Page 98 - May June Grocery
P. 98

Stock   Description                              Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal  Sale   UPC       PAF  GLU  ORG  NGM  KOS  VEG  HAL    FTR  Lang.
     ID#                                                        Price     Month  Price
     SPROOS                                               W
     BROKERED BY  Indigo Natural Products Management                           (604) 677-0907
     Sproos is a Whistler-based company that creates innovative functional products providing purposeful, clean and sustainable nutrition. We are on a mission to make health simple and our products make it
     easy to incorporate health-enhancing ingredients, including collagen, MCT and mushrooms, into your daily routine. The path is yours, we just fuel it.
     Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure the BARS shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months.  No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-date or unsold Products

     791105  Sproos Up Your Skin & Hair ...................................................................................10 x 15.7g   21.86   10%  M  19.67   6 28110 21910 7      G      N               B
     791110  Sproos Grass-Fed Collagen ........................................................................................10x10g  15.62  10%  M  14.06  6 28110 21923 7  N  B
     791115  Sproos Marine Collagen .............................................................................................10x10g  18.74  10%  M  16.87  6 28110 21922 0  N
     791120  Sproos Up Your Joints .............................................................................................10x18.7g  21.86  10%  M  19.67   6 28110 21912 1      G      N               B
     791150  Performance Multi-Collagen ...........................................................................................400g  34.36  10%  M  30.92  6 28110 21928 2  N  B
     791200  Sproos Grass-Fed Collagen ............................................................................................300g  21.86  10%  M  19.67  6 28110 21921 3  B
     791205  Sproos Marine Collagen .................................................................................................240g  28.12  10%  M  25.31  6 28110 21920 6  N  B
     791210  Sproos Up Your Skin & Hair ............................................................................................283g  31.24  10%  M  28.12  6 28110 21901 5  N  B
     791215  Sproos Up Your Joints ....................................................................................................337g  31.24  10%  M  28.12  6 28110 21903 9  N  B
     791220  Sproos Up Your Gut ........................................................................................................309g  31.24  10%  M  28.12  6 28110 21902 2  N  B
     791301  Chocolate Almond Bar ..............................................................................................12 x 45g   27.24   15%  M  23.15  6 28110 21933 6  B
     791306  Lemon Coconut Bar .................................................................................................12 x 45g   27.24   15%  M  23.15  6 28110 21942 8  B
     791315  Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Bar .............................................................................12 x 45g   27.24   15%  M  23.15  6 28110 21935 0  B
     791320  Mint Chocolate Bar ...................................................................................................12 x 45g   27.24   15%  M  23.15  6 28110 21934 3  B

     ST. FRANCIS HERB FARM INC.                           W
     BROKERED BY  Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing
     www.stfrancisherbfarm                        (800) 219-6226
     Based in the Ottawa valley, St Francis Herb Farm has been making quality herbal products, crafted with care and attention, for over 30 years.  We make carefully considered decisions in every step of the
     process from seed to shelf, to bring the best out of every herb – maximizing efficacy, potency and healing potential.  For us, the way herbal medicine is made matters.
     52 FIELDS
     709651  Ghee & MCT Oil ...........................................................................................................500 ml   17.55   8 17695 00893 4  N  B
     709652  MCT Oil .......................................................................................................................500 ml   15.17      8 17695 00414 1            N      V         B
     709653  Organic Ghee .................................................................................................................370g  22.37  8 17695 00908 5  O  N  B
     709654  Ghee ..............................................................................................................................370g  13.45  8 17695 00914 6  N  B
     709655  Coconut Oil & Ghee ........................................................................................................800g  18.91  8 17695 00207 9  N  B
     709656  Coconut Oil & Ghee ........................................................................................................370g  11.09  8 17695 00206 2  N  B
     709657  Coconut Oil and Organic Ghee ........................................................................................800g  26.12  8 17695 00913 9  O  N  B
     709658  Coconut Oil and Organic Ghee ........................................................................................370g  15.26  8 17695 00912 2  O  N  B
     709659  Coconut Oil & MCT Oil ...............................................................................................1000 ml   18.29      8 17695 00205 5            N      V         B
     709660  Coconut Oil & MCT Oil .................................................................................................500 ml   11.22      8 17695 00204 8            N      V         B
     709661  Coconut Oil ....................................................................................................................800g  18.97     8 17695 00911 5            N      V         B
     709662  Coconut Oil ....................................................................................................................370g  11.87     8 17695 00910 8            N      V         B
     STICKLING’S BAKERY                                   W
     BROKERED BY  iLevel Management Inc.
     For 80 years Stickling’s Bakery has been known for its rustic, organic sourdough breads which are baked according to traditional family recipes that have been passed down from one generation to the
              SAVE 15%   LINE DRIVE MAY

     Mix & Match – Dry/Shelf Stable products:
     During Deal Periods; 12+ cases = additional 5% off.
     During Non-Deal Periods; 6+ cases = 5% off, 12+ cases = 10% off.
     718100  Gluten-Free Rice Bread Crumbs................................................................................6 x 500g   42.19   15%  M  35.86  1 07 75918 02015 5  G  B
     718105  Gluten Free Pizza Crust - Wht Rice ...........................................................................6 x 300g   37.01   15%  M  31.46  1 07 75918 01100 0  G  B
     718110  Gluten-Free Croutons ................................................................................................6 x 175g   29.43   15%  M  25.02  1 07 75918 02039 9  G  B
     718115  Marzipan Stollen .........................................................................................................8x450g  104.65  1 07 75918 07041 1  B
     718120  Spelt Fruit & Nut Cake ................................................................................................8x450g  104.65  1 07 75918 07010 0  B
     718125  Stollen ........................................................................................................................8x450g  104.65  1 07 75918 07003 3  E


     PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 16 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103