Page 43 - JulyAugust Grocery
P. 43

Stock   Description                              Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal  Sale   UPC       PAF  GLU  ORG  KOS  VEG  HAL    FTR  Lang.
     ID#                                                        Price     Month  Price                     NGM

     BROKERED BY  Hofstetter Marketing Services, Naturally Perfect Consulting
                                                  (647) 952-4242
     Briut imports the highest quality Pomegranate from Azerbaijan, the birthplace of the paradise apple.Pomegranate is considered to be one of the most useful fruit and the pomegranate juice contains a
     complex of vitamins and minerals with minimal calories. Pomegranate is the national symbol of Azerbaijan, that’s why a special holiday is held every autumn devoted to this king of fruits. It is called the
     Pomegranate Festival.
     10+cases = 10% off, 20+cases = 15% off,50+cases = 20% off
     Discount is not in conjunction with any other promos
     148100  Pomegranate Juice .......................................................................................................9 x 1L   79.05      1 06 28250 22012 2   A  G         K  V         B
     BROKERED BY  Abundant by Design Inc.                (718) 788-0200
     Brooklyn Born Chocolate uses the finest ingredients with no added fillers or preservatives. The company’s signature confections blend exotic fruits, spices and herbs with all-American ingredients including
     peanuts, crispy rice and graham crackers. Sincerely, Chef Bonnet.
     Important Notice:  Purity Life will ensure that all Brooklyn Born Chocolate shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months.  No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-date or unsold
     142200  Dark Chocolate Almond Butter Cups ...................................................................... 12 x 1.2oz   31.14   8 79183 00304 3  O  B
     142100  Dark Chocolate Cashew Butter Cups ..................................................................... 12 x 1.2oz   31.14   8 79183 00037 0  O  B
     142300  White Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups ...................................................................... 12 x 1.4oz   24.91   8 79183 00020 2  O  B
     142305  Dark Peanut Butter Cups ........................................................................................ 12 x 1.4oz   24.91   8 79183 00023 3  O  B
     142310  Milk Peanut Butter Cups ........................................................................................ 12 x 1.4oz   24.91   8 79183 00026 4  O  B
     142400  Dark Coffee Hazelnut Paleo Bar.............................................................................. 12 x 2.1oz   51.89      8 60000 17291 2         O         V         B
     142405  Almond Butter Paleo Bar ........................................................................................ 12 x 2.1oz   51.89      8 79183 00303 6         O         V         B
     142410  Coconut Chia Paleo Bar ......................................................................................... 12 x 2.1oz   51.89      8 60000 17294 3         O         V         B
     142415  Dark ChocBanana Cashew Paleo Bar ..................................................................... 12 x 2.1oz   51.89   8 79183 00298 5  O  B
     142500  Keto - Himalayan Sea Salt .......................................................................................12 x 60 g   58.38   8 79183 00514 6  O  B
     142505  Keto - Lemon Coffee ...............................................................................................12 x 60 g   58.38   8 79183 00465 1  O  B
     142510  Keto - Salted Almonds .............................................................................................12 x 60 g   58.38   8 79183 00460 6  O  B
     142515  Keto - Mint Cacao Nibs ............................................................................................12 x 60 g   58.38   8 79183 00463 7  O  B
     142520  Keto - Coconut Milk .................................................................................................12 x 60 g   58.38   8 79183 00551 1  O  B
     BROYA                                                W
     Broya bone broth offers 2 SKU’s; chicken and beef bone broth. The bones are simmered for 24 hours to ensure optimal extraction of collagen protein and other micronutrients and minerals. Broya uses
     organic vegetables and spices along with their organic chicken bones and antibiotic and hormone free beef bones.
     180100  Turmeric & GingerChicken Bone Broth .....................................................................6X295 ml   35.03      1 06 28451 97040 0   A  G  O  N               B
     180105  Parsley & Cumin Beef Bone Broth ............................................................................6X295 ml   35.03      1 06 28451 97040 0   A  G  O  N               B
     180110  Tomato & Smkd Pprka Beef Bone Broth ...................................................................6x295 ml   35.03      1 06 28451 97064 4   A  G  O  N               B
     180115  Sriracha & Chili Chicken Bone Broth ........................................................................6x295 ml   35.03      1 06 28451 97057 7   A  G  O  N               B
     BROKERED BY  M2 Brand Management                              (360) 775-2931
     Bulletproof is an industry leader in coffee, nutrition and supplements developed to help people perform better, think faster, and live up to their fullest potential using a blend of time-tested knowledge and
     cutting-edge technology. Our supplements and foods are the purest available anywhere, and customers can expect to see an immediate difference in how they feel and perform. Environmentally conscious
     and ethically sourced products build a sustainable foundation for future generations to thrive. People worldwide are discovering the benefits of the Bulletproof Lifestyle. They’re losing weight, thinking
     faster, and feeling amazingly energized.
     Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.
     Brain Octane 473 ml & Upgraded Coffee Whole Bean:96 units for 5% Off
     All other SKUs, including large oils:48 units for 5% Off **per individual SKU, not mix & match within the tiers
     120130  The Mentalist Whole Bean Coffee ..................................................................................340 g   16.54   8 15709 02163 4  A  G  B
     120301  The Original Whole Bean Reg. Coffee .............................................................................340 g   16.54      8 15709 02084 2   A  G            V         B
     120320  The Original Ground Regular Coffee ...............................................................................340 g   16.54      8 15709 02083 5   A  G            V         B
     120325  The Original Ground Decaf Coffee ..................................................................................340 g   16.54      8 15709 02085 9   A  G            V         B
     120335  The French Kick Whole Bean Coffee ..............................................................................340 g   16.54      8 15709 02164 1   A  G            V         B
     120340  The Original Whole Bean Deca Coffee ............................................................................340 g   16.54      8 15709 02086 6   A  G            V         B
     MCT OIL
     120101  Bulletproof® Brain Octane ...........................................................................................473 ml   25.22      8 15709 02135 1   A  G            V         M
     120104  Bulletproof® Brain Octane ...........................................................................................946 ml   45.77   8 15709 02106 1  A  G  B
     120106  Bulletproof® XCT Oil ...................................................................................................473 ml   17.35   8 15709 02109 2  A  G  B
     120111  Bulletproof® XCT Oil ...................................................................................................946 ml   29.68   8 15709 02108 5  B
     120206  Bulletproof® Upgraded Collagen ...................................................................................454 g   38.39   8 15709 02076 7  B


                           PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 14 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
                                                                                                 JULY - AUGUST  2020  41
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