Page 191 - MayJunReg2020
P. 191

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R
     QUEST - THE QUEST FOR HEALTH - INCLUDED IN BUSINESS PARTNER W   787945  Floor Display Organic Toothpaste .......................36 ct   0 014813  249.39         E
                                                                                                  1 014837  248.85

                                                               787950  Floor Display Canine Kit-Toothpaste ...................24 ct
                                                                                                                        E                        (877) 265-2615  787955  Floor Display Organic Paste & Gel......................36 ct   0 014820  249.39
     Quest®  - Your Partner in Family Health - Quest is proud to offer a full range of natural products that   787960  Floor Display Organic Gels .................................36 ct   1 014844  249.39         E
     deliver against a wide range of health solutions, from everyday family health to natural prevention.   DISPLAY
     Quest specializes in tailored multivitamins and minerals for each life stage and gender. Learn more
     at                                  787965  2 Sided Revolving Floor Display ........................ 1 unit   0 007815 1,316.63         B

                                                                                                  0 007815 1,471.03
                                                               787970  2 Sided Revolving Display w/Pet ....................... 1 unit
     Quest – Mom’s Partner in Family Health                         Pure Brush™ 6 ; Totz® Brush 6 ;Totz Plus Brush™ 6 ; Kids Brush™ 6 ;Big Brush™
                                                                    Right Hand 6 ; Big Brush™ Left Hand 6 ; Flex Brush™ Right Hand 6 ; Flex Brush™
        SAVE UP TO 50%   SELECT ITEMS MAY & JUN                     Left Hand 6 ; Source™ Flossing Brush 6 ; Source™ Soft Brush 6 ; Source™ Medium
                                                                    Brush 6 ; Floss Brush Head Replacement 6 ; Brush Head Replacement Soft 6 ; Brush
                                                                    Head Replacement Medium 6 ; TOUR™ Travel Brush 12 ; USDA Organic Children’s
     All quest products: 60+ units of mix and match at 20% off      Toothpaste, Coconut Banana 6 ; USDA Organic Gel Children’s Toothpaste, Dragon
     Quest prenatal and postnatal products: 33+ units of mix at 35% off  Fruit 6 ;USDA Organic Toothpaste, Mint Aloe Neem 6 ;USDA Organic Toothpaste,
                                      upc 058371                    Ginger Citrus 6 ; USDA Organic Gel Toothbpaste, Matcha Mint 6 ;USDA Organic
     PRENATAL AND POSTNATAL                                         Gel Toothpaste, Clove Cardamom 6 ;USDA Organic Trial-Size Toothpaste, Mint Aloe
                                                                    Neem 24 ; the DOC Toothbrush/Razor Holder 8 ;USDA Organic Floss, Silk Green Tea
     338289  Prenatal Multi .......................................100 veg caps  24 382898   15.72  20%  J   12.58  B  Jasmine 6 ; USDA Organic Floss, Peppermint 6 ;USDA Organic Floss, Vanilla Mint 6
     338800  PreNu Daddy To Be - Preparation ................30 tablets  24 388067   14.87  20%  J   11.90  B  ;USDA Organic Floss, Clove Cardamom 6 0 85178 00721 1 Floss Sachets, Natural
     338805  PreNu MommyTo Be - Preparation ..............30 tablets  24 388012   13.95  20%  J   11.16  B  Biodegradable Silk 20 ; Floss Sachet, Vegan Xylitol Cranberry Sachets 20 ; Floss
     338810  LactaNu For New Mommy ..........................30 tablets  24 388050   14.42  20%  J   11.54  B  Sachets, Vegan Xylitol Mint Sachets 20 ; Big Brush/Flex Brush Travel Case 6 ; Standard
     338815  PreNu MommyTo Be - 3rd Trimester ...........30 tablets  24 388043   13.95  20%  J   11.16  B  Toothbrush Travel Case 6 ; Razor Travel Case 6 ; Soap Travel Case 6 ; Small Tampon/
                                                                    Condom Travel Case 6 ; Large Tampon Travel Case 6, Organic Canine Dental Kit Adult
     338820  PreNu MommyTo Be - 1st Trimester ...........30 tablets  24 388029   13.95  20%  J   11.16  B  4, Organic Canine Dental Kit Senior 4, Organic Canine Dental Kit  Puppy 4, Organic
     338825  PreNu MommyTo Be - 2nd Trimester ..........30 tablets  24 388036   13.48  20%  J   10.78  B  Canine Dental Gel 3
     MULTIVITAMINS & MINERALS                                  TOOTHBRUSHES
     338110  Super Once A Day Multi - TR ......................... 90 tabs  24 213550   21.13  15%  B  17.96  B  Note - No choice on colours
     338120  Super Once A Day Multi - TR ....................... 180 tabs  24 213567   39.85         B
     338150  Adult Chewable Multi ..................................90 chews  24 219828   29.98         B  787100  Toothbrush, Kids Brush (6 Yrs+) .......................1 un  48 110010   4.15  15%  M   3.53  B
     338280  Kid’s Daily One Chewable Multi ..................60 chews  24 382805   10.67         B  787105  Toothbrush,Big Brush w/Head Right ...................1 un  48 000083   8.77         B
     338281  Kid’s Daily One Chewable Multi ................120 chews  24 382812   18.53  50%  B   9.27  B  787110  Toothbrush,Big Brush w/Head Left .....................1 un  48 000090   8.77         B
     338283  For Women Her Daily One............................. 90 caps  24 382836   16.36         B  787115  Toothbrush, Source Soft .....................................1 un  48 000656   8.31         B
     338284  For Mature Women 50+ Her Daily One ........ 90 caps  24 382843   16.36         B  787116  Toothbrush, Pure Brush (6-18mo) ......................1 un  48 001080   3.19  15%  M   2.71  B
     338286  For Men His Daily One .................................. 90 caps  24 382867   16.36         B  787117  Toothbrush, Totz (18 Mo+)Extra Soft .................1 un  48 001097   3.19  15%  M   2.71  B
     338287  For Mature Men 50+ His Daily One .............. 90 caps  24 382874   21.53         B  787118  Toothbrush,Source Floss ....................................1 un  48 000847   8.31         B
     338392  Super Once A Day Multi - TR ......................... 60 tabs  24 213543   15.63         B  787130  Toothbrush, Flex Right ........................................1 un  48 000120   7.97         B
     338400  Premium Multi-Cap Iron-Free ........................ 60 caps  24 211778   16.55         B  787135  Toothbrush, Flex Left ..........................................1 un  48 000137   7.97         B
     338655  Premium Multi Iron-Free ............................. 180 caps  24 220251   31.23         B  787145  Toothbrush, Source Medium ..............................1 un  48 000663   8.31         B
     DEVELOPMENT                                               787150  Toothbrush, Tour Travel, Soft ..............................1 un  48 008003   5.68       3.26  B
                                                               787155  Toothbrush Totz Plus ..........................................1 un  48 001172
                                                                                                          3.84  15%  M
     338180  Calcium 600mg + Vit D .............................. 100 tabs  24 214090   12.20  50%  B   6.10  B  787201  Replacement Head 2-Pack, Soft ..................... 2/pack  48 000670   6.07         B
     338260  Triple Strength Glucosamine 1500mg .........60 tablets  24 211877   16.62         B  787206  Replacement Head 2-Pack, Medium ............... 2/pack  48 000687   6.07         B
     338412  Cal-Mag Complete ....................................... 120 tabs  24 213987   12.06  50%  B   6.03  B  787210  Replacement Head 2-Pack, Floss ................... 2/pack  48 000694   6.07         B
     338415  Chewable Cal-Mag + Vitamin D .................90 chews  24 218982   13.41         B  787212  Replacement Head, Big Brush, Soft ................ 2/pack  48 006917   6.31         B
     ENERGY                                                    TOOTHPASTE
     338300  Super Stress B Complex + Vit C ................. 120 tabs  24 212058   23.32         B  787400  USDA Organic Ging. Citrus Whitening .................85 g  48 005330   6.93         B
     338375  Super Stress B Complex + Vit C 1g .............. 60 tabs  24 212041   14.03         B  787405  USDA Organic Mint Aloe Neem ...........................85 g  48 005323   6.93         B
     338422  Coenzyme Q10 Ubiquinone 50 mg ................ 40 tabs  24 215554   12.07  50%  B   6.04  B  787410  USDA Organic Coconut Banana 6 mo. + ...........85 g  48 005316   6.93  15%  M   5.89  B
     LONGEVITY                                                 787415  USDA Organic Mint Aloe Neem Trial ...................23 g  96 005378   2.57         B
     338100  Flush-Free Niacin 500 mg ............................. 60 caps  24 211761   18.16  15%  M  15.44  B  TOOTHGEL
     338105  Flush-Free Niacin 500 mg ........................... 120 caps  24 214700   27.82         B  787420  USDA Organic Dragon Fruit Kids Gel ...................85 g  48 005347   6.93  15%  M   5.89  B
     338620  L-Arginine 500mg ......................................... 90 caps  24 220145   12.52  50%  B   6.26  B  787425  USDA Organic Clove Cardamom Gel ..................85 g  48 005361   6.93         B
     OMEGA                                                     787430  USDA Organic Matcha Mint Gel ..........................85 g  48 005354   6.93         B
     338350  Evening Primrose Oil 1000 mg ...............120 softgels  24 212973   20.77  50%  B  10.39  B  PET DENTAL CARE
     338494  Triple Fish Oil 1000 mg ...........................120 softgels  24 214526   15.60  15%  B  13.26  B  787500  Organic Canine Dental Kit Adult ..........................1 un  48 080023   10.82         B
     338545  Omega Smart Fish Oil 1000 mg ...............90 softgels  24 219392   16.65  50%  B   8.33  B  787505  Organic Canine Dental Kit Senior ........................1 un  48 080030   10.82         B
     PREVENTATIVE                                              787510  Organic Canine Dental Kit Puppy ........................1 un  48 080016   10.82         B
     338133  Magnesium Bisglycinate .........................90 veg caps  24 381334   17.55  15%  B  14.92  B  787515  Organic Canine Dental Gel ...................................85g  48 080078   10.82         E
     338177  Turmeric-Ginger Complex .................... 90 veggi caps  24 219378   15.22  50%  B   7.61  B  FLOSS
     338183  Vitamin D 1000 IU ......................................... 90 tabs  24 219484   6.40  15%  B   5.44  B  787119  Floss, USDA Organic Clove Cardamom .......6 x 55 yd  72 007228   24.46         B
     338184  D-Mannose with Cranberry ....................60 veg caps  24 219491   21.06         B  787121  Floss, Nat. Biodegradable Silk Tray ..............6 x 33 yd  72 007051   20.68         B
     338445  Cranberry 500mg ......................................... 60 caps  24 218753   12.66  15%  B  10.76  B  upc 000851
     WELLNESS                                                  787124  Floss Sachets, Vgn Xylitol Crnbrry ............... 20x20pc  160 007112   65.59         B
     338421  Lycopene 5000 mcg ................................60 softgels  24 219880   11.25  50%  B   5.63  B  787126  Floss Sachets, Vegan Xylitol Mint................. 20x20pc  160 007129   68.93         B
     338458  Grape Seed Extract ........................................ 60 tabs  24 217916   8.25  50%  B   4.13  B  787127  Floss Sachets Natural Silk ........................... 20x20pc  160 007105   68.93         B
     338610  Melatonin 3 mg ......................................90 capsules  24 220121   8.32         B  upc 085178
                                                               787128  Floss, Vegan Xylitol Cranberry Tray ..............6 x 55 yd  144 007068   19.68         B
     RADIUS CORPORATION                                        787129  Floss, USDA Org. Green Tea Jasmine ..........6 x 33 yd  72 007303   24.46         B
     BROKERED BY  M2 Brand Management                          787132  Floss, USDA Organic Vanilla Mint.................6 x 55 yd  72 007273   24.46         B
                                                               787133  Floss, USDA Organic Peppermint ...............6 x 55 yds  72 007198

                                                                                                         24.46                         (800) 626-6223  TRAVEL CASES
     “RADIUS has been renowned since 1983 as the premium, eco-friendly option for unique personal   787300  Case, Big Brush & Flex Brush .............................1 un  48 000380   3.19         B
     and oral care items that are made in the USA. RADIUS offers premium toothbrushes for adults and   787305  Case, Standard Toothbrush ................................1 un  48 000397   3.19         B
     children, travel cases, natural flosses, and home accessories. Designed and manufactured in-house   787310  Case, Razor ........................................................1 un  48 000403   3.19         B
     on low energy consumption, solar-powered machines each product is inspected by hand and   787315  Case, Soap .........................................................1 un  48 000410   3.19         B
     designed to last.”                                        787325  Case, Small Tampon & Condom .........................1 un  48 000441   3.19         B
                                                               787330  Case, Tampon Large ...........................................1 un  48 000458   3.19         B
             SAVE 15%   SELECT ITEMS MAY                       OPEN STOCK
                                                               787335  The DOC:suction holder ......................................1 pc  48 001882   5.74         B
     (Applies to Toothbrushes/Replacement Heads & Floss only)  POINT OF PURCHASE
     72 units mix & match 5% off,144 units mix & match 15% off  .787L02 Interlocking Cassette Trays .................................1 un  35
     CARDBOARD DISPLAY                                         .787L03 Empty Ctr Dsp(*Fits 18 Tb/ 20cases) ............... 1 unit  12
     .787L41 Large Hook ‘’S’’ ............................................. 1 hook   0   Empty Counter Display With 3 Interlocking Cassette Trays. Will Fit 18 Toothbrushes /
     787901E Empty Cardboard Display ...................................1 un   0   20 Travel Cases
     787902E Cardboard Display Clip Strip ......................1 clip strip   0   .787L04 Empty Bogo/Trvl Pck Ctr Dsp-Fits 12 .........................
                                      upc 085178                    Bogo/Travel Pack Counter Display. Fits 12 Travel Packs And/Or Bogos
     787935  Floor Display with Floss Clip Strip ....30 ct + clip strip   0 014790  207.65         E  .787L07 Children’s Sell Sheet ..................................................
     787940  Floor Display w/out Floss ClipStrip .....................30 ct   0 014806  185.00         E
                                                                                                    MAY - JUNE  2020  189
   186   187   188   189   190   191   192   193   194   195   196