Page 14 - PL_MarketingOpportunities2022
P. 14


                                                         What will you learn today?

        - Presentation: PowerPoint or PDF (Landscape format) 1920px x 1080px (20 x 11:25 ratio)
        - Videos: MP4 file or YouTube Link
        - Images: JPEG or PNG
           - Logo Image: 400px x 250px
           - Course Header Images: 1920px x 300px
           - Lesson Icons: 50px x 50px

                   Onboarding                        Subscription Fee                   Additional Lessons
                       $850                              $75 / month                             $185
              - Organizing and Developing       - To be billed prorated once a year  For courses greater than 3 lessons,
                   Course Outline                   - Maintenance of Course           there is a $185 upload fee per
          - Uploading of Content/ Interactivity  - Unlimited Availability to Update        additional lesson.
                  - 3 Course Lessons                       Material
            - Initial Top Location on Platform   - Quarterly Reporting on Learner/
                     Dashboard                         Store Completion
          - Advertisement on Purity Life Social   - Full Arrangement/Shipment of
                   Media Platforms               Product Incentives upon Course
                 - Catalogue Feature                     Completion

                   Contact or for more information.

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