Page 121 - May June 2021
P. 121

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R
     GOLI                                                      295120  Mint 65% ..................................................... 15 x 48g  17 020578   86.09         B

                                                               295125  Wild Blueberry 61% ..................................... 15 x 48g  17 020585
     BROKERED BY  Connect Brand Management                     295130  Chai 50%..................................................... 15 x 48g  17 020639   86.09         B
                                                               295135  Coconut 51% .............................................. 15 x 48g  17 020561   86.09         B                         (888) 345-1452  OAT CHOCOLATE
     Worlds First Apple Cider Vinegar Gummy.  Taste the Apple.  Not the Vinegar!*MAP Policy Applies*
                                      upc 628176               295140  Oat Bites........................................................ 9x100g  45 026112   59.98         B
     DISPLAYS                                                  295145  Oat Chocolate Chai Coffee ............................. 12x48g  36 025870   48.88         B
                                                               295150  Oat Chocolate Mint ........................................ 12x48g  36 025900

     294905  Goli Counter Display ....................................1 display   1 357454  421.68         B  295155  Oat Chocolate Coconut .................................. 12x48g  36 025856   48.88         B
         Contains: 24 units of Goli                            295160  Oat Chocolate Original ................................... 12x48g  36 025917   48.88         B
                                      upc 627987               SEASONAL FLAVOURS
     GUMMIES                                                   *While quantities last
     294100  Apple Cider Vinegar Gummy ...................60 gummies  24 249637   17.57         B  295100  Winter Glow 50%......................................... 15 x 48g  17 022077   86.09         B
                                                               295102  Strawberry 49% .......................................... 15 x 48g  17 022091   86.09         B
     GOOD TO GO                                           W    295105  Gingerbread 50% ......................................... 15 x 48g  17 022084   86.09         B

                                                               295107  Raspberry 49% ........................................... 15 x 48g  17 022107                        (416) 360-8200
     Peanut-Free, Non-GMO Project Verified, Gluten Free, Vegan, Kosher  GORILLY GOODS
        SAVE UP TO 20%   SELECT ITEMS MAY & JUN                                    (262) 423-8000
                                                               Organic, raw crunchy clusters and sprouted trail mixes to fit many special diets (gluten free, vegan,
     May: Bars - 6x4x40g:25+/7% off, 50+/11% off, 75+/14% off.  paleo, keto).
     Nuts & Seeds 6x100g:25+12% off, 50+/13% off, 75+/15% off.  Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure the products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2
     June: Bars - 6x4x40g:25+/7% off, 50+/11% off, 75+/14% off.  months.  No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-date or unsold Products
     Bars 9x40g:25+/17% off, 50+/20% off, 75+23% off                                             upc 108576
     DISPLAYS                                                  SNACKS
     596965  Good to Go Display ........................................144 pc   1     286.56         B  254105  Baja - Pump.seed, Hemp & Cilantro .........12 x 1.3 oz   4 003207   28.05  40%  B  16.83  B
         Display contains 144 x 40g bars. There are four flavours: 4 x Vanilla Almond, 4 x
         Cocoa Coconut, 4 x Raspberry Lemon, 4 x  Cinnamon Pecan.Each caddy contains 9
         bars, for a total of 36 bars per flavour.             GORP CLEAN ENERGY BARS                                W
                                      upc 106874
     596966  Good To Go Display V2....................................144pc   1 115075  286.56         B   (855) 328-4677
         Display contains 144 x 40g bars. There are four flavours: 4 x Double Chocolate, 4   Food with a great story to tell! Made with REAL ingredients grown on the Canadian prairies. Brought
         x Chocolate Mint, 4 x Blueberry Cashew, 4 x  Strawberry Macadamia. Each caddy   to you by a farmer and a busy mom/wanna-be athlete, this bar packs a punch with 11 grams of
         contains 9 bars, for a total of 36 bars per flavour.  protein from NON BLOATING sprouted brown rice , 6 grams of fiber and 1 full gram of omega 3. The
                                                               superstar ingredients aren’t just sprinkled in either! You get 1 full teaspoon of ground flax and 2
                                      upc 687456               teaspoons of raw hemp in every bar:) The package is RESEALABLE! So you won’t find this bar all
     596967  GTG 20ct 4x40g Shelf Display .......................... 1 unit   1 115061  141.97         E  over the inside of your gym bag, pocket or purse! Nice:)
         Contains 5 units of each flavour: (PL#596810) Vanilla Almond 4x40g, (PL#596809)
         Cinnamon Pecan 4x40g, (PL#596808) Double Chocolate 4x40g, (PL#596811)   Important Notice:  Purity Life will ensure that all Gorp Bars shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2
         Raspberry Lemon 4x40g                                 months.  No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-date or unsold Gorp Bars.
                                      upc 106874                                                 upc 686583
     596968  GTG 25ct 9x40g Shelf Display .......................... 1 unit   1 115051  447.75         E  SYRUPS
         5 Caddies per flavour: (PL#596803) Vanilla Almond 9x40g, (PL#596800) Cinnamon   331200  Brown Rice Syrup ..................................... 12 x 602g  12 888800   83.51  40%  B  50.11  B
         Pecan 9x40g , (PL#596804) Double Chocolate 9x40g, (PL#596801) Raspberry
         Lemon 9x40g , (PL#596807) Chocolate Mint 9x40g
     596969  GTG 16ct Best Sellers shipper .......................... 1 unit   6 115099  286.56         B GREAT LAKES GELATIN
         4 Caddies per flavour: (596804) Double Chocolate 9x9x40g, (596807) Chocolate Mint
         9x9x40g, (596803) Vanilla Almond 9x9x40g, (596800) Cinnamon Pecan 9x9x40g
         (596800)                                              Hydrolyzed collagen is a unique combination of amino acids that can promote healing and
                                                               conditioning over other protein, especially for bone and joint health.
     KETO CAKE                                                                                   upc 322654
     596840  Chocolate Cake In A Cup ................................. 8x50g   8 112111   24.39         B  COLLAGEN
     596841  Cinnamon Cake In A Cup ................................. 8x50g   8 112104   24.39         B  330110  Gelatin Collagen Hydrolysate ......................... 20x12g  12 002200   32.62  40%  B  19.57  E
     596830  Vanilla Coconut Granola ................................. 6x200g   6 112043   40.92         B
                                                             B GREEN BAY MANUKA HONEY - INCLUDED IN BUSINESS PARTNER  W
     596831  Chocolate Granola ......................................... 6x200g   6 112036   40.92
     NUT & SEED BITES                                
     596820  Zesty Pecan Nut & Seed Bites ........................ 6x100g   6 111954   26.81  13%  J   23.32  B  Green Bay Harvest is a family run company based in New Zealand, with a desire for ‘real food’
     596821  Herb & Garlic Nut & Seed Bites...................... 6x100g   6 111961   26.81  13%  J   23.32  B  produced by real people, grown close to the source.  Focusing on New Zealand grown/raised
     596822  Everything Nut & Seed Bites .......................... 6x100g   6 111978   26.81  13%  J   23.32  B  organic and functional foods, they trade ethically directly with the farmers to ensure quality,
     596823  Almond Sea Salt Nut & Seed Bites ................. 6x100g   6 111947   26.81  13%  J   23.32  B  integrity and purity in all of their products.
                                      upc 687456               Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that Manuka Honey & Lozenges shipped will have a shelf
     KETO CERTIFIED SOFT BAKED BARS                            life of at least 2 months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold
     596800  Cinnamon Pecan Keto Bars ........................... 9 x 40g   9 113210   17.91  20%  M  14.33  B  products.
     596801  RaspberryLemon Keto Bars ........................... 9 x 40g   9 113203   17.91  20%  M  14.33  B  upc 050601
     596802  Cocoa Coconut Keto Bars.............................. 9 x 40g   9 113197   17.91  20%  M  14.33  B  DISPLAYS
     596803  Vanilla Almond Keto Bars ............................... 9 x 40g   9 113180   17.91  20%  M  14.33  B  433900  Counter Display - Manuka Lozenges ............... 48 pcs  48 631168  222.61         E
     596804  Double Choc. Keto Bars................................. 9 x 40g   9 111605   17.91  20%  M  14.33  B  upc 506013
     596805  Blueberry Cashew Bars ................................. 9 x 40g   9 111636   17.91  20%  M  14.33  B  LOZENGES MANUKA HONEY
     596806  Strawberry Macadamia Bar ........................... 9 x 40g   9 111629   17.91  20%  M  14.33  B  433200  Lemon ................................................................22 g  72 630765   4.64         B
     596807  Chocolate Mint Keto Bars .............................. 9 x 40g   9 111612   17.91  20%  M  14.33  B  upc 050601
                                      upc 106874
                                                                                                  6 630482
     596808  Double Chocolate Keto Bars .........................6x4x40g   6 111336   42.59         B  433201  Lemon ........................................................ 12 x 22 g   upc 506013  55.65         B
     596809  Cinnamon Pecan Keto Bars ..........................6x4x40g   6 111350   42.59         B  433205  Pure Manuka Honey ...........................................22 g  72 630406   4.64         B
     596810  Vanilla Almond Keto Bars ..............................6x4x40g   6 111329   42.59         B  upc 050601
     596811  Raspberry Lemon Keto Bars .........................6x4x40g   6 111343   42.59         B
                                                               433206  Pure Manuka Honey ................................... 12 x 22 g   6 630420   55.65         B
                                                                                                 upc 506013
     GOODIO                                                    433210  Blackcurrrant ......................................................22 g  72 630475   4.64         B
                                                                                                 upc 050601                         (646) 912-4406  433211  Blackcurrrant .............................................. 12 x 22 g   6 630505   55.65         B
     Vegan, handmade, bean-to-bar chocolate from Helsinki, Finland                               upc 506013
                                      upc 817596               433215  Red Superfruits ..................................................22 g  72 630437   4.64         B
     LOVE LETTERS                                              433216  Red Superfruits .......................................... 12 x 22 g   upc 050601  55.65         B
                                                                                                  6 630512
     295110  Sea Salt 77% ............................................... 15 x 48g  17 020653   86.09         B
     295115  Coffee 56% ................................................. 15 x 48g  17 020608   86.09         B
                                                                                                    MAY - JUNE 2021  119
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