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Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F
ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R
LOTUS PRODUCE BAG - NEW 520920 4pk PDQ display ..........................................1 display 1 997761 183.84 6% B 172.81 B
Includes 24 bx: 6 x Mint (520215), 6 x Almond (520210), 6 x Coconut (520205), 6 x (760) 688-9962 Peanut Butter Choc (520200)
The Lotus Produce Bag is a set of four reusable bags that are easy to carry and designed to spread 520925 4pk PDQ Display Plant Based Bars ..............1 display 1 997075 184.30 B
out accordion-style along the top of the customer’s shopping cart, allowing for packing and sorting includes 24bx : 12 x Choc Chip Cookie Dough (520225) , 12 x P.B. Jam (520220)
simpler and faster upc 108406
520930 FloorStand - 16pc Innovation .......................1 display 1 000375 368.48 11% B 327.95 B
Includes: 4 x Chewy-Nutty Chocolatey Almond (520235), 4 x Cookies and Cream
(520130), 4 x Chewy-Nutty Coconut Macadamia (520230), 4 x Lemon Mousse
520935 Shakes Floorstand .......................................1 display 1 389.16 11% B 346.35 E
Contains: 12 x Chocolate (520300), 6 x Vanilla (520305).
520940 Half Pallet Display - Innovation.....................1 display 1 2,487.24 11% B 2,213.64 B
Half pallet 108 bx Contains: 12 x Chewy-Nutty Chocolatey Almond (520235), 12 x
Chewy-Nutty Coconut Macadamia (520230), 12 x Cookies and Cream (520130), 12
x Lemon Mousse (520135), 12 x Peanut Butter Chocolatey (520100), 12 x Coconut
Chocolate Chip (520105), 12 x Mint Chocolate Chip (520115), 12 x Chocolate Chip
Cookie Dough (520120), 12 x Rich Chocolatey Almond (520210).
520945 4pk PDQ Display - Innovation ......................1 display 1 000382 184.32 6% B 173.26 B
Includes: 6 x Chewy Nutty Chocolatey Almond (520250), 6 x Chewy Nutty Coconut
upc 108604 Macadamia (520255), 6 x Cookies and Cream (520245), 6 x Lemon Mousse
467100 Produce Bags (S, M, L) - New .......................12X3pk 12 000410 83.20 B (520240).
.520FL02Consumer Cards 6x4 French ...................................1
BROKERED BY Natural Specialty Sales .520FL03SGF sales sheet 4 skus French ...............................1 0
.520FL05Keto Card 2018 French ..........................................1 0 (647) 778-8950 .520L01 Stand-up Easel English ..............................8.5” x 11” 0
fat is back. sugar is out! introducing new bars from Love Good Fats – full of good fats, low in sugar .520L02 Consumer Card 6x4 English ....................................1 0
(1-3g) and ridiculously delicious. eat and enjoy good fats!*MAP Policy Applies* .520L03 SGF sales sheet 4 skus English ...............................1 0
Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure the products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 .520L04 Influencer Brochure .................................................1 0
months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-date or unsold Products. .520L05 Keto Card 2018 English ...........................................1 0
.520L07 Shelf Talker 3 inch round .........................................1 1
upc 628055 (888) 590-2299
SHAKES Lunapads International is an award-winning social mission-driven business. Women owned and
520300 Chocolate Shake ...............................................400g 6 997368 21.62 B operated since 1993, Lunapads are made in Vancouver and are Canada’s best selling brand of cloth
520305 Vanilla Shake .....................................................400g 6 997382 21.62 B menstrual pads. Their popular collection of healthy and eco-friendly products attracts a growing
upc 840659 segment of customers looking for healthier and more positive ways to manage their monthly needs.
520310 Chocolate Shake - Sachets ............................ 8 x 38g 6 000194 21.62 B
520315 Vanilla Shake - Sachets ................................. 8 x 38g 6 000224 21.62 B SAVE 15% LINE DRIVE APR
upc 628055
BARS upc 625564
520100 Peanut butter choc snack bar ........................ 12x39g 12 997047 23.03 11% A 20.50 B PADS
520105 Coconut choc chip snack bar ........................ 12x39g 12 997016 23.03 11% A 20.50 B 473160 Organic Long Pad & Insert -undyed .................. 2 pcs 6 006338 14.59 B
520110 Rich chocolatey almond snack bar ................ 12x39g 12 997092 23.03 11% A 20.50 B 473165 Organic Maxi Pad & Insert-undyed ................... 2 pcs 6 006222 12.16 B
520115 Mint chocolate chip snack bar ....................... 12x39g 12 997122 23.03 11% A 20.50 B 473170 Organic Mini Pad & Insert -undyed ................... 2 pcs 6 006130 10.95 B
upc 840659 473220 Organic Long Pad & Insert -prints..................... 2 pcs 6 000633 14.59 B
520130 Cookies & Cream ........................................ 12 x 39g 12 000064 23.03 11% A 20.50 B 473225 Organic Maxi Pad & Insert-prints ...................... 2 pcs 6 000626 12.16 B
520135 Lemon Mousse ........................................... 12 x 39g 12 000125 23.03 11% A 20.50 B 473230 Organic Mini Pad & Insert -prints ...................... 2 pcs 6 000619 10.95 B
upc 628055
520200 Peanut butter choc snack bar ........................ 4 x 39g 12 997214 7.68 B PANTY LINERS
520205 Coconut choc chip snack bar ........................ 4 x 39g 12 997207 7.68 B 473110 Organic Mini Pantyliners- prints ........................ 2 pcs 6 000022 17.03 B
520210 Rich chocolatey almond snack bar ................ 4 x 39g 12 997221 7.68 B 473135 Organic Mini Pantyliners- undyed ..................... 2 pcs 6 000220 17.03 B
520215 Mint chocolate chip snack bar ....................... 4 x 39g 12 997238 7.68 B PERFORMA PADS
upc 840659 473250 Performa Mini Pad ..............................................1 pc 6 070216 9.73 15% A 8.27 E
520240 Lemon Mousse ............................................. 4 x 39g 12 000156 7.68 B 473255 Performa Maxi Pad .............................................1 pc 6 070315 11.55 15% A 9.82 E
520245 Cookies & Cream .......................................... 4 x 39g 12 000095 7.68 B 473260 Performa Super Pad ...........................................1 pc 36 070513 13.37 15% A 11.36 B
upc 628055 473265 Performa Liners................................................. 2pcs 36 070117 14.58 15% A 12.39 E
520120 Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ..................... 12 x 39g 12 997337 23.03 11% A 20.50 B LUNCHSKINS - NEW
520125 Peanut Butter and Jam................................. 12 x 39g 12 997306 23.03 11% A 20.50 B (301) 652-3331
520220 Peanut Butter and Jam................................... 4 x 39g 12 997405 7.68 B
520225 Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ....................... 4 x 39g 12 997429 7.68 B Lunchskins products reduce single-use plastic waste right from your kitchen counter. Our
dishwasher-safe reusable bags can be used again and again + our biodegradable paper bags are
upc 840659 easy to use once and toss responsibly. FEEL GOOD. LIVE PLASTIC BAG FREE.
520230 Chewy Nutty Coconut Macadamia ............... 12 x 45g 12 000309 23.03 11% A 20.50 B
520235 Chewy Nutty Chocolatey Almond................. 12 x 45g 12 000248 23.03 11% A 20.50 B SAVE 10% SELECT ITEMS MAR
520250 Chewy Nutty Chocolatey Almond Bar ............ 4 x 40g 12 000279 7.68 B
520255 Chewy Nutty Coconut Macadamia Bar ........... 4 x 40g 12 000330 7.68 B
upc 106280
520900 FloorStand Shipper-10 pc ............................1 display 10 997068 227.50 B
Includes 5 peanut butter caddies (code 520100) and 5 coconut chocolate chip caddies
(code 520105)
520905 FloorStand Shipper-16 pc ............................1 display 16 997174 368.48 11% B 327.95 B
Includes 4 x Peanut Butter (520100) , 4 x coconut (520105) , 4 x Mint (520115), 4 x
Almond (520110)
520905E Empty Floorstand - 16pc .........................................0 0
Required fill: 4 boxes of each 4 flavours.
520910 Plant Based Floorstand Display ....................1 display 1 997358 368.48 B
includes: 8 Chocolate Chip Cookie dough (520120) and 8 Peanut Butter and Jam
520915 Half Pallet Display ........................................1 display 1 997198 2,487.24 B upc 860000
Includes 108bx: 36 x PB Choc 520100, 24 x Mint Choc 520115, 24 x Coconut Choc REUSABLE BAGS - VELCRO
520105, 24 x Rich Choc Almond 520110. 492300 Reusable Bag Set, Velcro Turtle - New ............... 2-PK 12 586733 11.85 M
MARCH - APRIL 2020 151