is very hard to question at the end,” says Horrobin.
“When you make decisions from that kind of a “The Impact Council looks at innovative ways to
source, I think that’s a very good way to go.” apply scarce funding in the best possible manner,
to benefit as many people as possible,” says
Together We Dream Horrobin. “We’re there to create an outcome that
when brought together is greater than the sum of
More than 3,000 residents and other the individual parts.”
stakeholders ultimately helped decide United Way’s
direction. Funding for the new programs goes into effect
in the spring of 2015.
United Way’s three Windsor-Essex “pillars” are:
moving people out of poverty, supporting kids and “Thank you to everyone who shared their view
families, and creating thriving neighbourhoods. of how to make Windsor-Essex a great place to
live,” says Goddard. U
“Our goal is to create positive and lasting social
change in the community,” says United Way CEO
Lorraine Goddard. “The programs we will invest in
are relevant to what we and residents believe the
community needs to make Windsor-Essex a great
place to live.”



22 U• i e • Fall • 2014 • Vol. 3 • United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County • •
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