Page 122 - MARAPRREG2020
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Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F
ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R
Promotes intestinal balance and is proven effective for the reduction of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
288105 TuZen Probiotic ............................................. 30 caps 24 143984 31.73 B FitJoy packs 20g of protein in a gluten-free and non-GMO bar, with no artificial colours, flavours,
or sweeteners.With real ingredients, FitJoy just tastes better than your ordinary protein bars.*MAP
BROKERED BY Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2
months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products. (519) 665-7763 upc 842595
At Filsingers Organic Foods we have been producing quality certified organic apple products using PROTEIN BARS
locally grown apples since 1953. 247105 FitJoy-Grandma’s Lemon Square ................ 12 x 60g 12 108163 33.70 B
upc 100639 Flexitol eczema cream is free of steroids, cortisone,parabens,coal,pine tar and nut oils. It is a
ORGANIC APPLE SAUCE unique blend of natural and homeopathic ingredients, herbal extracts and essential oils
307100 Organic Apple Sauce ................................. 12x750ml 811174 49.72 B upc 835787
307105 Organic Apple Sauce ................................. 12x500ml 510114 39.67 B SKIN CARE
upc 063930 368305 Eczema Relief Cream...........................................56g 24 004725 10.18 B
ORGANIC APPLE CIDER VINEGAR 368310 Eczema Moisturizing Lotion .............................175ml 24 004732 10.18 B
307200 Organic Apple Cider Vinegar .......................3.78 Litre 4 378120 18.80 10% A 16.92 B
307205 Organic Apple Cider Vinegar .......................1.89 Litre 6 189641 10.40 10% A 9.36 B FLOBAX W
upc 100639
307210 Organic Apple Cider Vinegar ..................... 12x945 ml 099015 66.24 10% A 59.62 B (888) 680-1616
307215 Organic Apple Cider Vinegar ...................... 12x500ml 500641 43.25 10% A 38.93 B Move Better Live Better Flobax is an optimized collagen-based molecular complex. Rich in active
upc 063930 ingredients, its unique formula provides all the precursor nutrients to the joint. It also contains
ORGANIC SWEET APPLE CIDER three powerful anti-inflammatory extracts. It is the ideal combination to treat inflammation and to
deeply relieve damaged joints, including those of the back.
307300 Organic Sweet Apple Cider .........................3.78 Litre 4 400289 16.57 B upc 627843
307305 Organic Sweet Apple Cider .........................1.89 Litre 6 200643 9.66 B COLLAGEN
307310 Organic Sweet Apple Cider ........................ 12x946ml 12 103388 58.57 B 319100 Flobax Collagen ...............................................500ml 24 950233 42.00 B
upc 100639 319105 Flobax Sport ....................................................250ml 23 950240 26.99 B
307400 Well Cultured - Ginger 12pk ....................... 12x355ml 000059 25.40 B .319FL01 ...................................................Brochure - Français 0
307405 Well Cultured - Coconut 12pk .................... 12x355ml 005009 25.40 B .319L01 English Brochure ................................................1 un 0
307410 Well Cultured - Lemon Lime 12pk .............. 12x355ml 0 000509 25.40 B
307415 Well Cultured - Lemon Lime ..................... 24 x355ml 000202 50.94 B FLOW WATER INC.
307420 Well Cultured - Coconut 4pk .................... 24 x 355ml 020002 50.94
307425 Well Cultured - Ginger 4pk * 6 ................. 24 x 355ml 010003 50.94 B BROKERED BY Natural Specialty Sales
FIRE BREW (844) 356-9426
BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management Flow is 100% naturally alkaline spring water sourced from a family-owned Canadian artesian
spring. It is designed to have a low carbon footprint - Flow packs are made from 100% recyclable
and +68% renewable materials. No juice, no sugar, no sweeteners, no calories, no preservatives (503) 506-8757 and no GMOs.
Fire Brew is the culmination of those years of fiddling, testing and playing with my food paired with
my passion to bring a healthy product into the world. Whether you’re familiar with natural health SAVE UP TO 20% LINE DRIVE MAR & SELECT ITEMS APR
remedies or in the nascent stages of exploring this idea, I encourage you to give Fire Brew a try and
see what you think but, more important, see how you feel!
DISPLAY upc 628055
377900E Counter Display - Empty ..............................1 display 0 NATURALLY ALKALINE SPRING WATER
required fill: 1 case (6 single units) of 375 ml bottles. 306100 Grapefruit Elderflower ................................ 6 x 500ml 6 429722 7.92 20% M 6.34 B
upc 108621 306100 Grapefruit Elderflower ................................ 6 x 500ml 6 429722 7.92 15% A 6.73 B
HEALTH TONIC 375 ML 306105 Blackberry Hibiscus .................................. 6 x 500ml 6 429715 7.92 20% M 6.34 B
7.92 15% A
6.73 B
6 429715
306105 Blackberry Hibiscus .................................. 6 x 500ml
377100 Unsweetened - Wellness Blend ................. 6 x 375 ml 6 000460 127.52 B 306110 Watermelon Lime ...................................... 6 x 500ml 6 429975 7.92 20% M 6.34 B
upc 108605 306110 Watermelon Lime ...................................... 6 x 500ml 6 429975 7.92 15% A 6.73 B
377105 Citrus - Immunity Blend ............................ 6 x 375 ml 6 000307 127.52 B 306115 Strawberry Rose ....................................... 6 x 500ml 6 429968 7.92 20% M 6.34 B
377110 Beet - Energy Blend .................................. 6 x 375 ml 6 000345 127.52 B 306115 Strawberry Rose ....................................... 6 x 500ml 6 429968 7.92 15% A 6.73 B
upc 108604 306120 Lemon Ginger ............................................ 6 x 500ml 6 429456 7.92 20% M 6.34 B
HEALTH TONIC 59 ML 306120 Lemon Ginger ............................................ 6 x 500ml 6 429456 7.92 15% A 6.73 B
377200 Unsweetened - Wellness Blend ................. 12 x 59 ml 12 002116 56.65 B 306125 Cucumber Mint .......................................... 6 x 500ml 6 429296 7.92 20% M 6.34 B
upc 208605 306125 Cucumber Mint .......................................... 6 x 500ml 6 429296 7.92 15% A 6.73 B
377205 Citrus - Immunity Blend ............................ 12 x 59 ml 12 000335 56.65 B 306130 Original ...................................................... 6 x 500ml 6 429128 7.92 20% M 6.34 B
upc 108605 306130 Original ...................................................... 6 x 500ml 6 429128 7.92 15% A 6.73 B
377210 Beet - Energy Blend .................................. 12 x 59 ml 12 000314 56.65 B upc 627843
306200 Original ............................................................ 6 x 1L 6 463795 11.50 20% M 9.20 B
FIRE CIDER upc 628055
BROKERED BY LBN Brand Management 306300 Grapefruit Elderflower .............................. 12 x 500ml 12 429937 15.84 20% M 12.67 B
15.84 20% M 12.67 B
306305 Blackberry Hibiscus ................................ 12 x 500ml 12 429920
306310 Watermelon Lime .................................... 12 x 500ml 12 429654 15.84 20% M 12.67 B 413-213-6702 306315 Strawberry Rose ..................................... 12 x 500ml 12 429593 15.84 20% M 12.67 B
Fire Cider is a spicy, sweet, and tangy apple cider vinegar tonic infused with roots, fruits, and 306320 Lemon Ginger .......................................... 12 x 500ml 12 429432 15.84 20% M 12.67 B
spices. We originally intended Fire Cider to be taken functionally as a straight shot, but it is just as 306325 Cucumber Mint ........................................ 12 x 500ml 12 429272 15.84 20% M 12.67 B
tasty when mixed with your favorite beverage. upc 627843
Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure the products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 306330 Original .................................................... 12 x 500ml 12 463764 15.84 20% M 12.67 B
months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-date or unsold Products
upc 853743 POS
FUNCTIONAL BEVERAGE .306FL01Tent Cards ................................................................ 75
.306FL02Shelf Danglers .......................................................... 75
318100 Fire Cider, African Bronze 474ml ......................474ml 6 003261 20.99 B .306FL03Static Cling ............................................................... 75
318105 Fire Cider, Honey-Free 474ml ...........................474ml 6 003254 20.99 B .306L01 Tent Cards .................................................................
318110 Fire Cider, Original 474ml .................................474ml 6 003247 20.99 B .306L02 Shelf Danglers ........................................................... 450
318115 Fire Cider, African Bronze 237ml ......................237ml 6 003162 13.00 B .306L03 Static Cling ................................................................ 320
318120 Fire Cider, Honey-Free 237ml ...........................237ml 6 003186 13.00 B .306L04 Tri-fold ....................................................................... 75
318125 Fire Cider, Original 237ml .................................237ml 6 003179 13.00 B