Page 149 - MARAPRREG2020
P. 149

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R

     .506L07 Land Art Chlorophyll  Brochure ...........................1 un  900   510305  Plain Jane: All-Purpose Ghee ............................105 g   6 210214   8.61  10%  A   7.75  M
     LAVILIN (HLAVIN)                                          510500  Gold Standard:Turmeric-Infused Ghee ..............210 g   6 210436   15.89  10%  A  14.30  M
                                                               510505  Gold Standard:Turmeric-Infused Ghee ..............105 g
                                                                                                  6 210238
                                                                                                          8.61  10%  A
                                                                                                                    7.75  M
     BROKERED BY  M2 Brand Management                          FATS AND OILS
                                                               510600  Vanilla Bean Good Fat Blend ..............................425g   6 210191   23.18         M                                    (888) 764-1640  510605  Dark Chocolate Good Fat Blend .........................425g   6 210184   23.18         M
     Lavilin is brand that was created over 40 years ago by Dr. Hlavin  Lavilin underarm and foot   510610  50/50 Good Fat Blend ........................................425g   6 210207   23.18         M
     deodorants prevent body odour in an effective and economic way.  Lavilin deodorant destroys the
     bacterial activity that causes the odour with herbs and oils.  The natural sweat gland function of the   LEE’S TEA   W
     body is not affected.  The products do not clog pores, are skin friendly and not water soluble.  All
     Lavilin deodorants are aluminum, alcolhol and paraben free.  BROKERED BY  LBN Brand Management
             SAVE 15%   SELECT ITEMS MAR                                     (855) 544-4433
                                                               Organic Wellness Teas
     36 units = 10% Off, 72 units = 15% Off
                                                                        SAVE 10%  SELECT ITEMS APR
                                                               LOOSE LEAF TEA
                                                               512100  Lee’s Tea: Mint Chill ............................................60g   6 210030   9.93  10%  A   8.94  M
                                                               512105  Lee’s Tea: Gold Rush .........................................105g   6 210023   9.93  10%  A   8.94  M
                                                               512110  Lee’s Tea: Pink Chai ............................................90g   6 210047   9.93  10%  A   8.94  M
                                                               512120  Original Three Tulsi Tea Blend ..............................60g  24 210016   9.93  10%  A   8.94  M
                                                                                                 upc 106280
                                                               ICED TEA
                                                               512200  Lee’s Tea Mint Chill - Iced Tea .................. 12x473 ml   1 210075   31.70         B
                                                               512205  Lee’s Tea Pink Chai - Iced......................... 12x473 ml   1 210082   31.70         B
                                                               512210  Lee’s Tea Gold Rush - Iced ....................... 12x473 ml   1 210068   31.70         B
                                                               512215  Lee’s Original Three Tulsi Iced Tea ............ 12x473 ml   1 210051   31.70         B
     DISPLAY                                                   LEVEL NATURALS - NEW
     501900  Deodorant Counter Display ............................. 18 pcs   0     260.05  15%  M  221.04  E
         Contains: 5x - Stick 72hr Deodorant, 3x - Roll-On 72hr Deodorant, 3x - Roll-On 48hr  949-535-1600
         Deodorant, 3x - Foot Roll-On 72hr Deodorant , 4x - 7 Day Cream Deodorant  Level Naturals was created with the mission of bringing clean, simple, and all natural  bath and
                                      upc 729001               body products to the market. Our product line uses anhydrous technology so there is no need for
     CLASSIC DEODORANTS                                        preservatives or synthetic additives in our products. Our products are all natural, vegan and cruelty
     501100  48h Roll-On Deodorant Frag. Free .....................60 ml  144 863195   13.19         B  free with certifications from PETA, and Leaping Bunny.
                                      upc 729000
     501101  7 Day Deodorant .................................................10g  240 041009   16.61         B     SAVE 10%   LINE DRIVE MAR
                                      upc 729001
     501105  72h Stick Deodorant .........................................50 ml  216 182992   14.53         B
                                      upc 729617
     501156  Intimate Wash Deodorant ...............................300 ml  12 021349   13.84         B
                                      upc 729001
     501210  72h Roll-On Deodorant .....................................60 ml  12 192098   14.53         B
     501200  Foot Repair Emulsion ........................................80 ml  108 863201   16.51         B
     501205  Foot Roll-On 72h Deodorant .............................60 ml  144 863249   15.19         B
                                      upc 729617
     501126  Men - 48h Roll On Deodorant ...........................65 ml  18 021301   11.22         B
                                      upc 729001
     501135  Teens - 48h Roll On Deodorant .........................65 ml  18 304061   10.56         B
                                      upc 729617                                                 upc 852113
     501141  Women - 48h Roll On Deodorant ......................65 ml  18 021318   11.22         B  BATH PRODUCTS
                                      upc 729001
     501150  Sport - 48h Roll On Deodorant .........................65 ml  18 304078   11.88         B  460200  Eucalyptus + Lime Bath Bombs - New ..........6 x 2oz  24 006345   12.31  10%  M  11.08  M
                                                                                                         12.31  10%  M  11.08  M
                                                               460205  Lavender + Chamomile Bath Bombs - New ...6 x 2oz  24 006383
     GENDER DEODORANTS - STICK                                 460210  Jasmine + Rose Bath Bombs - New ..............6 x 2oz  24 006406   12.31  10%  M  11.08  M
     501115  Sport - 48h Stick Deodorant .............................60 ml  18 304085   11.88         B  460215  Grapefruit + Bergamot Bath Bombs - New.....6 x 2oz  24 006376   12.31  10%  M  11.08  M
                                      upc 729617               460220  Frankincense + Myrrh Bath Bombs - New .....6 x 2oz  24 006369   12.31  10%  M  11.08  M
     501121  Women - 48h Stick Deodorant ..........................60 ml  18 021332   11.22         B  460225  Lemon + Coconut Bath Bombs - New ...........6 x 2oz  24 006338   12.31  10%  M  11.08  M
     501131  Men - 48h Stick Deodorant ...............................60 ml  18 021325   11.22         B  460230  Mixed Set of Bath Bombs - New .....................6 x 2oz  24 006550   12.31  10%  M  11.08  M
                                      upc 729001               SOAP
     501145  Teens - 48h Stick Deodorant .............................60 ml  18 304092   10.56         B  460100  Grapefruit + Bergamot Bar Soap - New .......... 5.8 oz  24 006031   5.96  10%  M   5.36  M
     POS                                                       460105  Vanilla + Charcoal Bar Soap - New ................. 5.8 oz  24 006789   5.96  10%  M   5.36  M
     .501L01 Lavilin Brochure.........................................................  460110  Tea Tree + Charcoal Bar Soap - New .............. 5.8 oz  24 006000   5.96  10%  M   5.36  M
     .501L02 Training Refreshment Page- Lavilin .................... 8x11  50 000000  460115  Frankincense + Myrrh Bar Soap - New ........... 5.8 oz  24 006048   5.96  10%  M   5.36  M
     LEE’S GHEE                                           W    460120  Lemon + Coconut Bar Soap - New ................. 5.8 oz  24 006055   5.96  10%  M   5.36  M
     BROKERED BY  LBN Brand Management                         LIBRE INFUSERS
                                                               BROKERED BY  Naturally Perfect Consulting                       (855) 544-4433
     Lee’s Provisions is a maker of premium, organic ghee (clarified butter). Also known as clarified
     butter, ghee is an ancient pantry staple from India which has been used for thousands of years as   Libre durable glass infusers inspire peaceful tea moments ‘on the go’. We are an independent
     both a cooking oil and in Ayurvedic medicine. Lee’s Ghee is infused with premium ingredients from   Canadian company, 100% owned by the founder and designer of the  glasses. She loves to drink
     around the world to create flavours that are delicious to cook with, use as a spread, or just eat all   from glass, enjoy the flavour of loose leaf teas, and create healthy, hydrating infusions. Our unique
     on their own! 90/10 is our commitment to donate 10% of profits to help save Asian elephants.  combination of a glass interior, durable plastic exterior and removable filter provides a fresh taste
                                                               and durability for everyday use. Our Asian supplier of 8 years is a trusted partner and we visit about
             SAVE 10%  SELECT ITEMS APR                        1/year to review quality, process and labour practices. Back at home we are dedicated to a small
                                                               physical footprint, environmentally and socially responsible operating practices and support of
                                                               charitable groups with women, water, and wellness as priorities.
                                      upc 628055                                                 upc 628335
     510100  Brown Butter Ghee ...........................................210 g   6 210429   18.55  10%  A  16.70  M  GLASS INFUSERS- 420ML
     510105  Brown Butter Ghee ...........................................105 g   6 210221   9.93  10%  A   8.94  M
     510200  Great Maple: Maple Infused Ghee .....................210 g   6 210467   15.89  10%  A  14.30  M  514100  Garden Dance Glass Infuser (Pink) ..................420ml  24 002041   17.39         B
     510205  Great Maple: Maple Infused Ghee .....................105 g   6 210269   8.61  10%  A   7.75  M  514105  Brush  Glass Infuser (Black) ............................420ml  24 002218   17.39         B
     510300  Plain Jane: All-Purpose Ghee ............................210 g   6 210412   15.89  10%  A  14.30  M  514110  Starburst Glass Infuser(Turquoise) ...................420ml  24 002034   17.39         B
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