Page 70 - JanFebGrocery
P. 70

Stock   Description                              Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal  Sale   UPC       PAF  GLU  ORG  NGM  KOS  VEG  HAL    FTR  Lang.
     ID#                                                        Price     Month  Price

     786905  Jelly Belly Clip Strips ............................................................................................2 clip strips   47.02      0 71570 42362 9   A  G  O  N  K            B
         Each Clip Strip contains: 12 x 786215 Organic Jelly Beans - Assorted
     786200  Organic Fruit Snacks Berry Cherry ........................................................................12 x 6 pack   41.35      0 00 71570 23599 9   A  G  O  N  K            B
     786205  Organic Fruit Snacks Assorted - Box ....................................................................12 x 6 pack   41.35      0 00 71570 23582 2   A  G  O  N  K            B
     786210  Organic Fruit Flavoured Snack ..................................................................................12 x 60g   23.51      0 00 71570 23704 4   A  G  O  N  K  V         B
     786215  Organic Jelly Beans - Assorted .................................................................................12 x 53g   23.51      0 00 71570 23605 5      G  O  N  K  V         B
     786220  Organic Jelly Beans - Smoothie ................................................................................12 x 53g   23.51      0 00 71570 23612 2   A  G  O  N  K  V         B
     JULIA’S BEST EVER                           (905) 841-5191
     Julia’s Best Ever develops innovative almond butters with unbeatable flavour and wholesome ingredients that make choosing healthy, guilt free, sustainable products for the whole family simple. We
     believe in only making the best products that are trusted, peanut free, and gluten free with no preservatives. We use dry roasted almonds which are roasted in small batches to enhance the flavour profile.
     The small batch component ensures even roast consistency throughout every spoon of almond butter!
     396100  Nude Almond Butter ...............................................................................................12 x 255g   81.57      1 06 27022 20043 3      G         K  V         B
     396105  Date Almond Butter ................................................................................................12 x 255g   81.57      1 06 27022 20036 6      G         K  V         B
     396110  Chunky Almond Butter ............................................................................................12 x 255g   81.57      1 06 27022 20029 9      G         K  V         B
     396115  Original Almond Butter ............................................................................................12 x 255g   81.57      1 06 27022 20012 2      G         K  V         B
     JUST HEMP FOODS                                      W
     BROKERED BY  Marsham International
     At Just Hemp Foods® we start with only the highest quality hemp seed. Selected for color, flavor, and overall quality and processed in small batches, our hemp seeds are guaranteed wholesome and
     delicious every time.
     349610  Hulled Hemp Seeds ........................................................................................................680g  13.49     6 28356 22125 4      G      N  K      H      B
     349615  Hulled Hemp Seeds ........................................................................................................227g  5.39     6 28356 22105 6      G      N  K      H      B
     349620  Hulled Hemp Seeds ........................................................................................................454g  9.46     6 28356 22115 5      G      N  K      H      B

     JUSTEA                                               W
     BROKERED BY  Marsham International                               (844) 832-7827
     JusTea is a fair-trade tea partnership with small-scale Kenyan farmers. We offer delicious whole leaf teas in beautiful packages: Tea Tins with Hand-carved Spoons or African Tea Triangles. We are
     Canada’s exclusive provider of the healthy new PURPLE Tea which won BC’s Product of the Year.

     300900  Justea Environmental Shipper 54ct ................................................................................1 unit   328.38      6 28451 86661 9            N      V      F   E
         Contains 9 units each: Tea Bag Pouches - Purple Rain, Kenyan Earl Grey, Peppermint Detox and Loose Leaf Pouches - Purple Rain, Kenyan Earl Grey, Peppermint Detox.
     300400  Herbal Tea - Peppermint Detox ......................................................................................9x28g  51.69     1 06 28451 66456 6            N      V      F   B
     300405  Herbal Tea - Kenyan Earl Grey.......................................................................................9x56g  51.69     1 06 28451 66418 8            N      V      F   B
     300410  Herbal Tea - Purple Rain ...............................................................................................9x50g  51.69     1 06 28451 66500 0            N      V      F   B
     300500  Tea Bags - Peppermint Detox ........................................................................................9x16g  57.77     1 06 28451 66593 3            N      V      F   B
     300505  Tea Bags - Kenyan Earl Grey .........................................................................................9x30g  57.77     1 06 28451 66586 6            N      V      F   B
     300510  Purple Tea Bags - Purple Rain .......................................................................................9x24g  57.77     1 06 28451 66609 9            N      V      F   B
     300200  Black Tea - African Breakfast ......................................................................................6x100g  59.19  11%  J  52.68   1 06 27843 37748 8            N            F   B
     300205  Black Tea - Mt. Kenya Black .........................................................................................6x90g  59.19  11%  J  52.68   1 06 27843 37670 0            N            F   B
     300210  Herbal Tea - Chamomile Cleanse ..................................................................................6x45g  59.19  11%  J  52.68   1 06 27843 37731 1            N            F   B
     300215  Herbal Tea - Sunkissed Rooibos ...................................................................................6x70g  59.19  11%  J  52.68   1 06 28451 66180 0            N            F   B
     300220  Herbal Tea - Little Berry Hibiscus ..................................................................................6x90g  59.19  11%  J  52.68   1 06 28451 66197 7            N            F   B
     300225  Black Tea - Kenyan Earl Grey ........................................................................................6x90g  59.19  11%  J  52.68   1 06 27843 37694 4            N            F   B
     300230  Herbal Tea - Peppermint Detox ......................................................................................6x45g  59.19  11%  J  52.68   1 06 27843 37724 4            N            F   B
     300235  Black Tea - African Chai ..............................................................................................6x100g  59.19  11%  J  52.68   1 06 27843 37687 7            N            F   B
     300240  Purple Tea - Purple Mint................................................................................................6x60g  59.19  11%  J  52.68   1 06 28451 66081 1            N            F   B
     300245  Purple Tea - Purple Jasmine .........................................................................................6x90g  59.19  11%  J  52.68   1 06 28451 66067 7            N            F   B
     300250  Purple Tea - Purple Chocolate .....................................................................................6x100g  59.19  11%  J  52.68   1 06 28451 66265 5            N            F   B
     300255  Purple Tea - Purple Rain ...............................................................................................6x80g  59.19  11%  J  52.68   1 06 28451 66074 4            N            F   B
     300100  Black Tea - African Breakfast ................................................................................. 6x15 bags   36.08   7%  F  33.55   1 06 28451 66135 5            N            F   B
     300105  Black Tea Bags - Mt. Kenya Black .......................................................................... 6x15 bags   36.08   7%  F  33.55   1 06 28451 66128 8            N            F   B
     300110  Herbal Tea Bags - Chamomile Cleanse .................................................................. 6x15 bags   36.08   7%  F  33.55   1 06 28451 66159 9            N            F   B
     300115  Herbal Tea Bags - Sunkissed Rooibos ................................................................... 6x15 bags   36.08   7%  F  33.55   1 06 28451 66166 6            N            F   B
     300120  Herbal Tea Bags-Ltl Berry Hibiscus ........................................................................ 6x15 bags   36.08   7%  F  33.55   1 06 28451 66173 3            N            F   B
     300125  Black Tea Bags - Kenyan Earl Grey ........................................................................ 6x15 bags   36.08      1 06 28451 66111 1            N            F   B
     300130  Herbal Tea Bags - Peppermint Detox ...................................................................... 6x15 bags   36.08      1 06 28451 66142 2            N            F   B
     300135  Black Tea Bags - African Chai ................................................................................ 6x15 bags   36.08   7%  F  33.55   1 06 28451 66104 4            N            F   B
     300140  Purple Tea Bags - Purple Mint ................................................................................ 6x15 bags   36.08   7%  F  33.55   1 06 28451 66258 8            N            F   B
     300145  Purple Tea Bags - Purple Jasmine .......................................................................... 6x15 bags   36.08   7%  F  33.55   1 06 28451 66098 8            N            F   B


     PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 14 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75