Page 168 - MayJunReg2020
P. 168

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description             Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R
     NEW NORDIC                                           W    NIA PURE NATURE - NEW                             (877) 696-6734                      (877) 879-2982
     New Nordic is a leading manufacturer of natural products in Scandinavia and markets its products   Nia Pure Nature was created with a purpose to always be committed to offer premium quality health
     worldwide. We have strived for 25 years to develop innovative, relevant, and effective products,   products that benefits the users, the farmers and our planet. We offer organic, 100% purely natural
     inspired by nature. We extract the beneficial elements from plants and formulate them into our   and environmentally friendly products.
     finished products, in order to provide healthy and vital solution to ailments.   Buy 12 units of 1 product, get 5% discount.Buy 24 units of 1 product, get 7% discount.
                                                               Buy 48 units of 1 product, get 10% discount.

                                                                                                 upc 040232
                                                               WHOLEFOOD SUPPLEMENT
                                      upc 741805               549100  Max Power - New ..............................................200g  48 633676   23.42         B
     DISPLAY                                                   549105  Org. Golden Turmeric Latte - New .................. 30 x 3g  48 633706   18.09         B
     609905  Hair Volume Counter Display .......................1 Display   1 747140  117.00  20%  B  93.60  B  549110  Org. Golden Turmeric Latte - New ......................200g  48 289866   18.92         B
         Contains: 6 units of Hair Volume 30 tabs (609175)     549115  Organic Moringa Capsules - New ............... 120 caps  80 633744   31.04         B
     609910  Ear Tone Counter Display .............................1 Display   1 900149  113.75  20%  B  91.00  B  549120  Organic Moringa Powder - New .........................454g  24 116902   29.99         B

                                                               549125  Moringa Super C - New ................................. 30 x 3g  48 633720
         Contains: 5 units of Ear Tone (609195) + 1 free unit  549130  Organic Moringa Powder - New .........................227g  48 112966   19.32         B
     609935  Apple Cider Hanging Display ........................1 Display   1     267.84  20%  B  214.27  B  SKIN CARE
         Contains: 16 units of Apple Cider (609230)            549200  Moringa Hand & Body Cream - New ................118ml  72 633669   14.85         B
     609940  Hanging Diet Display Eng ............................1 Display   1 000870  331.12  20%  B  264.90   549205  100% Moringa oil - New ....................................30ml  24 633690   23.99         B
         Contains 16 units total: 4 units of Zuccarin Diet, 4 units of Apple Cider, 4 units of Chili   549210  Moringa Eye Serum - New...................................18g  200 633713   22.99         B
         Burn, 4 units of Active Liver                         549215  Night Cream - New ..............................................30g  96 633751   26.69         B
     609945  Hanging Vitality Display Eng ........................1 Display   1 000887  375.20  20%  B  300.16  E
         Contains 16 units total: 4 units of Hair Gro, 4 units of Blue Berry, 4 units of Active Liver   NIN JIOM PEI PA KOA COUGH SYRUP - INCLUDED IN BUSINESS PARTNER
         and 4 units of Ear Tone
     609950  Hanging Vitality Display Bilingual .................1 Display   1 000863  375.20  20%  B  300.16  B   (604) 681-6111
         Contains 16 units total: 4 units of Hair Gro, 4 units of  Blue Berry, 4 units of Active   A traditional herbal expectorant containing natural source herbs for relief of productive coughs due
         Liver, 4 units of Ear Tone                            to colds and allergies.
     609955  Hanging Diet Display Bilingual .....................1 Display   1 000856  334.96  20%  B  267.97  B  upc 081364
         Contains 16 units total: 4 units of Zuccarin Diet, 4 units of Apple Cider, 4 units of Chili   COUGH SYRUP
         Burn and 4 units of Active Liver                      363100  Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa Cough Syrup ...................150ml  72 363680   5.35         B
     609960  PDQ Apple Cider Vegan Gummies ...............1 Display   1 000023  241.20  20%  B  192.96  E  363110  Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa Cough Syrup ..................300 ml  48 363697   8.38         B
         Contains: 18 units of Apple Cider Vegan Gummies (609240)  363115  Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa Herbal Syrup ...................150ml  72 363710   5.35         B
     SENIOR HEALTH                                                                               upc 489702
     609100  Active Legs Strong ........................................ 30 tabs  108 749113   23.45         B  HERBAL CANDY
     609140  Melissa Dream .............................................. 60 tabs  108 745320   20.10         B  363200  Herbal Candy Apple-Longan ................................60g  144 621148   4.38         B
     609155  Blue Berry Strong ..........................................60 Tabs  108 717402   23.45         B  363205  Nin Jiom Herbal Candy Lemongrass ....................60g  144 621650   4.38         B
     609156  Blue Berry Strong ........................................120 Tabs  60 717556   40.20         B  upc 081364
     609195  Ear Tone ........................................................60 Tabs  108 715309   23.45         B  363210  Nin Jiom Herbal Candy Tangerine ........................60g  144 362560   4.38         B
     DETOX AND HEALTH                                          363215  Nin Jiom Herbal Candy Super Mint ......................60g  144 362690   4.38         B
                                                                                                 upc 489702
     609185  Active Liver ...................................................30 Tabs  108 919554   20.10         B  363220  Nin Jiom Herbal Candy Ume Plum .......................60g  144 620240   4.38         B
     BEAUTY FROM WITHIN                                                                          upc 081364
     609175  Hair Volume ...................................................30 Tabs  108 747119   20.10  20%  B  16.08  B  363225  Nin Jiom Herbal Candy Original ...........................60g  144 361846   4.38         B
     609200  Skin Care - Collagen ......................................60 Tabs  126 919707   20.10  20%  B  16.08  B
     609205  Hair Gro.........................................................60 Tabs  72 747317   26.80  20%  B  21.44  B  NO JET-LAG - TREND INNOVATIONS
     609220  Hair Volume ...................................................90 Tabs  60 747218   46.90  20%  B  37.52  B
     609235  Hair Volume Gummies ............................60 gummies  36 000603   16.74  20%  B  13.39  B  1-888-272-3165
     WEIGHT MANAGEMENT                                         Trend Innovations have been developing and manufacturing homeopathic remedies in New Zealand
     609135  Chili Burn Strong ...........................................60 Tabs  108 749014   23.45         B  for more than 25 years - the best known of which is  ‘No Jet-Lag’ and millions of packets have been
                                                               sold world-wide.
     609150  Zuccarin Diet .................................................60 Tabs  108 720211   23.45         B  upc 829678
     KIDS                                                      DISPLAYS
     609110  Equazen ................................................ 180 Softgels  32 818703   26.80         B  575101  No Jet-Lag Counter Display ............................ 12 pcs  18 003553  121.78         B
     GENERAL HEALTH                                                                              upc 640864
     609215  Clear Brain.....................................................60 Tabs  126 000429   23.45         B  OPEN STOCK
     609225  Frutin Gastro Gel...................................48 Chew.tabs  60 000450   12.06         B  575107  No Jet-Lag .................................................... 32 tabs  200 180939   10.15         B
     609230  Apple Cider 1000 mg ....................................30 Tabs  108 000641   16.74         B
     609240  Apple Cider Vegan Gummies ..................60 gummies  36 000733   13.40         B  NO SUGAR COMPANY
     .609FL09 New Nordic Guide French ........................................   1 000559
     .609L01 EQUAZEN brochure .............................. 14 x 21.5 cm   0   The No Sugar Company was the first company to make a delicious no sugar keto bar, and we are
     .609L04 EQUAZEN d?plaint .....................................................  0  committed to continually creating revolutionary no sugar products. We believe you deserve to eat
     .609L05 Poster - Blue Berry Strong  ........................................  food that is made with clean, sustainable ingredients — ingredients that strengthen our bodies
     .609L06 Poster - Hair Volume .................................................  rather than weaken them. All No Sugar Company products contain 0g of sugar, are high in healthy
                                                               fats and are low in net carbohydrates.
     .609L07 Poster for Ear Tone  ...................................................            upc 628451
     .609L08 Hair Gro informational leaflet ...................................0  0
     .609L09 New Nordic product guide English ...........................1   1 000542  KETO BARS
     .609L10 Frutin informational leaflet ........................................1  910307  No Sugar Keto Bar Choc Fudge........................4 pack  10 125495   8.42         B
                                                               910308  No Sugar Keto Bar ChocPB .............................4 pack  10 125150   8.42         B
                                                                                                 upc 687910
                                                               910311  No Sugar Keto Bar Cookies & Cream ............. 12x40g   6 000360   25.23         B
                                                               910312  No Sugar Keto Bar Birthday Cake .................. 12x40g   6 000353   25.23         B
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