Page 133 - March April 2021
P. 133

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R

     155105  Maple Almond Butter ................................... 6 x 454g   6 100921   67.57         B  484315  Kaizen Vegan Protein Unflavoured .....................840 g   4 137193   29.69         B
     155110  Classic Almond Butter ................................. 6 x 454g   6 100914   67.57         B  KAIZEN WHEY ISOLATE PROTEIN
     NUT BUTTER SQUEEZE                                        484200  Kaizen Whey Isolate Strawberry .......................840 g   4 132129   31.68         B
     155200  Choc Hazelnut Butter Tray.............................. 10x32g   6 100990   15.76         B  484205  Kaizen Whey Isolate Chocolate .........................840 g   4 132112   31.68         B
     155210  Classic Almond Butter Tray ............................ 10x32g   6 100976   15.76         B  484210  Kaizen Whey Isolate Vanilla...............................840 g   4 132105   31.68         B
     155300  Org. DK Choco PB Cups .............................. 12 x 40g   6 854398   27.24         B  KALAYA NATURALS   W
                                      upc 008403
     155305  Org. DK Choco Cashew Butter Cups ............ 12 x 40g   6 189162   27.24         B  888-829-7165
                                      upc 108403               Kalaya is a medically directed, proudly Canadian, health and wellness brand that uses problem-
     155310  Dark Choc Peanut Butter Mini Cups ............. 6 x 120g   6 157731   42.16          solution based formulations. Under the leadership of Dr. Keith Burk M.D. and Phil Hudson BPharm,
                                                               Kalaya’s dedicated medical team carefully analyze, research, and develop products that are
     KAHA NUTRITION                                            medically designed to provide treatment and relief.  upc 106918
     BROKERED BY  Salud Brand Management                       DISPLAYS
                                                               463960  Breathe Easy Vapo Rub Display .................. 12 x 60 g  16 450219  104.11         B                  (604) 737-0605                                 upc 691808
     Kaha is the Tribal Maori word for Strength, Energy, Stamina, Power, Ability, and Courage.  Here at   EMU OIL
     Kaha Nutrition we believe that providing the body with key nutrients can enhance our physical and
     mental state. Giving us the strength and energy to push our body to the limits!  463100  Emu Oil - Natural Oil Blend ................................30 ml  30 010218   13.36         M
                                                               463110  Emu Oil - Natural Oil Blend ................................60 ml  30 010416

     Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure the Kaha Protein Powder products shipped will have a shelf
     life of at least 2 months.  No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-date or unsold   FACIAL CARE PRODUCTS
     Products.                                                 463465  Cannabis Sativa Concentrate .............................30ml  30 121020   20.06         M
                                                               463466  Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil NightCream ...............50 ml  30 122027   20.06         B
                                                               463467  Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil Day Cream ................50 ml  30 122010   20.06         B
                                                               463468  Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil Eye Gel .....................15 ml  30 122041   20.06         B
                                                               463470  Vitamin C & Hyaluronic Acid ..............................30ml  30 121013   20.06         M
                                                               PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS
                                                               463300  Wonder Salve ......................................................22g  30 040116   6.00         M
                                                               463303  6X Pain Relief Massager ....................................120g  30 093310   14.71         M
                                                               463304  Hand Sanitizer with Hyaluronic Acid ...............400 ml   6 110123   8.25         B
                                                               463305  Luxury Bar Soap ...............................................100 g  30 371111   2.65         B
                                                                                                 upc 693808
                                                               463306  Hand Sanitizer w. Hyaluronic .............................60ml  30 110130   3.02         B
                                                                                                 upc 691808
                                                               463307  Nourishing Bar Soap .........................................100 g  30 381004   2.65         B
                                                               463310  Moisture Cream ..............................................120 ml  30 050313   10.01         M
                                                               463312  Hand Cream ......................................................60ml  30 331153   4.66         B
                                      upc 842899
     309300  Kaha NZ Whey Isolate Vanilla ....................840 grams   6 000729   40.00         B  463322  Intimate Lubricant ..............................................60ml  30 120108   10.01         B

                                                               463365  6X Extra Strength Pain Relief .............................120 g  30 090319
     309305  Kaha NZ Whey Isolate Natural ...................840 grams   6 000712   40.00         B  463371  Foot Cream........................................................100g  30 101121   6.66         B
     309310  Kaha NZ Whey Isolate Chocolate ..............840 grams   6 000705   40.00         B  463377  Scar Therapy .....................................................15ml  30 400118   13.36         B
     309315  Kaha NZ Whey Concentrate Vanilla ...........840 grams   6 000620   30.00         B  463469  Cannabis Sativa Pain Spray ...............................60ml  30 093358   10.69         B
     309320  Kaha NZ Whey Concentrate Natural ..........840 grams   6 000613   30.00         B  463501  6X Extra Strength Relief-Travel .............................50g  30 090326   7.34         B
     309325  Kaha NZ Whey Concentrate Chocolate ......840 grams   6 000606   30.00         B  463550  6X Pain Rub - Cannabis Sativa............................60 g  30 093334   10.69         M
     309330  KAHA Creapure Creatine ....................................400g   6 000828   17.50         B  463601  Omega Lotion .................................................250 ml  30 360412   8.01         B
     309335  KAHA Vegan Fermented L-Glutamine .................400g   6 000811   22.50         B  463610  7X Joint & Muscle Relief ............................... 60 caps  30 980627   16.05         B
     309340  KAHA Plant-Based BCAA’s ................................300g   6 000804   22.50         B
                                                               463660  Breathe Easy .......................................................60g  30 450212   8.67         B
     KAIZEN NATURALS®                                          HAIR CARE PRODUCTS                         8.01          M
                                                               463651  Hair Health Shampoo ......................................250 ml  30 430412
                                                               463656  Hair Health Conditioner ...................................250 ml  30 440411   8.01         M                       (866) 778-4633
     Kaizen Naturals® is a Canadian brand of protein and supplements that is committed to naturally   ORAL CARE
     clean nutrition. Products are made with no artificial flavours, colours, or sweeteners and are NSF   .463L09 Kalaya Naturals POS/Information Booklet ..................
     Certified to ensure the highest quality standards.        463001  Breath Refresh Oral Care Kit ............................... 1 kit  12 110048   16.71         M
     Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure the Kaizen Protein Powder  products shipped will have a   463002  Dental Flossers .................................................20 pc  30 110024   2.65         B
     shelf life of at least 2 months.  No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-date or   463003  Tongue Cleaner ........................................................1  30 110031   2.99         B
     unsold Products.                                          463004  Breath Refresh Oral Rinse ...............................500mL  12 110017   8.01         B
                                      upc 621375               BODY BUTTER
     KAIZEN NATURALS COMPLETE MEAL                             463317  Wild Maple Body Butter .....................................120g  30 990015   10.01         B
     484500  KZ Naturals Complete Meal Vanilla ....................854 g   4 132556   30.78         B  463318  Wood Sage Body Butter.....................................120g  30 990060   10.01         B
     484505  KZ Naturals Complete Meal Chocolate ..............882 g   4 132563   30.78         B  463319  Wild Maple Body Butter .......................................50g  30 990008   4.66         B
     KAIZEN NATURALS WHEY PROTEIN                              463321  Wood Sage Body Butter.......................................50g  30 990053   10.01         B
                                                               463323  Vanilla Hibiscus Body Butter ..............................120g  30 990121

     484252  Kaizen Naturals Whey Creamy Mango ..............840 g   4 132280   26.70         B  463324  Vanilla Hibiscus Body Butter ................................50g  30 990114   4.66         B
     484256  Kaizen Natural Whey Unflavoured ......................840g   4 132174   26.70         B  463326  Pacific Fresh Body Butter ...................................120g  30 990091   10.01         B
     484261  Kaizen Natural Whey Vanilla ...............................840g   4 132136   26.70         B  463327  Pacific Fresh Body Butter .....................................50g  30 990084   4.66         B
     484263  Kaizen Naturals Whey Cinnamon Bun ...............840 g   4 132181   26.70         B  463328  Nectarine Blush Body Butter ..............................120g  30 990183   10.01         B
     484264  Kaizen Naturals Whey Strawberry .....................840 g   4 132150   26.70         B  463329  Nectarine Blush Body Butter ................................50g  30 990176   4.66         B
     484266  Kaizen Natural Whey Chocolate .........................840g   4 132143   26.70         B  463331  Evening Orchid Body Butter ...............................120g  30 990152   10.01         B
     484270  KZ Whey Protein Chocolate Sachets ............ 10 x 32g   8 731056   15.84         B  463332  Evening Orchid Body Butter .................................50g  30 990145   4.66         B
     484275  KZ Whey Protein Vanilla Sachets.................. 10 x 32g   8 731001   15.84         B  463333  Cannabis Sativa Body Butter ..............................120g  30 990213   10.01         B
     484280  KZ Natural Whey Caramel Choc Chip .................840g   4 132211   26.70         B  463334  Cannabis Sativa Body Butter ................................50g  30 990206   4.66         B
     484100  Kaizen Mocronized L-Glutamine ........................300 g  12 130514   10.99         B
                                                             B KALAYA SUPPLEMENTS
     484105  Kaizen Micronized Creatine ...............................300 g  12 120010   6.60                       W
     484110  Kaizen BCAA ....................................................300 g  12 130613   20.34         B  888-829-7165
     484115  Kaizen Pre-Workout Pink Lemonade .................243 g  12 143293   18.19         B
     484120  Kaizen Natural Pre-Workout Iced Tea ................255 g  12 143378   18.19         B  Kalaya is a medically directed, proudly Canadian, health and wellness brand that uses problem-
     484125  Kaizen Caffeine .........................................100 tablets  144 111179   3.29         B  solution based formulations. Under the leadership of Dr. Keith Burk M.D. and Phil Hudson BPharm,
                                                               Kalaya’s dedicated medical team carefully analyze, research, and develop products that are
     484131  Kaizen Pre-Workout Green Apple .......................258g  12 132761   18.19         B  medically designed to provide treatment and relief.
     484135  Kaizen BCAA Green Apple .................................246g  12 143392   20.34         M  WEIGHT LOSS
     KAIZEN VEGAN PROTEIN                                      463715  Green Coffee Bean the Orig. Svetol ............... 45 caps  12 970512   16.71         E
     484300  Kaizen Vegan Protein Chocolate ........................840 g   4 131870   29.69         B
     484305  Kaizen Vegan Protein Vanilla .............................840 g   4 131825   29.69         B
     484310  Kaizen Vegan Protein Mixed Berry ....................840 g   4 137209   29.69         B
                                                                                                 MARCH - APRIL 2021  131
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