Page 69 - The Inside Scoop Archive
P. 69
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In my book, whether you are looking for quality, service, or price ( really cost ), a virtual distributor, like
National Packaging Specialists, may well be your best choice for a supplier. This is true whether you have a
single location or multiple locations scattered across country. If you have multiple locations in different
parts of the country, a Virtual Distributor is definitely your best choice as he can provide for consistent
quality, service and price to all locations.
Brick & Mortar Distributors Virtual Distributors
Maintains a physical warehouses and delivery No physical warehouse, and no delivery trucks to
trucks. Has higher overhead to cover. maintain. Low overhead means lower costs.
Has to purchase inventory and hold it until you Ships direct to you from the plant when ordered.
place an order. Cost of money held over time. There are no cost to hold inventory and reship.
NPS maintains a full range of hand wrap and
Can only deliver what they have in stock. Limited
product offering that needs to turn before more machine film in min max inventories at the plant
for immediate shipment. Ships in 48 hours or
is purchased. Specials can require long lead time.
same day when needed. Inventory is always fresh.
Local coverage, usually within 100 miles or so. National coverage = one price to all locations
Mill support is based on local volume. Mill support is based on national volume.
May or may not have a service tech available Factory certified service techs available nationally
Technology is limited to fewer suppliers. Provides direct access to the latest technology.
Depends on salesmen making personal visits. Provides instant access by phone, fax, or email.
Provides local service with higher costs. Provides national coverage with personal service.
The bottom line is that when you look for a distributor for your plant, warehouse, or distribution center,
don't just think of Brick & Mortar distributors. A Virtual Distributor like National Packaging Specialists
may well be your best choice.
Footnote: If there is a stretch film related subject that you would like to have more
information about, please hit the red button where it says "Click Here" and share your question
or subject with me. thanks, Bill Jackson
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