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                 roll edge damage, or unusuable film left on the roll.
               l Improve Environment ..... New Technology Films are 100% recyclable.
               l Simplify Processes ..... New Technology Films eliminate the need to re-qualify films.
               l Standardize Workflow ..... All pallets will meet the load containment goal using New Technology Films.
               l Reduce Floor Space ..... Up to 35% or more film footage on the roll means having to inventory fewer
               l Maximize Quality ..... New Technology Stretch Films receive the highest quality control available in the
                 industry.  The goal is that every roll will be perfect.
               l Improve Reliability ..... New Technology films are always made with high performance resins, and no
               l Reduce Transport Costs ..... New Technology films ship direct from the factory to you.  No double
                 shipping costs.
               l Eliminate Inefficency ..... New Technology films make it possible for your workers to become more
                 efficient because stretch wrapping a pallet is now faster, easier, and with fewer rewraps to slow them

            New Technology stretch films available from NPS include:  Infinity PX hand wrap and machine film; Stratos
            machine film; and Winwrap pre-stretch hand wrap.  These films are much thinner than the films they
            replace but offer greater containment and load performance than conventional thicker films.  And
            remember that 5% saved on cost is worth 30% of new sales.  With New Techology films from NPS, your
            savings may well be in the 20 - 40 % range.

            And most important of all, your stretch film supplier, hopefully NPS, should follow these principles to help
            you realize and maintain the benefits of lean stretch film:

               l Solve your problems by making sure your stretch film gives the performance it should first time, every
               l Don't waste your time with films that don't perform up to expectations.
               l Provide exactly what you want and need in your operation.  Have the latest technology films available.
               l Provide the most value where it is needed and at the lowest cost.
               l Provide the right film when you want it.  Have it in stock and ready to ship.
               l Take the work out of your stretch film process.  Make it easy to order by email, fax, or phone; and
                 know that the right film will be available for shipment to arrive when you require it.

            Lean Stretch Film starts in R & D, through the formulation and manufacturing process, ease of ordering and
            delivery; to on site performance in order to deliver sustainable cost savings with long term benefits.

             Footnote: Your competition is already using Lean Stretch Film.  Can you afford to keep
            wrapping your pallets the old fashioned way?

            file://C:\Documents and Settings\William Jackson\My Documents\Northwoods Software\...      6/11/2007
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