Page 89 - JulyAugust Grocery
P. 89

Stock   Description                              Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal  Sale   UPC       PAF  GLU  ORG  KOS  VEG  HAL    FTR  Lang.
     ID#                                                        Price     Month  Price                     NGM

     BROKERED BY  Atlas Brand Management                           (303) 999-3996
     Salba is the most nutritionally consistent and nutrient dense form of chia on the planet.
     Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.
     706100  Salba Chia Sprouted ......................................................................................................150 g   4.87   8 57562 00129 3  B
     706105  Salba Chia Premium Ground ..........................................................................................150 g   3.32   8 57562 00128 6  B
     706110  Salba Chia Whole Seed .................................................................................................300 g   4.36   8 57562 00127 9  B
     706115  Salba Chia Whole Seed Boost...................................................................................14 x 15g   6.75   8 57562 00134 7  B
     706120  Organic Premium Whole Salba Chia ...............................................................................275g  4.53     8 57562 00130 9   A  G  O  N      V         B
     706125  Dark Chocolate Salba Chia Seeds ...................................................................................140g  3.98     8 57562 00141 5      G      N  K  V         B
     Founded with a deep respect for ancient food traditions, we sprout to bring you all the nutrition that grains, seeds and beans have to offer. For centuries, people understood that soaking and sprouting
     grains, seeds and beans was necessary for consumption. This collective wisdom has become less common in the modern household, but is re-emerging as a way to enhance the digestibility and function of
     whole foods. Proudly sprouting organic grains, beans and seeds for Canadian pantries since 1985.
     693400  Sprouted Lentil Trio ...................................................................................................6 x 325g   29.35      1 06 97517 01506 6         O  N  K  V         B
     693405  Sprouted Mung Beans ..............................................................................................6 x 350g   29.34      1 06 97517 01445 5         O  N  K  V         B
     693410  Sprouted Pinto Beans ...............................................................................................6 x 350g   29.35      1 06 97517 01308 8         O  N  K  V         B
     693415  Sprouted Black Lentils ..............................................................................................6 x 350g   29.35      1 06 97517 01452 2         O  N  K  V         B
     693420  Sprouted Green Lentils .............................................................................................6 x 325g   29.35      1 06 97517 01339 9         O  N  K  V         B
     693425  Sprouted Black Beans ..............................................................................................6 x 350g   29.35      1 06 97517 01322 2         O  N  K  V         B
     693430  Sprouted Chickpeas .................................................................................................6 x 350g   29.35      1 06 97517 01315 5         O  N  K  V         B
     693200  Sprouted Tri-Colour Quinoa ......................................................................................6 x 400g   46.16      1 06 97517 01513 3         O  N  K  V         B
     693205  Sprouted Millet .........................................................................................................6 x 454g   29.35      1 06 97517 01421 1         O  N  K  V         B
     693210  Sprouted Buckwheat ................................................................................................6 x 400g   29.35      1 06 97517 01407 7         O  N  K  V         B
     693215  Sprouted Amaranth ..................................................................................................6 x 454g   29.35      1 06 97517 01438 8         O  N  K  V         B
     693220  Sprouted Farro..........................................................................................................6 x 454g   29.35      1 06 97517 01384 4         O  N  K  V         B
     693225  Sprouted Wheat Berries ............................................................................................6 x 454g   29.35      1 06 97517 01391 1         O  N  K  V         B
     693230  Sprouted Hulless Oats ..............................................................................................6 x 400g   29.35      1 06 97517 01179 9         O  N  K  V         B
     693235  Sprouted Quinoa .......................................................................................................6 x 400g   46.16      1 06 97517 01131 1         O  N  K  V         B
     693240  Sprouted Long Grain Brown Rice ..............................................................................6 x 454g   33.55      1 06 97517 01483 3         O  N  K  V         B
     693300  Sprouted Spelt Flour .................................................................................................6 x 500g   25.16      1 06 97517 01353 3         O  N  K            B
     693305  Sprouted Wheat Flour ...............................................................................................6 x 500g   25.16      1 06 97517 01346 6         O  N  K            B
     693310  Sprouted Buckwheat Flour ........................................................................................6 x 500g   29.35      1 06 97517 01476 6         O  N  K            B
     693315  Sprouted Oat Flour ....................................................................................................6 x 500g   29.35      1 06 97517 01360 0         O  N  K            B
     693320  Sprouted Chickpea Flour ...........................................................................................6 x 500g   29.35      1 06 97517 01377 7         O  N  K            B
     693100  Organic Sprouted Brown Flax Powder .......................................................................6 x 400g   50.35      1 06 97517 01162 2         O  N  K  V         B
     693500  Sprouted Wheat Banana Bread Mix ...........................................................................6 x 314g   29.35      1 06 97517 01087 7         O  N  K  V         B
     693505  Sprouted Whole Grain Scone Mix .............................................................................6 x 240g   29.35      1 06 97517 01117 7         O  N  K  V         B
     693510  Sprouted Black Bean Brownie Mix ............................................................................6 x 414g   29.35      1 06 97517 01070 0         O  N  K  V         B
     693515  Sprouted Wheat Pumpkin Muffin Mix ........................................................................6 x 488g   29.35      1 06 97517 01094 4         O  N  K  V         B
     693520  Sprouted Oatmeal Cookie Mix ...................................................................................6 x 299g   29.35      1 06 97517 01100 0         O  N  K  V         B
     693525  Sprouted Pizza Crust Mix ..........................................................................................6 x 520g   41.96      1 06 97517 01148 8         O  N  K  V         B
     693530  Sprouted Whole Grain Pancake Mix ..........................................................................6 x 300g   29.35      1 06 97517 01124 4         O  N  K  V         B
     BROKERED BY  Cyba-Stevens Natural
     Daily wellness from whole food ingredients. Enjoy a boost of antioxidants and vitamins!
     24+ units per category  = 10% off
     758300  MatchaLatte TropicalMango StickPack ...................................................................... 12 x 1oz   21.01      8 10232 02461 9   A  G      N  K  V         B
     758305  MatchaLatte Bombay Chai StickPack ........................................................................ 12 x 1oz   21.01      8 10232 02462 6   A  G      N  K  V         B
     758310  MatchaLatte Original StickPack ................................................................................. 12 x 1oz   21.01      8 10232 02460 2   A  G      N  K  V         B
     758315  Eco Tube Matcha Latte - Original ...................................................................................8.5oz  12.07     8 10232 02420 6   A  G      N  K  V         B
     758320  EcoTube Matcha Latte Bombay Chai..............................................................................8.5oz  12.07     8 10232 02422 0   A  G      N  K  V         B
     758325  EcoTube MatchaLatte TropicalMango ............................................................................8.5oz  12.07     8 10232 02421 3   A  G      N  K  V         B
     758200  GreenTea Mints SF Moroccan Mint ........................................................... 12 x .88oz Packets   21.01      8 10232 02045 1   A  G      N  K  V         B
     758205  GreenTea Mints SF Pink Dragonfruit .......................................................... 12 x .88oz Packets   21.01      8 10232 02043 7   A  G      N  K  V         B
     758210  GreenTea Mints SF Tropical Mango ........................................................... 12 x .88oz Packets   21.01      8 10232 02042 0   A  G      N  K  V         B
     758215  GreenTea Mints SF Yuzu Ginger ................................................................ 12 x .88oz Packets   21.01      8 10232 02041 3   A  G      N  K  V         B
     758220  GreenTeaMintsCanister TropicalMango .................................................................... 6 x 1.2oz   20.43      8 58755 00392 6   A  G      N  K  V         B
     758225  GreenTeaMints Canister - Original ............................................................................ 6 x 1.2oz   20.43      8 58755 00390 2   A  G      N  K  V         B
     758230  GreenTeaMints Canister Yuzu Ginger ........................................................................ 6 x 1.2oz   20.43      8 58755 00391 9   A  G      N  K  V         B
     758235  GreenTeaMintsCnstr Pink Dragonfruit ...................................................................... 6 x 1.2oz   20.43      8 58755 00393 3   A  G      N  K  V         B
     758240  GreenTeaMints Canister Bombay Chai ..................................................................... 6 x 1.2oz   20.43      8 58755 00394 0   A  G      N  K  V         B
     758245  GreenTeaMintsCanister Moroccan Mint.................................................................... 6 x 1.2oz   20.43      8 58755 00395 7   A  G      N  K  V         B

                           PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 14 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
                                                                                                 JULY - AUGUST  2020  87
   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94