Page 14 - Argyle Police Officer Field Training Tips
P. 14
General advice
It may not seem like it at first, but everything has a price. Think twice before you accept that free drink
or meal.
Keep learning and go to school to earn a degree if you can.
When you are on calls, apply common sense too.
Always listen to the radio so you know where other officers are. That way if something goes wrong and
they ask for help, you’ll know where to go.
Go above and beyond for your fellow officers and they will do the same for you
Before you use pepper spray let everyone else around know
Even good people can lie when in fear, but they still deserve a chance to be heard and the truth will
eventually come out anyway.
Do everything in your power to make your contacts a positive experience for people. The next officer
that deals with them will appreciate it.
Remember that you have discretion. Just because we can arrest someone does not mean that is the only
solution to a problem. There are many reasonable people around that will respond to a verbal warning.
Become of a student of your profession. Always keep learning. Do not be a 20 one-year officer meaning
that you have done this job for 20 years and only know what you learned in your first year. Figure out
who the best officers are and learn from them.
Policing is a people business, and it is important that you pay attention and remember things. You never
know when the last person you spoke to will commit a crime a short time later and you will hear the
information over the air. The more things you remember about your previous contact, the better chance
there is of catching the suspect.
Be where you need to be and always do the tasks you are expected to do. Sure, you can chase dope daily
and eventually find some, but if you work area you are supposed to you can find many other things as
well and make the impact in that area that your department expects you to.
Develop good hygiene habits, after all you are dealing with the public.
Wash your hands regularly and carry hand sanitizer with you.
Do not speak to reporters, let your PIO handle that stuff. If you speak to them, you will regret it later.
Get yourself some extra tools for the job. This means a cheap dog leash, dog treats,
Always answer your calls.
Read our policy manual regularly. Remember, this is the manual that tells you how to do your job.