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Self-care is definitely a hot topic these days, with everyone talking about You can easily curate a beautiful self-care experience at home. Try taking
how vital it is for our overall wellbeing. People who neglect their own a little extra time in your morning and evening routine to relax and enjoy
needs and forget to nurture themselves are at risk of deeper levels of the process.
unhappiness, low self-esteem, adrenal fatigue, and anxiety. If we know
it can help, why don’t we make it a habit? This may be due to a variety of
reasons: culturally conditioned guilt about slowing down, hectic lives, or Some tips for daily self-care:
a perception that self-care is too difficult to practice everyday. • Skin care ritual – When you do a skin care routine, you’re usually
In reality, self-care doesn’t have to involve costly meditation retreats alone, in your bathroom or somewhere quiet, and it’s just you and
or spa days, though those do fall under the umbrella of self-care. It can the mirror. There is something indulgent and slightly meditative
be super simple: eating healthy snacks, unplugging for a few minutes about taking that time just for you. A good skin care regimen will
to make yourself a cup of tea, going for a walk, or taking in some other help increase circulation and make you appear more rested. We love
form of physical activity. Also included are sleeping more if your body a simple cleanse/tone/moisturize regimen, every morning & evening.
needs it, or saying “no” to an engagement that may overextend you – all Pick products that suit your skin type, or provide any targeted
without guilt or punishing yourself for being ‘lazy’. Take a moment to results you may be looking for. Our top picks include, but aren’t
think about what makes you feel recharged and good about yourself. limited to: Weleda’s Gentle Cleansing Milk, Derma E’s Vitamin C
Serum, Acure’s veggie-based Super Greens Serum, and Seriously
Soothing Cloud Cream. On weekends or when you have extra time,
“The world will see you the way you see you and try a restorative sheet mask by Acure or Boo Bamboo.
treat you the way you treat yourself.”
~ Beyoncé
Seriously Soothing
Cloud Cream
(Order Code 111500)
Charcoal Sheet Mask
(Order Code 606776)
Vitamin C Serum
Gentle Cleansing Milk Rejuvenating Sheet Mask (Order Code 340707)
(Order Code 9652586) (Order Code 111117)
Super Greens Serum
(Order Code 111557)