Page 15 - PL_MarketingOpportunities2022
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        Note: Billing will be charged by individual ads as they are completed. Additional charges will be billed at
        $100/hr for any modifications & changes that need to be made to your submitted artwork.
        Packages must be used between Jan-Dec 2022; regular submission deadlines still apply & are non-negotiable.
        While every effort will be made to accomodate specific requests, decisions regarding ad placement, flow, etc. are
        ultimately made at the discretion of Purity Life. Purity Life also reserves the right to review ad content for accuracy and
        compliance to applicable regulations, as appropriate.
        We would be happy to help you with any of your Purity Life advertising needs!
        For more information or to book your package, please email us at or contact
        Sheri McDowell at ext 377 or Emily Albrecht at ext 220.

            Bi-Monthly Catalogue                                   CustomerLink (Purity Order Site)

            New Brand Highlight .....................  $650        Sticky Squre Highlight 2 weeks ... $450
            Full Page Ad ..................................... $1300  Sticky Square Highlight 4 weeks . $700
            Half Page Ad .................................... $775  Homepage Banner 2 weeks ......... $500
            Inside Back/Inside Front Cover .... $1500              Homepage Banner 4 weeks ......... $750
            Back Cover ....................................... $1650

            In-Catalogue Seasonal Feature ...  Inquire             Digital, Social and E-Marketing
            Product Feature .............................. $800    Social Media Story .......................... $125
            Listing Image ................................... $150  Social Media Post ........................... $275

            Catalogue Insert ............... $1200 - $6000         Purity Pulse Newsletter ................ $750
                                                                   Video (Incl. Social Media) ..............  $825

            Education Portal
                                                                   Extra Exposure
            Onboarding .....................................  $850
            (includes 3 lessons, social media post & story, inclusion in Purity Pulse,   Extra Promo Printed material ...... Inquire
            catalogue feature and any additional Education Portal Ads)  Custom Order Form ....................... $225
            Monthly Fee ....................... $75 / month        Truck Graphics - Side ...................... Inquire
            Additional Lessons ......................... $185
                                                                   Truck Graphics - Back ..................... Inquire
                                                                   Sales Team Webinar  ...................... $250
                                                                   * Limited space available
            Homepage for 2 Weeks .................  $300           Employee Sampling Program ......  Inquire
            Homepage for 4 Weeks ................. $500

                                                                       SCAN OR CLICK THE
                                                                      QR CODE TO SIGN UP
                                                               SPACE IS LIMITED, DON’T MISS OUT!
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