Page 94 - JulyAugust Grocery
P. 94

Stock   Description                              Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal  Sale   UPC       PAF  GLU  ORG  NGM  KOS  VEG  HAL    FTR  Lang.
     ID#                                                        Price     Month  Price
     SOLO GI NUTRITION                                    W

     BROKERED BY  Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing                         (866) 765-6944
     A Canadian company, SoLo GI Nutrition are the inventors of the low glycemic and gluten-free certitifed SoLo GI energy and nutrition bars.  Packed full of nutrients, protein and fibre, SoLo GI Bars give you
     energy that sustains without the spike, crash and crave, making these award winning bars the ideal between-meal snack for sustained energy, diet and weight loss and blood sugar management.
     Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.
              SAVE 15%  LINE DRIVE AUG
     Case Stack Deals Floor Display - Buy 1 get 15% off, Buy 2 get 20% off (must be on same order).
     Case Stack Deal Open Stock - 50 Trays Mix & Match = 20% Off,Not to be combined with monthly promotions.
     716920  Solo Gi Floor Displayer 96ct/8trays .......................................................................... 1 Display   185.60   15%  A  157.76  8 97024 00002 0  B
          Comes pre-loaded with the following items: 2 trays of  Lemon Lift, 3 trays of  Peanut Power,  3 trays Chocolate Charger
     716925  Superfood  Prepack 96ct/16 Trays .................................................................................96ct/  185.60  15%  A  157.76  8 97024 00023 5  B
          Solo Nutbutter Bars x 30 bars , SoLo Nuts and Seeds bar x 30 bars, SoLo Fruit and Nuts x 36 bars
     716106  Dark Chocolate Mandarin ........................................................................................12 X 40G   23.20   15%  A  19.72   8 41894 00510 4      G         K            B
     716111  Lemon .....................................................................................................................12 X 40G   23.20   15%  A  19.72   8 41894 00508 1      G         K            B
     716116  Chocolate Brownie ..................................................................................................12 X 40G   23.20   15%  A  19.72   8 41894 00507 4      G         K            B
     716121  Peanut Butter ...........................................................................................................12 X 40G   23.20   15%  A  19.72   8 41894 00509 8      G         K            B
     716141  Dark Chocolate Coconut Mint ..................................................................................12 X 40G   23.20   15%  A  19.72   8 41894 00513 5      G         K            B
     716146  Peanut Caramel Sea Salt..........................................................................................12 X 40G   23.20   15%  A  19.72   8 41894 00511 1      G         K            B
     716151  White Chocolate Cherry ...........................................................................................12 X 40G   23.20   15%  A  19.72   8 41894 00512 8      G         K            B
     716200  Fruits & Nuts Superfood with baobab .........................................................................6 x 40g   11.60   15%  A  9.86  8 97024 00010 5  B
     716205  Nutbutter Superfood with baobab ...............................................................................6 x 43g   11.60   15%  A  9.86  8 97024 00013 6  B
     716210  Nuts & Seeds Superfood with baobab ........................................................................6 x 40g   11.60   15%  A  9.86  8 97024 00007 5  B
     SPECTRUM OILS   800-343-7833
     Buy 24 units and get 5% off, Buy 72 units and get 10% off,Buy 200 units and get 15% off
     600416  Avocado Oil .................................................................................................................236 ml   8.81      0 22506 15530 5      G         K  V         B
     600421  Sesame Oil Unrefined ..................................................................................................375 ml   8.18      0 22506 40437 3      G         K  V         B
     600426  Organic Safflower Oil Refined ......................................................................................375 ml   8.18      0 22506 40337 6      G  O      K  V         B
     600469  Almond Oil Refined ...............................................................................................6 x 375 ML   60.73      1 00 22506 10371 1      G         K  V         B
     600478  Walnut Oil Refined .......................................................................................................375 ml   8.81      0 22506 41637 6      G         K  V         B
     600499  Almond Oil Refined ......................................................................................................375 ml   10.31      0 22506 41037 4      G         K  V         B
     600403  Organic Mayo Soy .......................................................................................................473 ml   6.05      0 22506 20304 4      G  O      K  V         B
     600473  Mayo Canola ..............................................................................................................946 ML   6.34      0 78755 00294 5      G         K  V         B
     600496  Vegan Mayo Eggless ...................................................................................................473 ml   4.15      0 78755 00026 2      G         K  V         B
     600404  Extra Virgin Olive Oil Spray ..............................................................................................170g  6.35     0 22506 26581 3      G         K  V         B
     600493  Coconut Oil Spray .........................................................................................................170 g   7.31      0 22506 06560 4      G         K  V         B
     600408  Organic Coconut Oil Refined ........................................................................................414 ml   8.62      0 22506 97469 2         O  N  K  V         B
     600498  Organic Virgin Coconut Oil ...........................................................................................857 ml   19.24      0 22506 13564 2      G  O      K  V         B
     600406  Chia Seed .......................................................................................................................340g  11.73     0 22506 52111 7   A  G         K  V         B
     600411  OrMediterranean Olive Oil Unrefined...................................................................................1 L   17.11      0 22506 02204 1      G  O      K  V         B
     600471  Organic Olive Oil Extra Virgin ........................................................................................750 ml   15.28      0 22506 72175 3      G  O      K  V         B
     600476  Organic Olive Oil Extra Virgin ........................................................................................375 ml   9.23      0 22506 72137 1      G  O      K  V         B
     600485  Olive Oil Unrefined .................................................................................................6 x 375 ml   48.16      1 00 22506 23372 2      G         K  V         B
     600402  Organic Canola Oil Refined ..........................................................................................375 ml   6.80      0 22506 47137 5      G  O      K  V         B
     600414  Organic Canola Oil Refined ..........................................................................................750 ml   11.39      0 22506 47175 7   A  G  O      K  V         B
     600436  Canola Oil Refined .......................................................................................................750 ml   7.27      0 22506 41175 3      G         K  V         B
     600413  Organic Apple Cdr Vinegar-Unfltered ............................................................................473 ml   5.46      0 22506 27047 3   A  G  O      K  V         B
     600446  Organic Red Wine Vinegar ...........................................................................................500 ml   7.27      0 22506 25150 2      G  O      K  V         B
     600451  Organic Balsamic Vinegar ............................................................................................500 ml   7.27      0 22506 25275 2      G  O      K  V         B
     600456  Organic Apple Cdr Vinegar-Unfltered ............................................................................946 ml   8.18      0 22506 27084 8   A  G  O      K  V         B


     PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 14 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99