Page 170 - MayJunReg2020
P. 170

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description             Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R

                                      upc 628451                                                 upc 776629
     910351  No Sugar Keto Bar Choc PB .......................... 12x40g   6 125280   25.23         B  606108  Smoothing Shampoo Econo Size ..........................1 L   6 101045   12.60  25%  M   9.45  B
     910352  No Sugar Keto Bar Choc Chip ........................ 12x40g   6 125730   25.23         B  606109  Volumizing Shampoo Econo Size ..........................1 L   6 101052   12.60  25%  M   9.45  B
     910353  No Sugar Keto Bar Choc Chip ..........................4 pack  10 125167   8.42         B  upc 628143
     910354  No Sugar Keto Bar Choc Mint ..........................4 pack  10 125501   8.42         B  606110  Moisturizing Conditioner ..................................342ml   6 050050   7.34  25%  M   5.51  B
                                      upc 687910                                                 upc 776629
     910355  No Sugar Keto Bar Choc Mint ........................ 12x40g   6 000087   25.23         B  606111  Moisturising Shampoo Econo Size .......................1 L   6 101069   12.60  25%  M   9.45  B
     910356  No Sugar Keto Bar Choc FudgeBrownie ......... 12x40g   6 000094   25.23         B  606112  Smoothing Conditioner Econo Size .......................1 L   6 101076   12.60  25%  M   9.45  B
     KETO BOMBS                                                606113  Volumizing Conditioner Econo Size .......................1 L   6 101083   12.60  25%  M   9.45  B
                                                                                                  6 101090
     910309  No Sugar Keto Bomb Dark Choc PB .............. 30x17g   8 000377   25.23         B  606114  Moisturising Conditioner Econo Size .....................1 L   upc 628143  12.60  25%  M   9.45  B
     910310  No Sugar Keto Bomb Choc FB ....................... 30x17g   8 000384   25.23         B  606115  Smoothing Shampoo .......................................342ml   6 050005   7.34  25%  M   5.51  B
     910357  No Sugar Keto Bomb Choc FB .......................10 pack  12 000247   8.42         B  606120  Smoothing Conditioner ....................................342ml   6 050036   7.34  25%  M   5.51  B
     910358  No Sugar Keto Bomb Dark Choc PB ..............10 pack  12 000230   8.42         B
                                                               606125  Volumizing Shampoo .......................................342ml   6 050012   7.34  25%  M   5.51  B
     N’OATS CEREAL                                             606130  Finishing Touch Smoothing Cream ..................142ml   6 050135   13.36  25%  M  10.02  M
                                                                                                                    7.01  B
                                                                                                          9.35  25%  M
                                                               606135  Deep Treatment Oil ..........................................142ml
                                                                                                  6 050074                          (519) 590-6666  FACE & SKIN CARE
     N’oats Cereal is a specially formulated, antioxidant packed cereal line that is extremely nutrient   606150  Holy Grail Body Lotion .....................................342ml   6 060103   7.34  25%  M   5.51  B
     dense and is specifically geared towards a healthy lifestyle. Not only is our cereal oat and grain   606155  Holy Grail Unscented Body lotion .....................342ml   6 060110   7.34  25%  M   5.51  M
     free, we also create it without the use of any refined sugars or preservatives  606300  Hydrating Face Wash .......................................142ml   6 060004   8.02  25%  M   6.02  M
                                      upc 106278               606305  Omega Anti - Age Facial Lotion ........................142ml   6 060011   16.70  25%  M  12.53  M
     GLUTEN FREE CEREAL                                        606310  Hemp Seed Exfoliating face scrub ...................142ml   6 060042   8.02  25%  M   6.02  M
     543100  Apple Sunrise .............................................. 6 x 350g   6 764363   78.00         E  606315  Linoleic Line lifting face cream ..........................50ml   6 060028   16.70  25%  M  12.53  M
     543105  Goji Cacao .................................................. 6 x 350g   6 764349   77.03          606320  Hemp Exfoliating Face Cloth ....................................1   6 060035   6.69  25%  M   5.02  M
     543110  Strawberry Rhubarb ................................... 6 x 350 g   6 764370   78.00         E  upc 776629
                                                               606325  Scented Body Oil Mist ......................................170 g   6 101717   9.45  25%  M   7.09  B
     NORDORA                                              W                                      upc 628143
                                                               606435  Hangnail Helper Hand & nail cream ...................50ml   6 060165   6.69  25%  M   5.02  M                               (514) 270-2253  CLEANSING, BATH & BEYOND
     The Canadian natural world is exposed to one of the harshest environments.  Yet, each spring our   606421  Exfoliating Body Scrub ....................................342ml   6 060332   6.69  25%  M   5.02  B
     nature regenerates itself.  8 years of laboratory research has revealed the rejuvenative molecules
     in the trees of the boreal forest, a Biovitality unique in the world.  A breakthrough in natural   606426  Refreshing Body Wash Gel ..............................342ml   6 060318   6.69  25%  M   5.02  B
     anti-aging, Black Spruce, Red Maples, Grey Pine and others transfer their Biovitality to firm skin,   606431  Moisturizing Body Wash Cream .......................342ml   6 060325   6.69  25%  M   5.02  B
     smooth wrinkles, provide antioxidants, relieve redness and add a lifting effect. Nordora uses these   POINT OF PURCHASE
     rejuvenating molecules for its natural anti-aging face care line, proven in laboratory and clinical   .606L01 Full line Product Brochure ..........................................
     tests to be effective at slowing the appearance of aging.
                                      upc 779079               NORTH AMERICAN HERB & SPICE - INCLUDED IN BUSINESS PARTNER
     550140  BioProtect-Hydra Cream Normal .......................50 ml  20 050208   30.00         B  (866)377-7423
     550145  BioProtect-Hydra Cream Oily Skin ....................50 ml  20 050222   30.00         B  Specialists in WILD mountain-grown Herbs & Spices as recommended by Dr. Cass Imgram.
     550150  BioProtect-Hydra Night Serum ..........................30 ml  20 050239   36.00         B  Guaranteed highest quality, potency and purity, research tested, wild herbs grown on virgin soil,
     550155  BioProtect-Hydra Eye Contour ..........................15 ml  20 050246   21.00         B  rich in minerals.  Conscienctiously harvested by hand, steam distilled.  Chemical, solvent free,
     550160  BioProtect-Hydra Cream Sensitive ....................50 ml  20 050215   30.00         B  non-irraiated.  These Spice Oils are powerful, safe medicinals that work by destroying harmful cells,
                                                               bacteria, fungi, and viruses yet act as anti-oxidants to protect healthy cells.  Through lymphatic and
     BIOPURITY CLEANSERS                                       metabolic stimulation they assist the body to eliminate a wide range of toxins including heavy metal
     550200  White Birch Exfoliating Gel ..............................100 ml  28 050161   15.61         B  and pesticides.
     550205  White Birch Purifying Tonic .............................180 ml  40 050154   12.01         B  upc 635824
     550210  White Birch Gentle Cleansing Gel ....................180 ml  20 050147   15.61         B  DISPLAYS
     550215  White Birch Micellar Water ..............................120 ml  20 050130   15.61         B  602300  Oreganol - Oil of Oregano  ..........................12 bottles    000884  160.09         E
     550220  White Birch Makeup Remover Milk .................180 ml  24 050123   15.61         B  Travel Size Counter Display - holds 12 x 8ml
     BIOVITALITY ANTI-AGING                                    OREGANOL P73 PRODUCTS
     550110  Anti-Aging Rejuvenating Mask ........................190 ml  20 050086   16.79         B
     550115  Anti-Aging Eye Contour ....................................15 ml  20 050048   19.20         B  All North American Herb & Spice oregano products are made of a blend of 4 species of wild oregano
                                                               classified under Origanum Valugare.  Out of about 100 species of Oregano, only these 4 are found to be
     550120  Anti-Aging Serum .............................................30 ml  20 050031   36.00         B  extremely therapeutic.  This blend is called Oreganol P73. Oreganol P73 is the only oregano that has been
     550125  Anti-Aging Sensitive Skin ..................................50 ml  20 050017   30.00         B  researched and tested.  Guaranteed 62% or higher carvacrol.
     550130  Anti-Aging Dry Skin ..........................................50 ml  20 050024   30.00         B  602100  Oregamax  .................................................... 90 caps  96 000044   22.24         E
     550135  Anti-Aging Normal Skin ....................................50 ml  20 050000   30.00         B  upc 335824
     POINT OF SALE                                             602111  Oreganol P73 .................................................. .45 oz  384 000012   22.24         B
     .550L01 Nordora Brochure ..........................................50 pack  12 050093  602112  Oreganol - Oil of Oregano  ................................30 ml  24 000531   44.47         E
     .550L02 Sample jars - Empty (15 pack) ...................... 15x6ml  1                      upc 635824
                                                               602235  Oreganol 60 Gelcaps .................................... 60 caps  144 000501   22.24         E
     NORTH AMERICAN HEMP CO. - INCLUDED IN BUSINESS PARTNER    602362  Oreganol Antiseptic Cream ...............................60 ml  12 002048   26.68         E
     BROKERED BY  M2 Brand Management                          SUPER STRENGTH OREGANO            upc 335824                      (877) 821-6021  602170  Oreganol - Oil of Oregano -Super Strength ........30 ml  180 000203   51.88         E
     Introducing the first all-natural line of performance hair and body care made from certified organic   upc 635824
     hempseed oil. Canadian-made. Certified Vegan and Cruelty-Free.  602432  Super Strength Oil of Oregano ....................... 0.45 oz  48 002277   29.65         E
                                                               602434  Super Strength Gel caps 140 mg ..............60 softgels  12 002345   29.65         E
             SAVE 25%   LINE DRIVE MAY                                                           upc 335824
                                                               OREGARESP - ANTIMICROBIAL FORMULA
     Mix & Match: 30-60 units: 5% off, 61-96 units: 10% off, 97-144 units: 15% off  OregaRESP - is a special blend of  P73, wild sage and mountain grown cumin.  8 times stronger than
     145-180 units: 20% off                                    Oreganol Regular Strength and 4 times stronger than Oreganol Super Strength.
                                      upc 776629               602350  Orega RESP P73 (6 drops oil) ..................60 gelcaps  12 000951   22.24         E
     DISPLAYS                                                  602355  Orega RESP P73 .................................... 30 vegicaps  12 000937   23.82         E
                                                                                                 upc 635824
     606901  Hair Care Display - 42pcs ...................................1 un  42 101946  360.35  25%  M  270.26  B  602386  OregaRESP P73 ..................................... 90 vegicaps  12 002079   55.59         E
     606902  Skin Care Display - 46 pcs .................................1 un  46 101953  488.78  25%  M  366.59  B  upc 335824
     GIFT SETS                                                 602390  Orega RESP P73 ..............................................30 ml  180 000920   44.47         E
     606500  Hair Care Gift Box ...............................................1 un   6 101922   20.11  25%  M  15.08  B  upc 635824
     606505  Skin Care Gift Box ..............................................1 un   6 101939   20.11  25%  M  15.08  B  CHAGA
                                      upc 628143               602654  Chaga Syrup ...................................................... 4 oz  24 005636   22.87         E
     HAIR CARE                                                 602658  ChagaBlack ..................................................... 4.5 oz  12 005797   38.12         E
     606100  Volumizing Conditioner ....................................342ml   6 050043   7.34  25%  M   5.51  B  602659  ChagaWhite ..................................................... 6.4 oz  12 005780   38.12         E
     606101  Deep Rich Conditioning Treatment ...................142ml   6 350081   9.35  25%  M   7.01  M  ANTIMICROBIAL SPRAYS
     606102  Hair Serum - Area 369 ......................................50ml   6 050067   10.01  25%  M   7.51  M  602198  Germ-a Clenz Spray .......................................120 ml  12 002116   14.82         E
     606103  Shine Spray .......................................................50ml   6 050142   9.35  25%  M   7.01  M  602996  OregaSpray  ....................................................... 4 oz  30 002383   22.24         E
     606105  Moisturizing Shampoo .....................................342ml   6 050029   7.34  25%  M   5.51  B
                                                               602997  OregaSpray  ....................................................... 2 oz  12 002390   13.34         E
   165   166   167   168   169   170   171   172   173   174   175