Page 129 - March April 2021
P. 129

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R
     770376  Tissue D - Acne .............................................500 tab  12 090460   7.15         B  NEW
                                      upc 303600
     771701  Aconite Single Remedy .....................30c -160 pellets  12 136040   4.62         M
                                      upc 303601
     771704  Apis Mell. Single Remedy .................30c -160 pellets  12 156047   4.62         B
                                      upc 303602
     771707  Belladonna  Single Remedy ..............30c -160 pellets  12 298449   4.62         B
                                      upc 303606
     771711  Ferrum Phos. Single Remedy ...........30c -160 pellets  12 133647   4.62         B
                                      upc 303607
     771712  Hepar Sulph Single Remedy .............30c -160 pellets  12 010848   4.62         B
     771714  Ignatia Single Remedy ......................30c -160 pellets  12 337242   4.62  40%  B   2.77  B
                                      upc 303608
     771716  Lycopodium  Single Remedy ............30c -160 pellets  12 785646   4.62         B
     771717  Ledum Pal .........................................30c-160 pellets  12 398044   4.62         B
     771718  Magnesia Phos. Single Remedy .......30c -160 pellets  12 908045   4.62         B
                                      upc 303609
     771719  Mercurius Viv. ...................................30c-160 pellets  12 560846   4.62         B
                                      upc 336011
     771721  Phosphorus Single Remedy .............30c -160 pellets  12 050049   4.62         B
     771722  Pulsatilla Single Remedy...................30c -160 pellets  12 743644   4.62         B
                                      upc 336012
     771724  Ruta Grav Single Remedy .................30c -160 pellets  12 355648   4.62  40%  B   2.77  B
                                      upc 336013
     771726  Spongia Tosta....................................30c-160 pellets  12 232849   4.62         B
     771728  Tabacum Single Remedy ..................30c -160 pellets  12 770778   4.62         B
                                      upc 303606
     771732  Gelsemium Sempervires Single Remedy 30c -160 pellets 12 480444   4.62         B
                                      upc 303601
     770704  Arnica -  30X ............................................... 250 tabs  12 514519   6.58         B
                                      upc 336010
     770709  Nux-vomica - 30X  ...................................... 250 tabs  12 286517   6.58         B
                                      upc 303603
                                                                            STOP THE PAIN!
     770735  Chamomilla - 30X ........................................ 250 tabs  12 799310   6.58         B  STOP THE PAIN!
                                      upc 303602
     770736  Belladonna - 30X ......................................... 250 tabs  12 289713   6.58         B
                                      upc 336012
     770740  Rhus Tox - 30X ............................................ 250 tabs   0 163311   6.58         B  Relax leg, calf, and foot cramps
                                      upc 354973
     CHILDREN’S REMEDIES                                             with Hyland’s NEW Leg Cramps Hyland’s NEW Leg Cramps
     770520  Calm’N Restful 4KIDS .................................. 125 tabs  24 751835   7.90         B
                                                                     Ointment, with the added benefit
     770601  4KIDS All Day Syrup ........................................... 4 oz  24 312531   6.42         B  Ointment ,
     770603  Complete Allergy Relief 4 Kids ............................ 4 oz  24 309722   6.42         B
     770604  4KIDS  Nighttime Syrup ...................................... 4 oz  24 311534   6.42         B  of Arnica!
     770607  4 KIDS Syrup with Honey ................................... 4 oz  24 752610   6.42         B
     770608  Baby Colic  .................................................. 125 tabs  24 314726   6.00         B
     770609  Hyland’s Baby All Day Syrup ...........................118ml  24 315440   6.42         B  • Deep-penetrating, non-greasy
     770611  Hyland’s Baby Oral Pain Relief .....................125 Tabs  24 331525   8.01         B
     770612  Baby Nighttime Oral Pain Relief ....................125 Tabs  24 332430   8.01         B  and fast-acting relief
     770621  Tiny cold Tablets.......................................... 125 tabs  24 314313   6.00         B
     770665  Bumps’n Bruises for Children ...................... 125 tabs  24 750814   6.00         B  • No parabens, petrolatum, artificial
     770646  Hyland’s Earache Tablets ...........................40 Tablets  24 316928   9.92         B  fragrances or dyes
     770821  Diarrex (relief gastro-intestinal stress) ............50 Tabs  12 313422   6.05         B
     770830  ClearAc (clears up acne) ............................... 50 tabs  36 220218   6.05         B
     770866  Earache Drops - Adult ................................... 0.33 oz  36 751620   9.92         B
     770452  Bronchial Cough .......................................... 100 tabs  36 295421   7.90         B
     770453  Hyland’s Sinus Blue Line ............................. 100 tabs  36 295926   7.90         B
     770832  Cold Tablets with Zinc Blue Line ..................... 50 tabs  12 301016   5.94         B
     770456  Sleep ........................................................... 100 tabs  24 912328   7.90         B
     770462  Hemorrhoids ............................................... 100 tabs  36 913028   7.90         B
     770493  Menstrual Cramps ....................................... 100 tabs  12 296121   7.90         B
     770412  Hyland’s Leg Cramps Ointment .......................70.9 g  24 320239   9.49         E
     770436  Leg Cramps...............................................40 caplets  24 311459   6.39         B
     770437  Leg Cramps PM ............................................50 Tabs  24 314412   8.06         B
     770442  Leg Cramps................................................... 50 tabs  36 295612   5.94         B
     770443  Leg Cramps................................................. 100 tabs  36 295629   7.90         B
     770454  Restful Legs ..................................................50 Tabs  24 316515   6.78         B
     770455  Restful Legs PM ............................................50 Tabs  24 335233   11.54         B
     770487  Indigestion Yellow Line ................................ 100 tabs  36 295827   7.90         B
     770488  Gas Yellow Line ........................................... 100 tabs  36 295124   7.90  40%  B   4.74  B
     770489  Upset Stomach Yellow Line ......................... 100 tabs  12 915022   7.90         B
     770490  Motion Sickness Yellow Line.......................... 50 tabs  36 914711   5.94         B
     770500  Calms................................................. 100 X 4 g tabs  36 112032   7.90         B
     770508  Calms Forte Sleep Aid ..............................100 tablets  36 325753   7.90         B
     770513  Calms Forte (Sleep Aid) .............................50 Tablets  24 325746   5.94         B
     770514  Calms Forte Sleep Aid ...............................32 caplets  24 327429   5.89         B        800.363.8933
                                                                                                 MARCH - APRIL 2021  127
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