Page 147 - MARAPRREG2020
P. 147

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R

     517308  Gentle Lotion Jasmine & Grapefruit - New ......118 ml  12 030026   10.54         B  506215  Pure Drop Iron ................................................250 ml   6 001413   16.63         B
     517309  Organic Diaper Balm - New .................................56g  12 030019   12.97         B  506220  Pure Drop Feel #1 ..........................................250 ml   6 001468   21.68         B
     24HR CLINICAL PROTECTION TWIST STICK                      506230  Pure Drop Detox 7 Days .................................250 ml   6 001499   21.26         B
     517130  Twist Stick - Active .............................................64 g  24 550104   4.64  15%  A   3.94  B  VITAMINS AND MINERALS
     517132  Charcoal Twist Stick - Detox - New .....................71 g  24 540075   4.64         B  506302  Vitamin D Mist .......................................... 16 x 20 ml  16 001826  113.23         B
     517135  Twist Stick - Soothe ............................................64 g  24 501021   4.64  15%  A   3.94  B  506303  Vitamin B12....................................................250 ml   6 001475   9.69         B
     517140  Twist Stick - Fresh ..............................................64 g  24 510139   4.64  15%  A   3.94  B  506320  Silica Colloidal Orange & Apple .......................500 ml   6 001109   19.02         B
     517145  Twist Stick - Bliss ...............................................64 g  24 521722   4.64  15%  A   3.94  B  506330  Multivit ...........................................................500 ml   6 001093   19.00         B
     517150  Twist Stick - Extra Strength .................................64 g  24 530038   4.64  15%  A   3.94  B  506333  Silica Ionic ......................................................500 ml   6 002076   19.02         B
     517155  Twist Stick -  Unscented .....................................64 g  24 520312   4.64  15%  A   3.94  B  506337  Magnesium Chloride.......................................250 ml   6 001376   9.69         B
     517175  Natural Trial Deodorant Stone ............................. 3 oz  40 323685   2.21  15%  A   1.88  E  506338  Magnesium Chloride.......................................500 ml  12 001932   17.16         B
     517180  Natural Crystal Rock Deodorant ........................120 g  48 129645   4.52  15%  A   3.84  B  506340  Iron ................................................................500 ml   6 001178   22.80         B
     517185  Natural Crystal Rock Deodorant ..........................63 g  24 606498   2.92  15%  A   2.48  B  506380  Cal-Mag Liquid Vanilla & Spearmint ................500 ml   6 001185   13.90         B
     24HR CLINICAL PROTECTION ROLL-ON                          506385  B-Complex Original .........................................500 ml   6 001222   18.65         B
     517100  Roll-On - Extra Strength ......................................71 g  24 753109   4.36  15%  A   3.71  B  506386  B-Complex Energy..........................................500 ml  12 001864   18.65         B
     517105  Roll-On - Active ..................................................71 g  24 052028   4.36  15%  A   3.71  B  506387  B-Complex Zen ...............................................500 ml  12 001840   18.65         B
     517110  Roll-On - Soothe .................................................71 g  24 121274   4.36  15%  A   3.71  B  506397  Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid .................................250 ml   6 001116   9.69         B
     517115  Roll-On - Bliss ....................................................71 g  24 122509   4.36  15%  A   3.71  B  IMMUNE SYSTEM (ORGANIC)
     517120  Roll-On - Fresh ...................................................71 g  24 719952   4.36  15%  A   3.71  B  506420  Organic Black Cumin Oil .................................100 ml   6 003059   22.26         B
     517125  Roll-On - Unscented ...........................................71 g  24 520022   4.36  15%  A   3.71  B  506550  Organic Oregano Oil ......................................13.5 ml  24 003004   11.45         B
     DEODORANT SPRAYS                                          506555  Organic Mushroom Extract .............................250 ml   6 003028   20.23         B
     517190  Natural Crystal Deodorant Spray .....................236 ml  24 802609   3.79  15%  A   3.22  B  HERBAL FORMULAS
     517195  Natural Crystal Deodorant Spray .....................118 ml  24 709953   3.21  15%  A   2.73  B  506100  Milk-Thistle Extract .........................................250 ml   6 001543   16.62         B
     517200  Deodorant Spray Soothe w/Lavender ..............236 ml  24 919604   3.79  15%  A   3.22  B  506305  Total Detox .....................................................500 ml   6 001345   21.63         B
     517250  Deodorant Spray Soothe w/Lavender ..............118 ml  24 625628   3.20  15%  A   2.72  B  506307  Migraine 500 - New ......................................60 Caps   6 003097   15.74         B
     FOOT CARE                                                 506310  Green Tea .......................................................500 ml   6 001147   19.00         B
     517210  Natural Foot Spray w/Peppermint ....................236 ml  24 647774   6.40  15%  A   5.44  B  506315  Red Elm Cough Syrup ....................................250 ml   6 001154   10.07         B
     517215  Natural Foot Spray w/Peppermint ....................118 ml  24 468881   4.08  15%  A   3.47  B  FATTY ACIDS
     ORGANIC BABY                                              506325  Omega-3 Cold Pressed Oil..............................250 ml   6 001390   16.03         B
     517300  Foaming Baby Shampoo/Wash .......................354 ml  12 011056   6.97         B  506326  Omega-3 Cold Pressed Oil..............................500 ml   6 001703   28.33         B
                                                               506327  Omega-3 500 mg .................................. 120 Softgels  12 001727

     517306  Baby Lotion .....................................................177ml  24 201204   5.81         B
                                      upc 639585               TONICS
     EARTHLY DELIGHTS                                          506345  Energik ...........................................................500 ml   6 001338   23.21         B
     517400  Tropical Rain Shampoo ....................................454ml  12 025261   14.45         B  ALOE VERA
     517405  Herbal Shampoo..............................................454ml  12 433905   14.45         B  506388  Aloe Vera Gel Orange-Tangerine - New ..........1500 ml   6 003134   14.18         B
     517410  Hair Pomade ...................................................114ml  24 524559   13.53         B  506389  Aloe Vera Topical Gel ........................................100 g  24 003066   8.59         B
     517415  Hair Conditioner ...............................................454ml  12 140216   14.45         B  506390  Aloe Vera Gel 1.5L Cranberry Flavor .............1500 ml   6 001666   14.17         B
                                      upc 792870               506391  Aloe Vera Pure Juice Plain ............................1500 ml   6 001796   12.67         B
     DRY SHAMPOO                                               506392  Aloe Vera Pure Juice Pomegranate ...............1500 ml   6 001802   12.67         B
     517450  Lafes Dry Shampoo - Black ............................. 1.7 oz  12 171569   9.91  15%  M   8.42  B  506393  Aloe Vera Gel Unflavored ..............................1500 ml   6 001970   14.17         B
     517455  Lafes Dry Shampoo - Blonde ........................... 1.7 oz  12 172733   9.91  15%  M   8.42  B  506394  Aloe Vera Pure Juice Unflavored .....................500 ml  12 002045   7.45         B
     517460  Lafes Dry Shampoo - Brunette ........................ 1.7 oz  12 173648   9.91  15%  M   8.42  B  506395  Aloe Vera Gel Cranberry .................................500 ml   6 001086   8.20         B
     517465  Lafes Dry Shampoo - Red ............................... 1.7 oz  12 174423   9.91  15%  M   8.42  B  506396  Aloe Vera Pure Juice Pomegranate .................500 ml  12 002038   7.45         B
                                                               506399  Aloe Vera Gel Unflavoured ..............................500 ml   6 001963   8.20         B
     LAHMAR OLIVE OIL                                     W    506401  Aloe Vera Gel Orange-Tangerine - New ............500 ml   6 003127   8.20         B
     BROKERED BY  iLevel Management Inc.                       CHLOROPHYLL                                8.96          B
                                                               506350  Chlorophyll Assort. Flavours ......................... 4x60 ml  12 001673                        819 303 0859  506351  Chlorophyll(e) Basil-Lime ...............................500 ml  12 001949   14.50         B
                                                               506352  Chlorophyll(e) Conc. 5X Basil-Lime ................500 ml  12 001956

     For more than 70 years the Lahmar family has taken great care in crafting 100% extra virgin olive   506353  Chlorophyll Concentrated 15X Mint .................100 ml   6 002137   15.95         B
     oil made from 96,000 olive trees grown in their family’s orchard in the region of Mahdia, Tunisia.
     On a local level, Lahmar Olive Oil has removed the need for an intermediary by bottling their olive   506354  Chlorophyll Conc.15X Unflavored ...................100 ml   6 001857   15.95         B
     oil at their Gatineau plant in the Outaouais region of Québec since 2017. A team of experts ensures   506355  Chlorophyll Apple ...........................................500 ml   6 001253   14.50         B
     the quality and purity of Lahmar olive oils by testing them at an on-site lab before they are bottled,   506356  Chlorophyll(e) Conc. 5X Apple ........................500 ml  12 001994   22.80         B
     guaranteeing a superior quality in accordance with the highest standards.  506357  Chlorophyll Conc. 15X Eucalyptus ..................100 ml  12 003080   15.95         B
                                                               506358  Chlorophyll Conc. 5x Eucalyptus ....................500 ml   6 003073   22.80         B
             SAVE 10%   LINE DRIVE MAR                         506360  Chlorophyll Mint .............................................500 ml   6 001017   14.50         B
                                                               506365  Chlorophyll Eucalyptus ...................................500 ml   6 001024   14.50         B
                                                               506371  Mint Chlorophyll Concentrated 5x ...................500 ml   6 001819   22.80         B
     April: 10% for 10+ cases – it’s not a true mix & match to create meet the criteria – 10 can be a
     combination of the Natural Only Or Organic Only – (not, as an example; 5 natural 5 organic)  506372  Chlorophyll capsules ..........................90 Vegan Caps  12 001734   11.17         B
                                      upc 628073               506373  ChlOralfa Mouth Wash Cinnamon ...................350 ml  12 002021   4.95         B
     OLIVE OIL                                                 506375  Chlorophyll (e) Conc. 5x 500ml ......................500 ml   6 001208   22.80         B

                                                               506376  ChlOralfa Mouth Wash Mint ............................350 ml  12 001765
     458100  Extra Virgin Olive Oil Intense ............................500ml  12 000057   7.80  10%  M   7.02  B  506377  Chlorophyll (e) Conc. 5x 250ml ......................250 ml   6 001130   15.26         B
     458105  Extra Virgin Olive Oil Sweet ..............................500ml  12 000002   7.80  10%  M   7.02  B  506378  ChlOralfa Breath Freshener - Mint ............. 16 x 20 ml  16 001758   57.87         B
     458110  Organic EVOO Intense .....................................500ml  12 000071   8.45  10%  M   7.61  B  BONES AND JOINTS
     458115  Organic EVOO Sweet .......................................500ml  12 000064   8.45  10%  M   7.61  B
                                                               506331  ReFlex Joint & Muscle Spray ..........................110 ml  12 002083   10.41         B
     LAND ART                                             W    506332  Herbaflex ........................................................500 ml   6 002113   24.31         B
                                                               506334  Ionic Cal-Mag .................................................500 ml

                                                                                                  6 002120
     BROKERED BY  M2 Brand Management                          506336  Collag-N Extra ................................................500 ml   6 001987   33.56         B
                                                               506339  Collag-N 5000mg ...........................................500 ml   6 001482   26.40         B                               (800) 445-0441  SLEEP
     Developed and manufactured in Canada, Land Art products are high quality liquid dietary
     supplements. All products are made from the best ingredients, are gluten free and contains no   506400  Melatonin 3mg/ml ............................................50 ml  12 001772   7.08         B
     artificial flavouring, coloring or sweeteners.            PET PRODUCTS
                                      upc 621141               506450  Maxi-Flex for pets ...........................................500 ml  12 001925   29.52         B
     FOOT & SKIN CARE (ORGANIC)                                506455  Collagen for pets ............................................500 ml  12 001918   29.52         B
     506500  Organic Tea Tree Oil .......................................13.5 ml  24 003011   12.13         B  506461  Omega-3 for Pets Duo Pack ........................ 2x250ml  12 002106   29.52         B
     VITAMINS AND MINERALS (ORGANIC)                           506465  Omega-3 for pets ...........................................250 ml  24 001895   16.23         B

                                                               506470  Chlorophyll for pets ........................................100 ml  12 001888
     506304  Organic Vitamin D3 + K2 ..............................13.5 ml  24 003042   12.81         B  POS
     506306  Organic Vitamin D3 .......................................13.5 ml  24 003035   10.11         B  .506L02 Land Art English Brochure .........................................
     SPORTS NUTRITION                                          .506L03 Land Art  B-complex Brochure .............................n/a  900
     506150  Volta Botanical Energy Shot ........................ 10x65 ml  10 002069   24.31         B  .506L04 Land Art Joints products Brochure .....................1 un  900
     PURE LINE                                                 .506L05 Land Art Silica Brochure .....................................1 un  900
     506210  Pure Drop Magnesium ....................................250 ml   6 001420   15.05         B  .506L06 Land Art Aloe Vera Brochure ..............................1 un  900
                                                                                                 MARCH - APRIL 2020  145
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