Page 226 - MARAPRREG2020
P. 226

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description             Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R

     MEN’S DEODORANT                                           TRAIL TRUFFLES
     813518  Northwoods LL Mens Stick Deodorant ................64g  18 470589   6.77         B
                                      upc 035000               BROKERED BY  Abundant by Design Inc.
     813519  Long Lasting Northwoods Men’s Deo..................79g  12 968494   7.75  20%  A   6.20  B
                                      upc 077326                              (385) 350-3855
     813555  Long Last Wide Stick Deod Mtn Sprg ..................64g  18 832301   6.77         B   With a non-melting chocolate shell and indulgent filling, Trail Truffles combines nature’s super
                                      upc 035000               foods with the decadence of a dark chocolate truffle - delivering a complete protein bite that is as
     813556  Long-Lasting Mountain Spring Men’s ..................79g  12 968425   7.75  20%  A   6.20  B  tasty as it is good for fueling your adventures.
                                      upc 077326
     ANTIPERSPIRANT                                                SAVE UP TO 15%   SELECT ITEMS MAR & APR
     813526  Ntrly Dry Antiperspirant Ntrl Pwdr ........................64g  18 832295   6.77  20%  A   5.42  B
                                                                                                 upc 783583
     BROKERED BY  Marsham International                        802900  Trail Truffles Pre-Pack Shipper .....................1 Display   1 896757  145.74  15%  B  123.88  B
                                                                    Includes: 8 units of Peanut Butter Cup Truffles (802110), 8 units of Mint Creme Truffles               (800) 543-4372    (802105), 8 units of Coconut Macadamia Truffles (802100), 8 units of Chocolate
                                                                    Hazelnut Truffles (802115).
     Cannot be combined with any other offer:Everyday Display Allowance:  802901E Trail Truffles Empty Shipper - New ...............1 Display   1 896757
     50+ case display per store (maximum 6 items, picture required) = 11% off per case  Ships Flat. Required fill: 8 units of Peanut Butter Cup Truffles (802110), 8 units of Mint
     Everyday Shipper Allowance (Best Seller, Seasonal Cold Care, Single Herb, Smooth Move/Detox, Organic   Creme Truffles (802105), 8 units of Coconut Macadamia Truffles (802100), 8 units of
     Top 4):1-10 shippers = 6% off per shipper, 11-20 shippers = 7% off per shipper,21-30 shippers = 8%   Chocolate Hazelnut Truffles (802115).
     off per shipper 31-40 shippers = 10% off per shipper,50+ shippers = 11% off per shipper
     *Minimum 3 weeks pre-build in advance notice required.    TRUFFLES
                                      upc 032917               802100  Coconut Macadamia Truffles ....................... 6 x 144g   6 896733   27.33         B
     DISPLAYS                                                  802105  Mint Creme Truffles ..................................... 6 x 144g   6 896740   27.33         B
                                                               802110  Peanut Butter Cup Truffles ........................... 6 x 144g
                                                                                                  6 896719

     822311  Organic Top 4 Display..................................... 48 pcs   0 010841  225.88          802115  Chocolate Hazelnut Truffles ......................... 6 x 144g   6 896726   27.33         B
     822902  Seasonal Cold Care Display 48ct .................... 48 pcs   1 001337  226.08         B
     822905  Best Sellers Display 48ct ................................ 48 pcs   1 001214  226.08         B  TROPHIC
     822925  Organic FairTrade 48ct Display ....................48 boxes   1 010612  226.08         B
     822930  Organic Single Herb Display 48ct ................... 48 pcs   1 001344  226.08         B   (800) 663-4136
     822935  Smooth Move Detox 48ct Display .......................48ct   1 001313  226.08         B  Trophic is a Canadian brand that dates back to 1967.  Your products don`t last that long unless
     NEEDED STATE TEA                                          they deliver results.  Trophic focuses on premium quality, natural nutritional supplements,  as close
     822100  Breathe Easy ................................................ 20 bags   6 101600   4.71         B  to nature as possible, at an affordable price.  Trust Trophic when youre looking for products that
     822110  Eaters Digest Peppermint.............................. 20 bags   6 101648   4.71         B  deliver a difference in your lives.
     822120  Organic Smooth Move .................................. 20 bags   6 101679   4.71         B  upc 069967
     822140  Cold Formula Tea .......................................... 20 bags   6 101617   4.71         B  AMINO ACIDS
     822150  Organic Weightless Tea ................................ 20 bags   6 101662   4.71         B  811650  L-5-HTP ................................................ 60 Veg Caps  12 128011   15.87
     822160  Organic Nighty Night Tea .............................. 20 bags   6 101686   4.71         B  DIGESTIVE
     822170  Organic Throat Coat ..................................... 20 bags   6 101723   4.71         B  811500  Digest Aid - Bile Salts ....................................90 Tabs  12 112218   8.61         B
     822260  Organic Cup of Calm Tea .............................. 20 bags   6 101631   4.71         B  811605  Digestive Enzymes Supreme ................. 60 Veg Caps  12 115011   12.57
     822295  Organic Mother’s Milk .................................. 20 bags   6 101969   4.71         B
     822300  Organic Echinacea Plus ................................ 20 bags   6 000767   4.71         B  FISH OILS
     822365  Organic Stress Soother Cinnamon ................ 20 bags   6 102089   4.71         B  811300  Krill Oil - Neptune ....................................60 Capsules  12 125317   30.46
     822375  Organic Echinacea Plus Elderberry ............... 20 bags   6 101549   4.71         B  VITAMINS
     822405  Throat Coat Lemon Echinacea ...................... 20 bags   6 101594   4.71         B  811295  Tri-Lipotrophic ........................................60 Capsules  12 123719   10.70
     822500  Organic Ginger Aid ....................................... 20 bags   6 101655   4.71         B  811400  Chlorophlyll ....................................................250 ml  24 113024   21.20
     822513  Organic Everyday Detox Dandelion ............... 20 bags   6 101976   4.71         B  811405  Choline Bitartate ........................................90 Tablets  12 124419   6.93
     822517  Organic Lemon Everyday Detox .................... 20 bags   6 101877   4.71         B  811410  Vitamin K2.....................................................90 Tabs  12 117114   7.79
     822519  Organic Hawthorn with Hibiscus ................... 20 bags   6 101853   4.71         B  811415  Methyl B12 with Folic Acid ............................90 Tabs  12 111914   11.24         B
     822522  Organic Smooth Move Peppermint ............... 20 bags   6 101891   4.71         B  811420  Vitamin D3 Liquid .............................................30 ml  24 115912   8.25
     822523  Smooth Move Chamomile ............................ 20 bags   6 101884   4.71         B  811430  Vitamin E Liquid ...............................................50 ml  48 111723   11.12         B
     HERBAL TEA                                                811440  Choline & Inositol ......................................90 Tablets  12 118012   10.11
     822162  Organic Nighty NIght Valerian ....................... 20 bags   6 101938   4.71         B  FOOD AND HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS
     822240  Organic Chamomile ...................................... 20 bags   6 100566   4.71         B  811100  Chlorophyll 100 ml .........................................100 ml   6 113017   8.92         B
     822250  Organic Peppermint Tea ................................ 20 bags   6 100528   4.71         B  811106  Desiccated Liver .........................................180 Caps  12 111235   14.93         E
     822270  Organic Chamomile with Lavender ............... 20 bags   6 101792   4.71         B  811110  Iodine Liquid .....................................................50 ml  48 113321   8.57         B
     822275  Organic Hibiscus .......................................... 20 bags   6 101952   4.71         B  MINERALS
     822280  Organic Licorice Root ................................... 20 bags   6 101808   4.71         B
     822290  Organic Nettle Leaf ....................................... 20 bags   6 101815   4.71         B  811200  Full Spectrum Minerals .................................90 Caps  84 120510   11.69
     822310  Organic Green Tea with Lemongrass ............ 20 bags   6 000781   4.71         B  811205  Zinc Chelazome ..................................... 60 Veg Caps  12 117015   8.91         B
     822315  Org Turmeric Meadowsweet & Ginger .......... 20 bags   6 102102   4.71         B  811210  Chromium + Vanadium ...............................90 Caps  12 120329   12.05
     822320  Organic Raspberry Leaf Tea .......................... 20 bags   6 000798   4.71         B  811215  Boron Chelazome ..........................................90 Tabs  12 124914   7.18
     822345  Organic Tulsi with Ginger .............................. 20 bags   6 102096   4.71         B  811220  Iron Chelazome ............................................90 Caps  12 115714   8.27
     822370  Organic Green Tea Ginger ............................. 20 bags   6 100887   4.71         B  811225  Magnesium Bisglycinate Chelazome .... 180 Veg Caps  12 119927   22.26         B
     822421  Organic Lemon Balm .................................... 20 bags   6 101914   4.71         B  811230  Selenium with C&E .................................60 Capsules  12 124310   6.93
     822514  Organic Ginger ............................................. 20 bags   6 101730   4.71         B  811235  Magnsium Bisglycinate Chelazome ....... 90 Veg Caps  12 119910   11.90         E
     822518  Organic Roasted Dandelion Root .................. 20 bags   6 101754   4.71         B  811240  Magnesium Chelazome ............................ 90 Caplets  12 115813   9.90         B
     822520  Organic Spearmint ........................................ 20 bags   6 101747   4.71         B  811245  Magnesium Chelazome .......................... 180 Caplets  12 115820   17.87         B
     822524  Organic Fennel.............................................. 20 bags   6 101945   4.71         B  811250  Calcium-Magnesium Chelazome 2:1 .......... 120 caps  12 122217   19.86         B
     822525  Organic Dandelion Leaf & Root Tea............... 20 bags   6 101983   4.71         B  811260  Calcium Chelazome ............................. 120 Veg Caps  12 119811   15.82
     822526  Organic Green Tea Peppermint ...................... 20 bags   6 102010   4.71         B  811265  Chromium + Vanadium ........................... 60 Caplets  12 120312   8.91
                                                               811275  Zinc Chelazome 15mg .............................. 90 Caplets  12 116117   6.59         B
                                                               811280  Cal-Mag Chelazome 2:1 .............................240 Caps  12 122224   38.43         B
                                                               811285  Potassium Chelazome .............................. 90 Caplets  12 116018   9.60         B
                                                               811287  Cal-Mag Chelazome 1:2 ...................... 120 Veg Caps  12 128615   16.91         B
                                                               811290  Cal-Mag Chelazome 1:1 ...................... 120 Veg Caps  12 128516   16.52         B
                                                               811292  Manganese Chelazome ............................ 90 Caplets  12 116315   6.14
                                                               811505  Copper Chelazome ................................... 90 Caplets  12 116216   6.28         B
                                                               811610  Acidophilus Plus ........................................... 90 caps  12 114816   14.26         B
                                                               811615  Acidophilus 7 billion e-coated ....................... 60 caps  12 127816   14.57         B
                                                               SLEEP AID
                                                               811705  Trophic Melatonin Spray ...................................30 ml  12 124730   10.57         B
                                                               811750  Relora ....................................................60 Capsules  12 128219   16.55
   221   222   223   224   225   226   227   228   229   230   231