Page 125 - MARAPRREG2020
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Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R
     GARDEN OF LIFE                                            812295  Prostate+ Vcaps Shelf Stable .................... 60 Vcaps   upc 658010  33.45         E
                                                                                                  0 120371                          (800) 361-0324                                 upc 628055
     Distributor for Garden of Life and Wobenzym in Canada.    MY KIND ORGANICS
                                      upc 886866               812650  mykind Organics - Vitamin B-12 Orga ..............58 ml  24 928294   12.05         E
     MAGNESIUM                                                 812651  mykind Organics - Vit C Spray Cherry/Tang ......58 ml  24 928379   8.67         E
     812875  Dr.Formulated Whole Food Mag Rasp/Lemon 421.5 g   6 000817   32.97         B  812652  mykind Organics - Vit C Spray Orange/Tang .....58 ml  24 928362   8.67         E
     812876  Dr.Formulated Whole Food Mag Orange ..........419.5g   6 000800   32.97         B  812653  mykind Organics Men’s Multi 40+ ..............60 Vtabs   6 928355   36.78         E
     MCT OIL                                                   812654  mykind Organic Men’s Once Daily ...............30 Vtabs   6 928348   24.45         B
                                                               812655  mykind Organics Women’s Multi 40+ .........60 Vtabs
                                                                                                  6 928331

     812301  Dr Formulated Organic MCT Oil .......................946ml   6 000640   31.48         B  812656  mykind- Multivitamin - Womens once..........30 Vtabs   6 928324   24.45         B
     812302  Dr Formulated Organic MCT Oil .......................473ml  12 000657   19.90         B  812657  mykind Organics - Organic Plant Cal............90 Vtabs   6 928317   29.49         B
                                      upc 628055               812658  mykind Organics -Vitamin D3 Organic ..............58 ml  24 928300   10.71         B
     RAW ORGANIC                                                                                 upc 886866
     812702  Raw Organic Protein Unflavoured .....................568 g   6 928430   38.99         B  812659  mykind Orgs. Plant Collagen Builder ............60 Vtabs   6 000077   25.99
                                      upc 658010               812660  mykind Organics B-Complex .......................30 Vtabs   6 000060   21.99
     812740  Raw Fit Vanilla ...................................................457g   1 120579   31.04          812661  mykind Organics Prenatal Once Daily ..........30 Vtabs   6 000084   31.29         B
     812742  Raw Organic Protein Vanilla Tray ................... 10x31g   6 120487   36.03         B
     812745  Raw Organic Protein - Vanilla .............................624g   6 120517   38.99         B  GARDENER’S DREAM (AROMA CRYSTAL)   W
     812747  Raw Organic Protein - Chocolate .......................664g   6 120500   38.99         B
     812750  Raw Organic Fit - Chocolate ..............................461g   1 120562   31.04         B    877-537-9211
                                      upc 886866               Aroma Crystal Therapy, makers of Gardener’s Dream Cream, offers an award-winning, rejuvenating
     PROTEIN AND GREENS                                        all-natural skin care line. Made with love and 100% pure essential oils. Experience the ultimate skin
                                                               care products in Canada, for a multitude of conditions. Over 31 national awards of excellence.
     812707  Raw Org. Protein&Greens Tray-Van............. 10x27.5g   12 000053   34.98         B  upc 683502
     812712  Raw Org. Protein&Greens - Chocolate ...............610g   6 000022   34.98         B  GARDENER’S DREAM CREAM
     812717  Raw Org. Protein & Greens - Vanilla ...................550g   6 000039   34.98         B
                                      upc 628055               229135  Gardener’s Dream Cream Tube .........................90 ml  40 001036   12.94         B
     SPORT                                                     229140  Gardener’s Dream Cream Tube .......................180 ml  24 001067   19.43         B
     812755  Sport Org Plant Base Protein - Van ....................806g   6 928621   42.21         B  GARDENER’S DREAM CREAM - JAR
     812757  Sport Org Plant Base Protein - Choc ..................806g   6 928638   42.21         B  229142  Gardener’s Dream Cream ...............................250 ml  36 001081   25.91         B
                                      upc 886866               SPECIALTY PRODUCTS
     812760  Energy + Focus - Blackberry ............................432g  12 000091   25.85         B  229115  Morning Dew Moisturizer ................................120 ml  36 002309   16.18         B
     812762  Energy + Focus - Blkbrry Sugar Free ................231g  12 000107   25.85         B  229120  Gardener’s Dream Body Wash .......................250 ml  25 004082   11.65         B
     812765  Recovery - Blackberry Lemonade ......................446g  12 000114   29.85         B  229125  Outdoor Eazzz Spray ......................................250 ml  25 005560   11.64         M
                                      upc 628055               229145  Gardener’s Dream Lip Saver ...............................7 ml  50 006079   4.18         M
     812850  Sport Cert Grass Fed Whey Choc ......................672g   6 928652   42.21         B  229150  Gardener’s Dream Ohm ....................................50 ml  80 002026   25.92         B
     812852  Sport Cert Grass Fed Whey - Van ......................652g   6 928645   42.21         B  229155  Natures First Defense Formula ........................8.5 mL  24 209111   12.95         B
                                      upc 658010               POINT OF PURCHASE
     VITAMIN CODE                                              Samples Available on Request
     812500  Raw Prenatal ................................................ 90 caps   6 113922   33.49          .229L02 New Look Shelf Talker ...............................................
     812505  Raw One Women Next Generation ................ 75 caps   6 114301   33.13         E
     812510  Raw ONE Men Next Generation..................... 75 caps   6 114295   33.13         B  GENESTRA BRANDS   W
     812515  Women 50+ Next Generation....................... 60 caps   6 114271   31.80         E
     812520  Men 50+ Next Generation ............................ 60 caps   6 114264   31.81         E   (800) 263-5861
     812525  Vitamin Code- Women Next Generation ........ 60 caps   6 114257   30.50         B  Genestra Brands supplements support individualized treatment plans with a 350+ professional-
     812530  Vitamin Code Men Next Generation ............... 60 caps   6 114240   30.50         B  grade products offering in a variety of formats, proven safe, effective and reliable for over 30 years,
     812535  Raw CoQ10 ................................................ 60 Vcaps   6 116008   25.49          backed by clinical or traditional evidence.*MAP Policy Applies*
     812540  Raw D3 ...................................................... 60 Vcaps   6 116015   14.99          upc 883196
     812545  Raw Iron ...................................................... 30 caps   6 115759   14.99          ENZYMES
     812550  Raw B-Complex ........................................... 60 caps   6 115773   19.99          328400  Bio Enzymes ............................100 chewable tablets   1 112814   17.63
     812555  Raw B-12 ..................................................... 30 caps   6 115766   14.03         E  328405  Digest Plus .................................................90 tablets   1 105359   18.32
                                      upc 628055               328410  Digest Gluten Chewable ..............90 chewable tablets  12 153237   24.20
     COCONUT OIL                                               ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS
     812106  Raw Extra Virgin Coconut oil ............................858ml   4 928997   22.65         B  328500  Super EFA Forte Capsules ........................60 softgels  12 153169   17.04
     812111  Raw Extra Virgin Coconut Oil ...........................414ml   6 928980   11.31         B  328505  Super EFA Forte Liquid ...................................200 ml  24 153107   21.89
                                      upc 658010
     DIGESTIVE HEALTH                                          HERBAL FORMULAS
     812100  Olde World Icelandic Cod Liver Oil ...................236ml   6 114486   16.07         E  328600  Kids English Ivy Cough & Cold .......................120 ml   1 153046   12.32

                                                                                                  1 152933
                                                               328605  English Ivy Cough & Cold ...............................120 ml
     812805  Raw Primal Defense Ultra ............................. 60 caps   6 115742   52.20         E  328610  Active Chewable B12+L-Methylfolate ...........60 Tabs  12 131013   15.74
     812810  Raw Primal Defense Ultra ............................. 30 caps   6 115735   29.75         E  328615  Cal Mag Berry Liquid + .................................450 ml  12 141609   20.84
     NUTRITIONAL SHAKES                                        328620  Children’s Chewable Vitamins .....................100 Tabs  12 104710   19.00
     812350  Raw All-In-One Nutr.Shake Chocolat .............. 10x73g   6 120463   42.21         B  328625  Melatonin Spray ...............................................30 ml  35 141708   10.95
     812355  Raw All-In-One Nutr. Shake Vanilla .....................969g   6 120449   46.99         B  328630  Super EFA forte liquid .....................................500 ml   6 153312   49.09
     812360  Raw All-In-One Nutr. Shake Chocolat ...............1017g   6 120432   46.99         B  328635  MCT Ketone Energy ........................................450 ml   6 153213   17.58
                                      upc 628055               VITAMIN & MINERALS
     812365  All in One Shake lightly sweetened ...................1038g   6 928423   46.99         B  328350  Cal Mag Raspberry Liquid ..............................450 ml   1 126514   20.05
                                      upc 658010               328355  D-Mulsion 1000 (citrus) ...................................30 ml   1 108718   11.53
     812450  Raw Fit - natural ................................................396g   6 161411   31.04          328360  Magnesium Glycinate Liquid ...........................450 ml   1 144808   22.16
     DR. FORMULATED PROBIOTICS                                 328365  Pregna Vite ................................................. 180 caps   1 100613   26.21
     812250  Once Daily Ultra 90 Billions.........................30 VCaps   6 120180   36.99         B  328370  Liquid Multi Vite Min .......................................450 ml   1 152704   28.95
     812252  Mood+ Vcaps Shelf Stable ........................ 60 Vcaps   0 120395   31.99          328375  Pediatri Vite ....................................................250 ml   1 149902   21.84
     812255  Organic Digest+ ................................. 90 chewables   0 120159   28.75         B  VITAMINS
     812257  Urinary Tract+ Vcaps Shelf Stable ............. 60 Vcaps   0 120388   33.45         E  328300  Active B Complex ......................................... 60 caps   1 131211   22.11
     812260  Once Daily 30 Billions ................................. 30 Vcaps   0 120173   22.99         B
     812265  Mood+ 50 Billion ....................................... 60 Vcaps   0 120166   31.99         B  PROBIOTICS
                                      upc 628055               328100  HMF Multi Strain 50 ...................................... 30 caps  350 146604   44.37         B
     812271  Organic Kids chewable probiotic..................30 Vtabs   6 928829   16.22         E  328102  HMF Bifido Powder .............................................30 g  12 153015   43.11
     812272  Once Daily 30 Bil Shelf Stable ....................... 30 caps   6 928669   22.99          328105  HMF Fit for School ......................................... 30 tabs  24 144006   21.37         B
     812277  Once daily Prenatal shelf stable .................... 30 caps   6 928614   20.18         E  328110  HMF IBS Relief ............................................. 30 caps  24 135707   32.26         B
                                      upc 658010               328115  HMF Antibiotic Care ...................................... 14 caps  270 136001   36.58
     812280  Once Daily Women’s Vegetarian Vcaps ...... 30 Vcaps   0 120241   29.42         E  328120  HMF Multi Strain ........................................... 60 caps  350 140107   31.84         B
     812290  Once Daily Men’s Vcaps Shelf Stable ......... 30 Vcaps   6 120203   29.42         E  328125  HMF Travel ....................................................30 vcap   0 148806   21.89         B
                                      upc 628055               328130  HMF Intensive ...............................................30 vcap  180 102938   32.26
     812292  Organic Kids shelf stable probiotic ......... 30 chewable   6 928591   16.70         B  328135  HMF Intensive 500 ......................................... 30x5 g  48 148608   85.21         B
                                                               328140  HMF Uti .........................................................60 vcap  48 148400   38.26         B
                                                                                                 MARCH - APRIL 2020  123
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