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Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R
     TRUE NATURAL                                              850242  Legends of China Oolong Tea ..................... 100 bags  24 000624   4.70  20%  M   3.76
                                                                                                 upc 892241                              (877) 515-8783                                 upc 049606
     Offering European Made, certified natural & high quality personal care products following strict EU   850245  Legends of China Green Tea Lemon ........... 100 bags  24 100035   4.70  20%  M   3.76
     standards. INCI ingredient listings. No GMO, No Animal testing, No Paraben.                 upc 892241
                                      upc 852671               850247  Organic Black Tea .............................................100ct  12 000679   6.57  20%  M   5.26  B
                                                                                                 upc 049606
     SELF TANNING                                              850250  Legends of China Green Tea (Original) ........ 100 bags  24 100042   4.70  20%  M   3.76
     740404  Tan Shimmer Lotion ......................................... 3.4oz   0 003244   19.80         M  upc 892241
     740405  Perfect Tan Face Anti-Aging .............................. 1.7oz   0 003237   19.80         M  850260  Legends of China White Tea ....................... 100 bags  24 000662   4.70  20%  M   3.76
     740406  Perfect Tan Body Anti-Aging ............................. 3.4oz   0 003220   19.80         M  upc 879792
     740407  Self Tan Lotion Tropical Tan (Dark) .................... 3.4oz   0 003213   17.04         M
     740408  Self Tanning Lotion Medium Tan ....................... 3.4oz   0 003152   14.84         M  SIMPLY DELICIOUS
     NATURAL DEODORANT                                         850650  Simply Delicious Ginger ................................ 18 bags   6 002055   4.09  20%  B   3.27  B
     740400  Natural Roll On Deodorant, Mens ...................... 1.7oz   0 003848   9.90         M  850655  Simply Delicious Cinnamon .......................... 18 bags   upc 879782  4.09  20%  B   3.27  B
                                                                                                  6 002031
     740401  Natural Roll On Deo. Coconut Lime ................... 1.7oz   0 003824   9.90         M  upc 879792
     740402  Natural Roll On Deo. Vanil. Orange .................... 1.7oz   0 003817   9.90         M  850660  Simply Delicious Hibiiscus............................ 18 bags   6 002048   4.09  20%  B   3.27  B
     740403  Natural Roll-On Deodorant Unscented ............... 1.7oz   0 003800   9.90         M
                                                               850665  Simply Delicious Plum .................................. 18 bags   6 002024   4.09  20%  B   3.27  B
     TURMERIC TEAS                                        W    850670  Simply Delicious Raspberry .......................... 18 bags   6 002017   4.09  20%  B   3.27  B
                                                                IMPERIAL ORGANIC TEAS
     Toronto tea company with a mission to make it easy for everyone to enjoy the healing benefits of   850500  100% Organic Green Tea .............................. 18 bags  12 000013   4.97  20%  B   3.98
     tumeric (Circummin).                                      850505  100% Organic Oolong Tea ............................ 18 bags  12 000020   4.97  20%  B   3.98
                                      upc 627843               850510  100% Organic Chamomile White Tea  ........... 18 bags  12 000037   4.97  20%  B   3.98
     TEA                                                       850515  100% Organic Peppermint White Tea ............ 18 bags  12 000044   4.97  20%  B   3.98
     837100  Winter Tumeric Teas ........................................ 6x28g   0 558088   34.45         B  850520  100% Organic Lemon Ginger Green Tea ....... 18 bags  12 000051   4.97  20%  B   3.98
                                      upc 106278               850525  100% Organic Sweet Dream Herbal Tea ........ 18 bags  12 000068   4.97  20%  B   3.98
     837105  Summer Tumeric Teas ..................................... 6x28g   0 558078   34.45         B  850530  100% Organic Cinnamon Rooibos Chai Tea .. 18 bags  12 000075   4.97  20%  B   3.98
     837110  Dusk Tumeric Teas .......................................... 6x28g   0 558061   34.45         B  850535  100% Organic Orange Ginger Rooibos Chai Tea 18 bags 12 000082   4.97  20%  B   3.98
                                      upc 627843               850540  Organic Green Tea Chai with Lemon ............. 18 bags  12 000099   4.97  20%  B   3.98
     837115  Dawn Tumeric Teas ......................................... 6x28g   0 558057   34.45         B  850545  Organic Goji Berry Green Tea ........................ 18 bags  12 000105   4.97  20%  B   3.98
                                                               850550  Organic Pomegranate Green Tea with Mix Berries 18 bags 12 000112   4.97  20%  B   3.98
     UNCLE LEE’S TEA - INCLUDED IN BUSINESS PARTNER            850555  Organic Decaffeinate Green Tea .................... 18 bags  12 000129   4.97  20%  B   3.98
     BROKERED BY  Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing          850565  Organic Jasmine Green Tea .......................... 18 bags  12 000143   4.97  20%  B   3.98
                                                                                                          4.97  20%  B
                                                               850570  Organic Vanilla Rooibos Chai Tea .................. 18 bags  12 000150
                                                               850585  Organic Pu-Erh Tea ....................................... 18 bags  12 000181   4.97  20%  B   3.98                             (626) 350-3309                                 upc 049606
     Uncle Lee’s represents the traditions of Teas over 80 years across 5 generations. The centerfold
     of Oriental Tea art, started introducing Green tea in North America in 1988. The parent company is   PREMIUM BULK TEA
     Ten Fu Tea group in China, who owns more than 700 tea stores all over the world, mainly in China,   850210  Premium Bulk Green Tea Jasmine .....................150 g   6 003213   9.00  20%  M   7.20
     providing you invigorating aroma at unbelievable quality...No one knows Teas better than Uncle   850225  Premium Bulk Green Tea  .................................150 g   6 003275   9.00  20%  M   7.20
     Lee’s!!                                                                                     upc 892241
                                                               850230  Premium Bulk Oolong Tea .................................150 g   6 000907   9.00  20%  M   7.20
        SAVE UP TO 20%   SELECT ITEMS MAR & APR                850235  Premium Bulk Gunpowder Green Tea ................150 g   6 000914   9.00  20%  M   7.20
                                                                                                 upc 049606
     48 Units of 100/40 Count Teas = 15% Off, 96 Units of 100/40 Count Teas = 25% Off  BODY BALANCE DIETER TEAS
                                      upc 892241               850275  Body Balance Original Dieter Tea .................. 30 bags  12 299340   5.87  20%  M   4.70
     40CT TEA                                                                                    upc 892241
     850252  Organic Matcha Tea ..........................................40 bg   6 000211   4.96         B  850276  Body Balance Pomegranate Dieter Tea .......... 30 bags  12 000297   5.87  20%  M   4.70  B
     850257  Organic Black Tea .............................................40 bg   6 000204   4.96         B  850277  Body Balance Cranberry Dieter Tea ............... 30 bags  12 000280   5.87  20%  M   4.70  B
     850266  Legends of China Organic White Tea ............. 40 bags   6 000198   4.20         B  upc 049606
     850267  Legends Of China Organic Green Tea ............ 40 bags   6 000167   4.20         B  850280  Body Balance Cinnamon Dieter Tea .............. 30 bags  12 299333   5.87  20%  M   4.70
     850268  Organic Jasmine Tea ........................................40 bg   6 000235   4.96         B  850285  Body Balance Lemon Dieter Tea ................... 30 bags  12 299326   5.87  20%  M   4.70
     850269  Organic Oolong Tea ..........................................40 bg   6 000228   4.96         B  upc 892241
                                      upc 879792               WHOLE LEAF TEA
     IMPERIAL ORGANIC TEAS                                     850400  Whole Leaf, Organic Green Tea ..................... 18 bags  12 000716   5.70  20%  M   4.56
     850590  Caramel Rooibus Chai .................................. 18 bags   6 000198   6.09  20%  B   4.87   850405  Whole Leaf, Organic Oolong Tea ................... 18 bags  12 000723   5.70  20%  M   4.56
     850595  Golden Turmeric Ginger Chai ........................ 18 bags   6 000204   6.09  20%  B   4.87   850410  Whole Leaf, Organic Japanese Sencha ......... 18 bags  12 000730   5.70  20%  M   4.56
                                      upc 000000               850415  Whole Leaf, Organic White Tea ..................... 18 bags  12 000747   5.70  20%  M   4.56
     DISPLAYS                                                  850420  Whole Leaf, Organic Dragon Well Green Tea . 18 bags  12 000754   5.70  20%  M   4.56
                                                                                                          5.70  20%  M
                                                               850425  Whole Leaf, Organic Green Tea with Jasmine 18 bags  12 000761
     850901E Empty Cardboard Display ............................1 Display   1 000000  850435  Whole Leaf, Organic Ginseng Oolong Tea ..... 18 bags  12 000785   5.70  20%  M   4.56
                                      upc 879792                                                 upc 049606
     GIFT PACKS - SEASONAL                                     GREEN TEAS
     850954  Organic Specialty Gift Box ............................ 40 bags  12 000815   10.77         B  850160  Jasmine Tea ................................................. 20 bags  12 299227   3.67  20%  M   2.94
                                      upc 049606               850170  Green Tea ..................................................... 20 bags  12 299265   3.67  20%  M   2.94
     ORGANIC CHAI TEAS                                         850185  Decafinated Green Tea .................................. 20 bags  12 207079   4.97  20%  M   3.98
     850125  Organic Cinnamon Chai ................................ 18 bags  12 203156   4.97  20%  M   3.98   850195  Organic Green Tea ........................................ 20 bags  12 207086   4.97  20%  M   3.98
     850130  Organic Orange Ginger Chai ......................... 18 bags  12 203149   4.97  20%  M   3.98
     850135  Organic Green Tea Lemon Chai ..................... 18 bags  12 203163   4.97  20%  M   3.98   URBAN SPA   W
                                      upc 892241               BROKERED BY  M2 Brand Management
     850265  Legends of China Organic Green Tea .......... 100 bags  24 000686   5.93  20%  M   4.74   (866) 877-1262
     850270  Legends of China Organic White Tea ........... 100 bags  24 000693   5.93  20%  M   4.74    Beautiful, sustainable, quality products for body pampering. Urban Spa offers quality products at
     ORGANIC WHITE TEAS                                        competitive pricing to allow retailers to fill a demand and help drive complimentary sales. Ask your
     850200  Organic White Tea ........................................ 18 bags  12 000099   4.97  20%  M   3.98   rep about merchandising options and floor displays  upc 806283
                                      upc 879792
     BAMBOO TEA                                                DISPLAYS
                                                                                                  1 000026  750.05
     850600  Organic Bamboo Tea w/ Exotic Fruit ............. 18 bags   6 003052   4.97  20%  B   3.98  B  948920  Corrugate Floor Display ......................................1 un   upc 007715        B
     850605  Organic Bamboo Tea Hibiscus ...................... 18 bags   6 003045   4.97  20%  B   3.98  B  948925  Spinning Display .................................................1 un   1 990018 1,458.00         B
     850610  Organic Bamboo Tea Lemon Ginger ............. 18 bags   6 003038   4.97  20%  B   3.98  B  upc 771590
     850615  Organic Bamboo Tea Mint ............................ 18 bags   6 003021   4.97  20%  B   3.98  B
     850620  Organic Bamboo Tea Original ........................ 18 bags   6 003014   4.97  20%  B   3.98  B  ACCESSORIES
                                      upc 049606               948210  The This-is-Bliss Bath Pillow ..............................1 un  72 619001   7.19         B
     LEGENDS OF CHINA TEAS                                     948385  The Soap Caddy .................................................1 un  72 612002   5.09         B
     850240  Legends of China Green Tea Jasmine ......... 100 bags  24 100011   4.70  20%  M   3.76   BRUSHES - BODY & HAIR
                                                               948100  The Loofah on a Stick .........................................1 un  72 110003   7.19         M
                                                                                                 MARCH - APRIL 2020  225
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