Page 190 - MayJunReg2020
P. 190

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description             Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R
     PURELYGREAT                                          W  QUANTUM - INCLUDED IN BUSINESS PARTNER                   (416) 993-2561                     (800) 448-1448
     We put your wellness first. As a family run eco-conscious company, each time you apply   Since 1981, Quantum has made quality it’s first priority. Quality in each formulation, quality in
     Purelygreat’s 100% natural deodorant, you can feel super confident that you are using a product   operations, and quality in every customer relationship.
     that is: Vegan • Aluminum Free • Triclosan Free • Paraben Free • EWG Verified™ • Cruelty Free
     Free                                                          SAVE UP TO 30%   SELECT ITEMS MAY & JUN

                                      upc 627843
     608100  Cream Deodorant - Activ. Charcoal ......................50g   6 181477   7.35  15%  B   6.25  B
     608105  Cream Deodorant - Floral .....................................50g   6 181491   7.35  15%  B   6.25  B
     608110  Cream Deodorant - Spice ....................................50g   6 181484   7.35  15%  B   6.25  B
     608115  Cream Deodorant - Patchouli ...............................50g   6 181453   7.35  15%  B   6.25  B
     608120  Cream Deodorant - Citrus for Men .......................50g   6 181446   7.35  15%  B   6.25  B
     608125  Cream Deodorant - Unscented ............................50g   6 181415   7.35  15%  B   6.25  B
     608130  Cream Deodorant - Lavender ...............................50g   6 181439   7.35  15%  B   6.25  B
     608135  Cream Deodorant - Citrus for Women ..................50g   6 181422   7.35  15%  B   6.25  B
     608140  Cream Deodorant Activated Charcoal Citrus ........50g   6 181507   7.35  15%  B   6.25  B
                                      upc 628250
     608145  Cream Deodorant Activated Charcoal Lavender ...50g   6 094039   7.35  15%  B   6.25  B
     STICK DEODORANT                                                                             upc 046985
     608200  Natural Deodorant Stick - Lavender......................75g  12 094008   7.35  15%  B   6.25  B
     608205  Natural Deodorant Stick - Floral ...........................75g  12 094022   7.35  15%  B   6.25  B  EYE HEALTH
     608210  Natural Deodorant Stick - Tea Tree .......................75g  12 094015   7.35  15%  B   6.25  B  735205  See Lutein+ - New.................................. 30 Softgels  12 322799   10.80  15%  M   9.18  B
                                                               735205  See Lutein+ - New.................................. 30 Softgels  12 322799   10.80  30%  J   7.56  B
     PURPLE FROG PRODUCTS                                 W    735405  Digital Blue - New ......................................60 Softgel  12 322805   18.27  15%  M  15.53  B
     BROKERED BY  Marsham International                        735405  Digital Blue - New ......................................60 Softgel  12 322805   18.27  30%  J   12.79  B
                                                               FLOOR DISPLAYS                       (855) 787-7590  735934  Super Lysine 49pc Floor Display .......................49pc   0 018043  847.30         B
     We sell clean air.  Natural air fresheners for people who think aromatherapy is weird. Aromatherapy   COUNTER DISPLAYS
     for people who think regualr air fresheners are gross.  Transform your personal space with our line   735640  Zinc Elderberry Rolls Counter Dispy ................ 12 pcs   0 017817   43.26         B
     of on-the-go, plant based air care products.                                                upc 469850
                                                               735645  Zinc Echinacea Rolls Counter Dispy ................ 12 pcs   0 016674   43.26         B
        SAVE UP TO 15%   SELECT ITEMS MAY & JUN                                                  upc 046985
                                                               CLIP STRIP
     DISPLAYS                                                  735927  Super Lysine+ Coldstick Clip Strip ....................12pc   0 018050  104.02
     650935  Wild Relief Floor Display ................................... 1 unit   1     319.32  15%  J  271.42   735931  Lip Clear Bandage Clip Strip .......................... 6x12pc   0 017602   59.62         B
         Contians: 36 units of Wild Relief 120 ml spray ( 4 case packs) and 36 units of 15 ml   735936  SuperLysine+Cold Sore Oint ClipStp .................12pc   1 017671  119.24         B
         travel size Wild Relief spray ( 2 case packs)         ORGANIC LOZENGES
                                      upc 628055               735430  Organic TheraZinc Elderberry Lozeng ......... 18 ct bag  12 211680   6.26         B
     650940  Air Care Floor Display ....................................... 1 unit   0 811619  502.56          735435  Organic Cough Relief Bing Cherry ............... 18 ct bag  12 211703   5.05         B
                                      upc 627843               735440  Organic Cough Relief Meyer Lemon............ 18 ct bag  12 211710   5.05         B
     AIR FRESHENERS                                            735445  Organic TheraZinc Blood Orange ................ 18 ct bag  12 211697   6.26         B
     650100  Lemongrass Hanger ......................................... 1 pcs  750 256670   2.19         B  735938  Org.CoughReliefLemonHoney ClipStrip ..6 x 18 ct bag   0 211383   30.30         B
     650105  Orange Hanger ................................................. 1 pcs  750 256656   2.19         B  735939  Org.CoughReliefB.Cherry Clip Strip ........6 x 18 ct bag   0 211376   30.30         B
     650110  Peppermint Car Air Freshener ........................... 1 pcs  750 256663   2.19         B  735941  Org.TheraZincBl.Orange Clip Strip ..........6 x 18 ct bag   0 211369   37.56         B
                                      upc 628055               735942  Org.TheraZincElderRasp Clip Strip .........6 x 18 ct bag   0 211352   37.56         B
     650115  Balsam Fir Air Freshener ......................................12g  24 811800   2.19         B  LYSINE PRODUCTS
     NURSERY SPRAY                                             735301  Super Lysine Plus+ Ointment ...................... 7 g tube  144 001014   9.94  30%  M   6.96  B
     650400  Comfort Nursery Spray ...................................120ml   9 811336   6.60  11%  M   5.87  B  735302  Super Lysine Plus+ Ointment .................... 21 g tube  144 103008   23.94  30%  J   16.76  B
     650405  Clean Nursery Spray ........................................120ml   9 811329   6.60  11%  M   5.87  B  735303  Super Lip Care+ ColdStick...................................5 g  72 016261   8.67  30%  M   6.07  B
     650410  Clear Nursery Spray ........................................120ml   9 811312   6.60  11%  M   5.87  B  735320  Super LSN Plus+ Tablets .............................. 90 tabs  12 031035   12.97  30%  M   9.08  B
     AROMATHERAPY PODS                                         735330  Super LSN Plus+ Liquid extract .......................60 ml  12 409926   16.64  30%  J   11.65  B
                                                                                                         24.57  30%  J
                                                                                                                   17.20  B
                                                               735340  Super LSN Plus+ Tablets ............................ 180 tabs  12 001113
     650200  Relax Pod: Lavender & Chamomile ........12 x 12 pods  20 811114   72.97         B  735370  Super Immune+ Power Formula ........... 90 vegi caps  12 001120   20.42  30%  J   14.29  B
     650205  Recharge Pod: Peppermint/Eucalyptus ...12 x 12pods  20 811107   72.97         B  735700  Lip Clear Lysine+ Ointment..................................7 g  48 016742   9.94         B
     650210  Refresh Pod: Citrus & Lemongrass .........12 x 12pods  20 811121   72.97          MOUTH CARE PRODUCTS
     AROMATHERAPY SPRAY                                        735715  Canker Care + ................................................9.7 ml  48 017862   12.10         B
     650305  Recharge Spray: Pepp/Eucalyptus ...................120ml   9 811220   6.60         B  735720  Lip Clear Cold Sore Bandage .................12 bandages  48 016766   9.94         B
     650310  Relax Spray: Lavender & Chamomile ...............120ml   9 811190   6.60         B
     650315  Refresh Spray: Lemongrass/Tea Tree...............120ml   9 811206   6.60         B  COLD CARE PRODUCTS
     650320  So Fresh, So Clean ............................................15ml  18 811282   2.98         B  735425  Thera Zinc Elderberry Lozenges ..........................60ct  12 017060   12.32         B
     650325  Power Up ..........................................................15ml  18 811268   2.98         B  735620  Elderberry Standard Extract Caps. ................ 60 caps  12 016247   15.10         B
     650330  Cool Your Jets ...................................................15ml  18 811275   2.98         B  735625  Elderberry Standard Extract Liquid ....................60 ml  12 016254   19.52         B
     650930  Travel Spray Mix Pack ................................. 18x15ml  20 811299   54.00         B  735982  Thera Zinc Throat Spray ..................................... 4 oz  12 017053   15.98         B
         Contains: 6x each Recharge, Refresh and Relax         735983  Thera Zinc Throat Spray ..................................... 2 oz  12 016612   9.18         B
     BODY CARE                                                 POINT OF PURCHASE                  1
                                                               .735FL52Cold Sore Dangler - French .............................. 1 pcs
     650500  Wild Relief Spray .............................................120ml   9 811527   6.60  11%  J   5.87  B  .735L52 Cold Sore Dangler ............................................ 1 pcs   1
     650505  Wild Relief Travel Spray ............................... 18x15ml  180 811589   41.84  14%  J   35.98  B

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