Page 94 - May June Grocery
P. 94

Stock   Description                              Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal  Sale   UPC       PAF  GLU  ORG  NGM  KOS  VEG  HAL    FTR  Lang.
     ID#                                                        Price     Month  Price

     987155  Simply Protein Whey Chocolate Mint .......................................................................12 x 40 g   22.56   15%  B  19.18  8 52735 00179 7  B
     987940  Simply Protein Floorstand ..............................................................................................1 unit   167.68   6 86207 90503 6  N  K  B
         Contains: 2 caddies each: Peanut Butter Chocolate, Lemon Coconut, Chocolate Caramel, Double Chocolate
     987945  Simply Protein Collagen FS ............................................................................................1 unit   180.48   6 86207 90507 4  B
         Contains: 4 caddies each: Collagen Dark Choc Almond Cherry, Collagen Dark Choc PB Strawberry

     SMARTSHAKE                           (412) 227-0400
     Smartshake is one of the best selling shaker cups/water bottles available.
     712250  Revive Camo Black .........................................................................................................25oz  9.86  7350057185452  A  G
     712255  Revive Camo White ........................................................................................................25oz  9.86  7350057185469  A  G  E
     712260  Revive Camo Orange ......................................................................................................25oz  9.86  7350057185476  A  G  E
     SMARTSWEETS                                          W                           604 279 0019
     Enjoy the first smart candy that naturally kicks sugar. Every ingredient we use is non-GMO, always real and never artificial. SmartSweets gummy bears are chewy and bursting with juicy, fruity flavour, with
     only 1g sugar per 22g serving!  No gluten, sugar alcohols or artificial sweeteners. Made with real ingredients that kick sugar so you can feel good about every bite!*MAP Policy Applies*
     521901E SmartSweets Floor Stand - Empty ..........................................................................................  66980910528  A  G  B
         SmartSweets Floor Stand - Required fill: any 12 cartons of SmartSweets. Can mix and match Gummy Bears (521101 and 521106), Sweet Fish (521115), and Sour Blast Buddies (521120) and Peach Rings (521125).
     521106  Gummy Bears Fruity .................................................................................................12 x 50g   32.04   6 69809 10011 5  A  G  B
     521115  Sweet Fish................................................................................................................12 x 50g   32.04      6 69809 10021 4   A  G      N      V         B
     521120  Sour Blast Buddies ...................................................................................................12 x 50g   32.04   6 69809 10041 2  V  B
     521125  Peach Rings .............................................................................................................12 x 50g   32.04      6 69809 10055 9   A  G            V         B
     521135  Sourmelon Bites .........................................................................................................12x50g  32.04     6 69809 10081 8   A  G            V         B
     521140  Gummy Worms - New................................................................................................12x50g  32.04  6 69809 10065 8  A  G  B
     SNACK CONSCIOUS                                      W

     BROKERED BY  Connect Brand Management                       (877) 834-5227
     Outrageously Delicious Superfood Snacks for Super Busy People.
              SAVE 15%  LINE DRIVE JUN

     697200  Chocolate Brownie Bites .............................................................................................12x45g  29.51     8 51141 00192 6      G  O  N      V         B
     697205  PB Chocolate Chip Bites .............................................................................................12x45g  29.51     8 51141 00198 8      G  O  N      V         B
     697210  Peanut Butter and Jam Bites .....................................................................................12 x 45g   29.51      8 51141 00195 7      G  O  N      V         B
     697215  Peanut Butter and Jam Bites .....................................................................................12x150g  85.72     2 08 51141 01944 4      G  O  N      V         B
     697220  PB Chocolate Chip Bites ...........................................................................................12x150g  85.72     2 08 51141 01975 5      G  O  N      V         B
     697225  Chocolate Brownie Bites ...........................................................................................12x150g  85.72     2 08 51141 01913 3      G  O  N      V         B
     697101  Peanut Butter Coconut ................................................................................................12x40g  27.35  15%  J  23.25   8 51141 00110 0      G  O  N      V         B
     697106  Matcha Cashew Vanilla ...............................................................................................12x40g  27.59  15%  J  23.45   8 51141 00140 7      G  O  N      V         B
     697110  Matcha Cashew Vanilla .............................................................................................6 x 200g   54.41   15%  J  46.25   1 08 51141 01053 3      G  O  N      V         B
     697115  Peanut Butter Cherry Choc .......................................................................................6 x 200g   54.41   15%  J  46.25   1 08 51141 01077 7      G  O  N      V         B
     697125  DK Choc Almond Blueberry ......................................................................................6 x 200g   54.41   15%  J  46.25   1 08 51141 01091 1      G  O  N      V         B
     697135  Peanut Butter Coconut ..............................................................................................6 x 200g   54.41   15%  J  46.25   1 08 51141 01145 5      G  O  N      V         B
     697146  Apricot Walnut Cinnamon ...........................................................................................12x40g  27.59  15%  J  23.45   8 51141 00122 3      G  O  N      V         B
     697151  Peanut Butter Cherry Choc .........................................................................................12x40g  27.59  15%  J  23.45   8 51141 00124 7      G  O  N      V         B
     697156  DK Choc Almond Blueberry ........................................................................................12x40g  27.59  15%  J  23.45   8 51141 00123 0      G  O  N      V         B
     SOAP WORKS - INCLUDED IN BUSINESS PARTNER            W                         800 440 5597
     At Soap Works we have been making biodegradable and specialty soaps for over 30 years. We use time tested soap recipes, traditional ingredients, and old fashioned production methods. We strive to
     maintain high quality at reasonable prices.
     795310  Laundry Powder Soap ..................................................................................................1.8 kg   10.38      6 70841 00801 7   A  G            V         B
     795315  Liquid Laundry Soap .........................................................................................................4 L   26.67   6 70841 00516 0  K  V  B
     795320  Safe Bleach ...................................................................................................................600 g   5.16      6 70841 00803 1   A  G            V         B
     795325  Liquid Laundry Soap ...................................................................................................950 ml   8.01      6 70841 00515 3   A  G         K  V         B
     795330  Old Fashioned Laundry Bars ..........................................................................................227 g   1.41   6 70841 00802 4  A  G  B


     PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 16 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99