Page 117 - May June 2021
P. 117

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R
     GAGA FOR GLUTEN-FREE                                 W  GARDEN OF LIFE                               (855) 424-2443                        (800) 361-0324
     Gaga for Gluten-Free is a great tasting gluten-free brand of cookies, that is also an allergen friendly   Distributor for Garden of Life and Wobenzym in Canada.
     brand that’s low in sugar and low in sodium, making it a great choice for the whole family to enjoy.   upc 886866
     They are made with so few ingredients that you can taste each ingredient!  COLLAGEN
     Important Notice:  Purity Life will ensure that all Gorp Bars shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2   812120  Multi Collagen Turmeric Apl-Cin .........................220g   6 001272   29.39         B
     months.  No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-date or unsold cookies.
                                                               812125  Grass Fed Collagen Strawberry-lemon ...............270g   6 001265   29.39         B
                                                               812130  Grass Fed Collagen Peptides .............................560g   6 001241   36.95         B
             SAVE 10%   LINE DRIVE MAY
                                                               812303  Organic MCT Powder Dr Formulated .................300gr   6 001227   26.03         B
                                      upc 106280
     GLUTEN-FREE, ALLERGEN-FRIENDLY COOKIES                    MAGNESIUM                          6 000817   32.97         B
                                                               812875  Dr.Formulated Whole Food Mag Rasp/Lemon 421.5 g
     296100  Double Chocolate ...................................... 12 x 142g  12 500039   49.05  10%  M  44.15  B  812876  Dr.Formulated Whole Food Mag Orange ..........419.5g   6 000800   32.97         B
     296105  Simply Shortbread..................................... 12 x 142g  12 500015   49.05  10%  M  44.15  B
     296110  Chocolate Chip .......................................... 12 x 142g  12 500022   49.05  10%  M  44.15  B  MCT OIL
     296115  Salted Caramel .......................................... 12 x 142g  12 500138   49.05  10%  M  44.15  B  812301  Dr Formulated Organic MCT Oil .......................946ml   6 000640   31.48         B
                                                               812302  Dr Formulated Organic MCT Oil .......................473ml  12 000657   19.90         B
     GALENIC HEALTH                                       W    RAW ORGANIC                       upc 628055                                     812702  Raw Organic Protein Unflavoured .....................568 g   6 928430   38.99         B
     Galenic Health markets natural health care products focused on detox, cleanse and maintenance   upc 658010
     related to specific health conditions and ailments. Its products are formulated for maximum effect   812740  Raw Fit Vanilla ...................................................457g   1 120579   31.04
     using the highest quality ingredients backed by science. All products are manufactured in a GMP   812745  Raw Organic Protein - Vanilla .............................624g   6 120517   38.99         B
     facility with purity and potentcy guaranteed. Trust in Galenic Health products to address your   812747  Raw Organic Protein - Chocolate .......................664g   6 120500   38.99         B
     customers’ health issues.                                 812750  Raw Organic Fit - Chocolate ..............................461g   1 120562   31.04         B
                                      upc 628451                                                 upc 886866
     344115  Charred Ginger Capsules (Charcoal) .......90 Capsules  12 637035   10.20  40%  B   6.12  B  PROTEIN AND GREENS
     DETOX/CLEANSE                                             812712  Raw Org. Protein&Greens - Chocolate ...............610g   6 000022   34.98         B
     344125  GSE Ginger Liquid (Grapefruit Seed) ..................50ml  12 637059   13.20  40%  B   7.92  B  812717  Raw Org. Protein & Greens - Vanilla ...................550g   6 000039   34.98         B
                                                                                                 upc 628055
     GALERIE AU CHOCOLAT                                  W    SPORT                              6 928621   42.21         B
                                                               812755  Sport Org Plant Base Protein - Van ....................806g                     (888) 806-9840  812757  Sport Org Plant Base Protein - Choc ..................806g   6 928638   42.21         B
     Galerie au Chocolat is a Canadian owned and operated chocolate-maker that uses Fine Belgian   upc 886866
     Chocolate and other high quality ingredients for fillings and inclusions. All products are free of oils,   812760  Energy + Focus - Blackberry ............................432g  12 000091   25.85         B
     emulsifiers and preservatives.  The chocolate factory is peanut-free and kosher.  This may be the   812762  Energy + Focus - Blkbrry Sugar Free ................231g  12 000107   25.85         B
     best chocolate you have ever tasted!  Galerie au Chocolat is best known for Fair Trade and Organic   upc 628055
     chocolates, as well as No Sugar Added items and delightful Seasonal treats and gifts! From first   812850  Sport Cert Grass Fed Whey Choc ......................672g   6 928652   42.21         B
     glance of the packages, to the last bite of chocolate, your customers will be absolutely delighted!  812852  Sport Cert Grass Fed Whey - Van ......................652g   6 928645   42.21         B
     15% off on 30 cases or more.Not combined with any other offer.                              upc 658010
                                      upc 100637
     CHOCOLATE FONDUE                                          VITAMIN CODE                       6 113922   33.49
                                                               812500  Raw Prenatal ................................................ 90 caps
     293110  FairTrade  Milk Chocolate Fondue................. 12x200g  12 577111   85.95         B  812505  Raw One Women Next Generation ................ 75 caps   6 114301   33.13         E
     293115  FairTrade  Dark Chocolate Fondue ................ 12x200g  12 577128   85.95         B  812510  Raw ONE Men Next Generation..................... 75 caps   6 114295   33.13         B
     293510  No Sugar Dark Chocolate Fondue ................ 12x200g    194141   77.84         B  812515  Women 50+ Next Generation....................... 60 caps   6 114271   31.80         E
     293515  No Sugar Milk Chocolate Fondue .................12X200g    194134   77.84         B  812520  Men 50+ Next Generation ............................ 60 caps   6 114264   31.81         E
     CHOCOLATE BARK                                            812525  Vitamin Code- Women Next Generation ........ 60 caps   6 114257   30.50         B
     293500  No Sugar Dark Chocolate Almond Bark ........ 12x150g    246017   54.32         B  812530  Vitamin Code Men Next Generation ............... 60 caps   6 114240   30.50         B
     293505  No Sugar Milk Chocolate Almond Bark ........ 12x150g  12 246000   54.32         B  812535  Raw CoQ10 ................................................ 60 Vcaps   6 116008   25.49
     HOT CHOCOLATE                                             812540  Raw D3 ...................................................... 60 Vcaps   6 116015   14.99
     293300  FairTrade  Milk Hot Chocolate ...................... 12x200g  12 577135   85.95         B  812545  Raw Iron ...................................................... 30 caps   6 115759   14.99
                                                                                                  6 115773
                                                               812550  Raw B-Complex ........................................... 60 caps

     293305  FairTrade Dark Hot Chocolate ....................... 12x200g  12 577142   85.95         B  812555  Raw B-12 ..................................................... 30 caps   6 115766   14.03         E
                                      upc 063783                                                 upc 886866
     CHOCOLATE BARS                                            GREENS
     293202  No Sugar Added Dark Chocolate Bar .............8 X 80g  24 583917   23.24         B
     293207  No Sugar Added Milk Chocolate Bar ..............8 X 80g  24 583900   23.24         B  812205  Organic Perfect Food Energizer ..........................276g   6 001180   38.69         B
     293210  Fairtrade Dark Choc Cinnamon Bar .............. 8 x 100g   3 100060   32.76         B  812210  Organic Perfect Food Original ............................207g   6 001159   38.69         B
     293215  Fairtrade Dark Choc Fire Bar ........................ 8 x 100g   3 100039   32.76         B  upc 628055
     293220  Fairtrade 72% Dark Chocolate  Bar .............. 8 x 100g   3 100015   32.76         B  COCONUT OIL
     293225  Fairtrade Milk Choc Cappuccino Bar ............ 8 x 100g   3 100091   32.76         B  812111  Raw Extra Virgin Coconut Oil ...........................414ml   6 928980   11.31         B
     293230  Fairtrade Dark Choc Mint Crisp Bar .............. 8 x 100g   3 100206   32.76         B  upc 658010
     293235  Fairtrade Dark Choc Almond Cran Bar ......... 8 x 100g   3 100190   32.76         B  DIGESTIVE HEALTH
     293240  Fairtrade White Choc Green Tea Bar............. 8 x 100g  24 100121   32.76         B  812100  Olde World Icelandic Cod Liver Oil ...................236ml   6 114486   16.07         E
     293245  Fairtrade Mlk Choc Crisped Rice Bar ........... 8 x 100g  24 100138   32.76         B  812805  Raw Primal Defense Ultra ............................. 60 caps   6 115742   52.20         E
     293250  Fairtrade Mlk Choc Maple Crunch Bar ......... 8 x 100g  24 100107   32.76         B  812810  Raw Primal Defense Ultra ............................. 30 caps   6 115735   29.75         E
     293255  Fairtrade Mlk Choc Honey Nougat Bar ......... 8 x 100g  24 100114   32.76         B
     293260  Fairtrade Milk Chocolate Bar ........................ 8 x 100g  24 100084   32.76         B  NUTRITIONAL SHAKES
     293265  Fairtrade Dark Choc Cocoa Nibs Bar ............ 8 x 100g   3 100077   32.76         B  812355  Raw All-In-One Nutr. Shake Vanilla .....................969g   6 120449   46.99         B
     293270  Fairtrade Dark Choc Earl Grey Bar................ 8 x 100g   3 100053   32.76         B  812360  Raw All-In-One Nutr. Shake Chocolat ...............1017g   6 120432   46.99         B
     293275  Fairtrade Dark Sea Salt Choc Bar ................. 8 x 100g   3 100022   32.76         B  upc 628055
     293280  Fairtrade Dark Choc Espresso Bar ............... 8 x 100g   3 100046   32.76         B  812365  All in One Shake lightly sweetened ...................1038g   6 928423   46.99         B
     293285  Fairtrade Milk Pecan Caramel Crunch .......... 8 x 100g  24 100237   32.76         B  upc 658010
     293290  Fairtrade Milk Almond Sea Salt  Bar ............. 8 x 100g   3 100220   32.76         B  812450  Raw Fit - natural ................................................396g   6 161411   31.04
     293295  Fairtrade Dark Choolate Coconut Bar ........... 8 x 100g   3 100213   32.76         B  DR. FORMULATED PROBIOTICS
     GIFTS                                                     812250  Once Daily Ultra 90 Billions.........................30 VCaps   6 120180   36.99         B
     293406  Fairtrade Chocolate Gift Box ........................ 6 x 200g   6      68.92         B  812252  Mood+ Vcaps Shelf Stable ........................ 60 Vcaps   0 120395   31.99
     293415  Fairtrade White Choc Candy Cane ................ 8x100 g   3 100244   30.38         B  812255  Organic Digest+ ................................. 90 chewables   0 120159   28.75         B
                                      upc 100637               812257  Urinary Tract+ Vcaps Shelf Stable ............. 60 Vcaps   0 120388   33.45         E
     293420  Fairtrade House box of Choc Snowmen ........ 8x200 g    703138   67.03         B  812260  Once Daily 30 Billions ................................. 30 Vcaps   0 120173   22.99         B
                                      upc 063783               812265  Mood+ 50 Billion ....................................... 60 Vcaps   0 120166   31.99         B
     293425  Fairtrade Milk Chocolate Gingerbrea ............... 8x80 g   3 100268   30.38         B  upc 628055
                                      upc 100637               812271  Organic Kids chewable probiotic..................30 Vtabs   6 928829   16.22         E
     293441  Fairtrade Chocolate Snowmen ....................... 16x70g  16 803203   64.86         B  812272  Once Daily 30 Bil Shelf Stable ....................... 30 caps   6 928669   22.99
                                                                                                    MAY - JUNE 2021  115
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