Page 39 - JulyAugust Grocery
P. 39

Stock   Description                              Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal  Sale   UPC       PAF  GLU  ORG  KOS  VEG  HAL    FTR  Lang.
     ID#                                                        Price     Month  Price                     NGM
     ARTE & VITA                                          W
     ARTE & VITA (Art & Life in Italian) is a trademarked brand owned by Artizan Fine Foods, Inc. of Montreal, QC. Rarely do you hear “great tasting” and “gluten-free” in the same breath. That’s our mission,
     our commitment at Arte & Vita: to create delicious snacks that provide excellent nutrition for those pursuing healthy lifestyles. We start with the finest 100% natural ingredients. Prepare them in the
     honored traditions of the Mediterranean region, where our families originated. Foods nutritiously vegan, gluten-free, allergen free and, yes, great tasting. Nothing artificial, ever. Perfect choices for the
     health-conscious and perfectly safe for celiacs.
     Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.
     168100  Pita Crisps - Garlic & SDT .......................................................................................9 x 130 g   38.31      1 06 27843 29815 5   A  G      N  K  V         B
     168110  Pita Crisps - Fresh & Original ...................................................................................9 x 130 g   38.31      1 06 27843 29792 2   A  G      N  K  V         B
     ATTITUDE                                             W
     BROKERED BY  M2 Brand Management                            (514) 509-7225
     Eco friendly household cleaners, health and beauty products and baby products.
              SAVE 10%  SELECT ITEMS AUG
     Regular Household:25 cases 5% off, 50 cases 10% off, 75 cases 15% off,100 cases 20% off
     Baby Leaves & Little Leaves: 48 units 5% off 96 units 10% off 144 units 15% off
     137377  Air Purifier Pear Nectar ..................................................................................................227 g   5.00   10%  A  4.50   6 26232 15212 8   A  G            V         B
     137378  Air Purifier Almond Milk .................................................................................................227 g   5.00   10%  A  4.50  6 26232 15213 5  A  G  B
     137379  Air Purifier Apple............................................................................................................227 g   5.00   10%  A  4.50  6 26232 15214 2  A  G  B
     137381  Air Purifier Orange Pomegranate ....................................................................................227 g   5.00   10%  A  4.50   6 26232 15211 1   A  G            V         B
     137125  Laundry Det. Fragrance Free (35) .................................................................................1.05 L   7.85   6 26232 12033 2  B
     137136  Fabric Soft - Citrus Zest .....................................................................................................1 L   6.42   6 26232 12142 1  B
     137141  Fabric Softener Fragrance Free (40) ...................................................................................1 L   6.42      6 26232 12143 8      G            V         B
     137220  Laundry Detergent Wildflowers (36) .............................................................................1.05 L   7.85   6 26232 12070 7  B
     137259  Laundry Det. 3x Pink Grapefruit ....................................................................................1.05 L   7.85   6 26232 12036 3  B
     137262  Fabric Softener Pink Grapefruit ..........................................................................................1 L   6.42   6 26232 12146 9  B
     137264  Sensitive Skin Laundry Det. (80) .......................................................................................2 L   9.76   6 26232 60205 0  V  B
     137267  Laundry Stain Remover Little Ones ..............................................................................475 ml   4.27   6 26232 12559 7  B
     137269  Fabric Softener Pink Grapefruit(80) ....................................................................................2 L   6.76   6 26232 12186 5  V  B
     137270  Fabric Softener Fragrance Free (80) ...................................................................................2 L   6.76   6 26232 12183 4  V  B
     137271  Fabric Softener Citrus Zest (80) .........................................................................................2 L   6.76   6 26232 12182 7  V  B
     137272  Fabric Softener Wildflowers (80) .......................................................................................2 L   6.76   6 26232 12180 3  V  B
     137273  Laundry Det.Pink Grapefruit (80) .......................................................................................2 L   9.76   6 26232 12086 8  V  B
     137274  Laundry Det. Fragrance Free (80) ......................................................................................2 L   9.76   6 26232 12083 7  V  B
     137275  Laundry Det. Citrus Zest (80) ............................................................................................2 L   9.76   6 26232 12082 0  V  B
     137276  Laundry Det. Wildflowers (80) ...........................................................................................2 L   9.76   6 26232 12080 6  V  B
     137277  Laundry Det. 3x Citrus Zest (35) ...................................................................................1.05 L   7.85      6 26232 52034 7   A  G            V         B
     137278  Laundry Det. 3x Wildflowers (35) .................................................................................1.05 L   7.85      6 26232 52032 3      G            V         B
     137305  Laundry Detergent Citrus Zest (36) ...............................................................................1.05 L   7.85   6 26232 12072 1  B
     137321  Fabric Softener 40 loads Wildflower ..................................................................................1 L   6.42   6 26232 12144 5  B
     137385  Anti-Static - 300 loads ............................................................................................ 300 loads   8.57      6 26232 12400 2   A  G            V         B
     137395  Laundry Stain Remover ...............................................................................................800 ml   5.00   6 26232 12500 9  B
     137245  Dishwashing Liquid-Citrus Zest ...................................................................................700 ml   3.42   6 26232 13172 7  B
     137265  Dishwashing Liquid - Baby FF......................................................................................700 ml   2.85   6 26232 13179 6  V  B
     137325  Dishwashing Liquid Wildflowers ..................................................................................700 ml   3.42      6 26232 13173 4   A  G            V         B
     137326  Dishwashing Liq. Fragrance Free 1L ..................................................................................1 L   4.50   6 26232 13189 5  V  B
     137327  Dishwash Liquid Coriander&Olive ................................................................................700 ml   3.42   6 26232 13175 8  V  B
     137328  Dishwash Liquid Green Apple&Basil ............................................................................700 ml   3.42   6 26232 13174 1  B
     137329  Dishwashing Liq. Pink Grapefruit 1L ..................................................................................1 L   4.50   6 26232 13186 4  V  B
     137330  Dishwashing Liquid Wildflowers 1L ...................................................................................1 L   4.50   6 26232 13183 3  V  B
     137331  Dishwashing Liquid Citrus Zest 1L .....................................................................................1 L   4.50   6 26232 13182 6  V  B
     137338  Dishwasher Detergent Eco-loads 26 ......................................................................... 26 loads   7.35   6 26232 13228 1  B
     137341  Dishwashing Liquid Pink Grapefruit .............................................................................700 ml   3.42   6 26232 13176 5  B
     137261  Air Purifier Sparkling Fun ...............................................................................................227 g   5.00   6 26232 15220 3  B
     137375  Air Purifier Eucalyptus&Lavender ...................................................................................227 g   5.00   6 26232 15228 9  B
     137376  Air Purifier Pink Grapefruit .............................................................................................227 g   5.00   6 26232 15226 5  B
     137200  All Purpose Cleaner - Citrus Zest .................................................................................800 ml   3.57   6 26232 10180 5  B
     137202  Fruit & Vegetable Wash .................................................................................................800ml  3.57  6 26232 10780 7  B
     137205  Window & Mirror Cleaner  ...........................................................................................800 ml   3.57   6 26232 10280 2  B
     137207  Kitchen Cleaner ...........................................................................................................800 ml   3.57   6 26232 10680 0  B
     137210  Daily Shower Cleaner  .................................................................................................800 ml   3.57   6 26232 10380 9  B
     137215  Bathroom Cleaner  .......................................................................................................800 ml   3.57   6 26232 10480 6  B
     137227  All Purpose Cleaner  - Lavender ...................................................................................800 ml   3.57   6 26232 10182 9  V  B
     137230  All Purpose Cleaner Pink Grapefruit .............................................................................800 ml   3.57   6 26232 10186 7  V  B
     137250  Floor Surfaces Tiles & Wood .............................................................................................1 L   3.57   6 26232 10510 0  B
     137268  Toy & Surface Cleaner little ones .................................................................................475 ml   4.27   6 26232 10159 1  B
     137300  Disinfectant 99.9% ......................................................................................................800 ml   3.57   6 26232 10910 8  B


                           PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 14 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
                                                                                                 JULY - AUGUST  2020  37
   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44