Page 73 - JanFebGrocery
P. 73

Stock   Description                              Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal  Sale   UPC       PAF  GLU  ORG  KOS  VEG  HAL    FTR  Lang.
     ID#                                                        Price     Month  Price                     NGM
     KOUKLA DELIGHTS                                      W
     BROKERED BY  Indigo Natural Products Management                       (438) 333-7444
     Koukla Delights are nutritious and delicious macaroons and cookies that are organic, gluten-free, vegan and paleo.  Our treats are sweetened exclusively with organic maple syrup and are free from all
     dairy, soy and agave.  Available in 2 formats, Koukla Delights are the perfect blend of taste and nutrition!
     Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.
     Case Stack During Non Deal Periods Only
     Mix & Match 150g Sku’s (5 sku’s) 10 - 14 cases 5% discount per case 15+ cases 10% discount per case
     Mix & Match 30 g (4 SKU’S)8-16 cases 5% discount per case 17+ cases 10% discount per case
     477900  Koukla Favourites Shipper ............................................................................................48 pcs   363.90      6 28451 18127 9      G  O  N  K  V         B
     477200  Vanilla Coconut Bites ...............................................................................................12 x 30 g   23.37      6 28451 18108 8      G  O  N  K  V         B
     477205  Cacao Coconut Bites ...............................................................................................12 x 30 g   23.37      6 28451 18109 5   A  G  O  N  K  V         B
     477210  Matcha Coconut Bites .............................................................................................12 x 30 g   23.37      6 28451 18110 1   A  G  O  N  K  V         B
     477100  Matcha Coconut Bites .............................................................................................8 x 150 g   60.65      1 06 28451 81139 9      G  O  N  K  V         B
     477105  Matcha Macaroons with Cacao Nibs .......................................................................8 x 150 g   60.65      1 06 28451 81146 6      G  O  N  K  V         B
     477110  Cacao Coconut Bites ...............................................................................................8 x 150 g   60.65      1 06 28451 81016 6      G  O  N  K  V         B
     477115  Cranberry Maple Granola Cookies ...........................................................................8 x 150 g   60.65      1 06 28451 81054 4      G  O  N  K  V         B
     477120  Vanilla Coconut Bites ...............................................................................................8 x 150 g   60.65      1 06 28451 81009 9      G  O  N  K  V         B
     477125  Choc Chip Peanut Butter Bites ..................................................................................8 x 150g   60.65      1 06 28451 81177 7      G  O  N  K  V
     477130  Peanut Butter Bites ...................................................................................................8 x 150g   60.65      1 06 28451 81160 0      G  O  N  K  V
     477135  Cookie Dough Bites ..................................................................................................8 x 150g   60.65      1 06 28451 81184 4      G  O  N  K  V
     LA DEE DA GOURMET SAUCES INC.                        W                        (877) 464-6232
     Ontario produced gourmet sauces that are plant based, vegan, gluten/dairy-free, no added sugar, low in sodium, no artificial flavours or colours, natural preservatives and now offering an innovative
     nightshade vegetable free option.
     499100  Savory Mushroom Basil Sauce .............................................................................12 x 475ml   73.59   1 06 28055 54055 5  V  B
     499105  Twelve Veggie Tomato Sauce ................................................................................12 x 475ml   73.59   1 06 28055 54048 8  V  B
     499110  Butternut Squash Beet Sauce ...............................................................................12 x 475ml   73.59   1 06 28055 54079 9  V  B
     499115  Cauliflower Alfredo Sauce .....................................................................................12 x 475ml   73.59      1 06 28055 54086 6               K  V  H      B
     LAHMAR OLIVE OIL                                     W
     BROKERED BY  Abundant by Design Inc.                        819 303 0859
     For more than 70 years the Lahmar family has taken great care in crafting 100% extra virgin olive oil made from 96,000 olive trees grown in their family’s orchard in the region of Mahdia, Tunisia. On a
     local level, Lahmar Olive Oil has removed the need for an intermediary by bottling their olive oil at their Gatineau plant in the Outaouais region of Québec since 2017. A team of experts ensures the quality
     and purity of Lahmar olive oils by testing them at an on-site lab before they are bottled, guaranteeing a superior quality in accordance with the highest standards.
              SAVE 10%  LINE DRIVE FEB
     10% for 10+ cases 15% for 15+ cases mix & match within each category only (Natural Only Or Organic Only)
     458100  Extra Virgin Olive Oil Intense .........................................................................................500ml  7.80  10%  F  7.02   6 28073 00005 7            N      V      F   B
     458105  Extra Virgin Olive Oil Sweet ...........................................................................................500ml  7.80  10%  F  7.02   6 28073 00000 2            N      V      F   B
     458110  Organic EVOO Intense ..................................................................................................500ml  8.45  10%  F  7.61   6 28073 00007 1         O  N      V      F   B
     458115  Organic EVOO Sweet ....................................................................................................500ml  8.45  10%  F  7.61   6 28073 00006 4         O  N      V      F   B
     LAND ART                                             W
     BROKERED BY  M2 Brand Management                               (800) 445-0441
     Developed and manufactured in Canada, Land Art products are high quality liquid dietary supplements. All products are made from the best ingredients, are gluten free and contains no artificial flavouring,
     coloring or sweeteners.
     506310  Green Tea ....................................................................................................................500 ml   20.14      6 21141 00114 7   A  G      N               B


                           PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 14 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
                                                                                           JANUARY - FEBRUARY  2021   71
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