Page 49 - Argyle Police Officer Field Training Tips
P. 49

FTO talking points for discussion

               What is the shortest route to scene from here? Do you run code?

               Tactical parking?

               Do you wait for back up to arrive?
               Priority of activities-Stop the active shooter, Rescue victims, provide medical assistance, preserve crime

               Contact team-make contact with asap and stop the active shooter by arrest, containment, or deadly

               Rescue team-second set of 4 officers, locate and remove injured victims, and direct uninjured victims
               out of the building.
               How do you approach the building? Enter at location other than main entrance if possible because the
               suspect could set up explosives, barricades, or an ambush.

               Do you treat victims as you enter or go around them?

               Would you give someone your tourniquet on the way in if they entered?

               Incident command-first command officer on scene that’s not part of the rescue or contact team will be
               the incident commander. Set up a command post and initiate command operations.

                Pg. 48                          POLICE FIELD TRAINING CONCEPTS
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