Page 89 - May June Grocery
P. 89

Stock   Description                              Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal  Sale   UPC       PAF  GLU  ORG  KOS  VEG  HAL    FTR  Lang.
     ID#                                                        Price     Month  Price                     NGM

     616940  Pur Secondary Sku Clip Strip .........................................................................................1 unit   109.95   15%  J  93.46   2 08 30028 04476 6   A  G      N      V         E
         Pur Secondary Sku Clip Strip 1  x  wintergreen gum bag clip strip (12 bags) 1  x  cinnamon gum bag clip strip (12 bags) 1  x  chocolate mint gum bag clip strip (12 bags)
     616945  Pur Core Sku Clip Strip ..................................................................................................1 unit   109.95   15%  J  93.46  2 08 30028 04469 9  A  G
         Pur Core Sku Clip Strip- 1  x  peppermint gum bag clip strip (12 bags) 1  x  spearmint gum bag clip strip (12 bags) 1  x  bubblegum gum bag clip strip (12 bags)
     616300  Spearmint Mints .........................................................................................................12x22g  18.48  15%  J  15.71   8 30028 00105 1      G      N      V         B
     616305  Polar Mint Mints .........................................................................................................12x22g  18.48  15%  J  15.71   8 30028 00106 8      G      N      V         B
     616310  Peppermint mints .......................................................................................................12x22g  18.48  15%  J  15.71   8 30028 00104 4      G      N      V         B
     616315  Mojito Lime Mints .......................................................................................................12x22g  18.48  15%  J  15.71   8 30028 00107 5      G      N      V         B
     616320  Tangerine Tango Mints ................................................................................................12x22g  18.48  15%  J  15.71   8 30028 00108 2      G      N      V         B

     We believe in feeding our bodies clean and natural ingredients straight from the source. Which is why we use quality ingredients you can recognize and trust.  Our products are minimally processed to
     protect their natural goodness and free from GMO’s and any artificial ingredients, flavours and colours.  At Pure Goodness we offer you wholesome nutrition in its purest form.
     910105  Protein Clusters Sltd Crml/DrkCh ..............................................................................6x150 gr   47.43   40%  B  28.46   5 08 21138 05461 1      G      N      V         M
     910110  Protein Clusters Drk Ch/Sea Salt ...............................................................................6x150 gr   47.43   40%  B  28.46   5 08 21138 05447 7         O         V      F   M
     910121  Protein PB Spread Choc Hazelnut .............................................................................6x454 gr   51.73   40%  B  31.04   5 08 21138 05522 2      G      N      V         B
     910130  Powdered Peanut Butter ...........................................................................................6x454 gr   51.73   40%  B  31.04   5 08 21138 05553 3      G      N      V         M

     BROKERED BY  Connect Brand Management                             647-969-9412
      Rawcology’s plant powered grain free granolas and coconut chips are not your typical snacks - more flavour, more nutrition, the highest quality ingredients. Our products are certified organic, vegan, keto,
     paleo and free from the top 11 allergens so that everyone can enjoy them regardless of dietary restrictions. We also have a unique production process that dehydrates our snacks at low temperature to
     preserve nutrient quality and we are committed to using only the finest organic ingredients and superfoods for added nutrition.
              SAVE 15%  SELECT ITEMS JUN

     660200  Blueberry Grain Free Granola .................................................................................12 x 200 g   81.08      2 06 28504 73032 2   A  G  O  N      V         B
     660205  Lemon Ginger Grain Free Granola ..........................................................................12 x 200 g   81.08      2 06 28504 73025 5   A  G  O  N      V         B
     660210  Banana Grain Free Granola ....................................................................................12 x 200 g   81.08      2 06 28504 73018 8   A  G  O  N      V         B
     660215  Chocolate Grain Free Granola ................................................................................12 x 200 g   81.08      2 06 28504 73001 1   A  G  O  N      V         B
     660100  Matcha Latte Coconut Chips ....................................................................................12 x 70 g   45.08   15%  J  38.32   2 06 28504 73346 6   A  G  O  N      V         B
     660105  Chocolate Coconut Chips ........................................................................................12 x 70 g   45.08   15%  J  38.32   2 06 28504 73339 9   A  G  O  N      V         B
     660110  Rockin’ Ranch Coconut Chips .................................................................................12 x 70 g   45.08   15%  J  38.32   2 06 28504 73322 2   A  G  O  N      V         B
     660115  Smoky Cheeze Coconut Chips .................................................................................12 x 70 g   45.08   15%  J  38.32   2 06 28504 73315 5   A  G  O  N      V         B
     BROKERED BY  iLevel Management Inc. or      (800) 367-7258
     Near the small town of Redmond, in central Utah, approximately 200 miles south of Salt Lake City, we extract this hand-selected salt from deep within the earth, and bring it to you in its pure, natural state-
     without any additives, chemicals, or heat processing. This is RealSalt, full of flavor and natural goodness-the way salt was meant to be savored!
              SAVE 20%   SELECT ITEMS MAY
     Non-Deal Periods (per category): 10- 17 Cases = 5% 18+ Cases = 10%
     755100  Real Salt Granular Shaker ..............................................................................................135 g   4.45   0 18788 99267 7  M
     755105  Real Salt granular shaker ...............................................................................................284 g   6.33   0 18788 90500 4  B
     755107  Real Salt Pocket Shaker ..............................................................................................0.21 oz   2.45   0 18788 10402 5
     755110  Stand-up Pouch (fine) ...................................................................................................737 g   10.90   20%  M  8.72  0 18788 99261 5  B
     755115  Travel Shaker ...................................................................................................................55 g   3.17   0 18788 99266 0  B
     755145  Fine Salt Grinder .........................................................................................................4.75 oz   6.33   0 18788 20744 3  M
     755216  Course Grind Pouch ......................................................................................................454 g   8.63   20%  M  6.90  0 18788 99262 2  B
     755225  Kosher Sea Salt Pouch ..................................................................................................454 g   8.62   20%  M  6.90  0 18788 99270 7  B
     755330  RealSalt -- Kosher Shaker ..............................................................................................284 g   6.33   0 18788 10140 6
     755335  Organic Garlic Salt ......................................................................................................4.75 oz   6.33   0 18788 10180 2
     755340  Organic Onion Salt ......................................................................................................4.75 oz   6.33   0 18788 10184 0
     755345  RealSalt -- Organic Season Salt .....................................................................................116 g   6.33   0 18788 10188 8  B


                           PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 16 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
                                                                                                    MAY - JUNE  2021  87
   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94