Page 258 - July August 2021
P. 258

Stock   Description                       Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal   Sale   Case       UPC   PAF  GLU  ORG  NGM  KOS  VEG  HAL  FTR  Lang.  Groc
      ID#                                                 Price     Month   Price   Size                             Item
      BROKERED BY  Marsham International                           866-740-6874
      OM is the leading producer of the highest quality, certified 100% organic functional mushroom powders that conribute to optimal health.  Having traveled the world to discover our unique mushroom
      varieties, we’ve combined the perfect balance of ancient wisdom with modern methodology to grow these miraculous mushrooms in our state-of-the-art facility.
                SAVE 22%  SELECT ITEMS JUL & AUG
      Buy 2 Powders Get 18% Off Any Capsules
      497905  Om Spinner Rack - New .............................................................................36pc  366.84  22%  B   285.47  1  8 56210 00899 8  E
           Contains: 12x each: Reishi Powder, Chaga Powder and Lion’s Mane Powder
      497900E Om Shipper ...............................................................................................1disp     1   8 56210 00854 7   A  G  O  N  K  V        B
           Required Fill: Option 1: mix & match 18 units capsules. Option 2: mix & match 18 units powders. Option 3: mix & match 9 units pouches + 6 units capsules.
      497120  Chaga Mushroom 667mg........................................................................75caps  17.41     6   8 56210 00870 7   A  G  O  N  K  V        B
      497100  Immune Defense Mushroom 697mg .......................................................75caps  17.41     6   8 56210 00871 4   A  G  O  N  K  V        B
      497115  Lion’s Mane Mushroom 667mg ..............................................................75caps  17.41     6   8 56210 00872 1   A  G  O  N  K  V        B
      497110  Reishi Mushroom 667mg ........................................................................75caps  17.41     6   8 56210 00873 8   A  G  O  N  K  V        B
      497105  Turkey Tail Mushroom 667mg .................................................................75caps  17.41     6   8 56210 00874 5   A  G  O  N  K  V        B
      497200  Chaga Mushroom Superfood Powder ...........................................................60g  10.19     6   8 56210 00863 9   A  G  O  N  K  V        B
      497210  Lion’s Mane Mushroom Powder ...................................................................60g  10.19     6   8 56210 00861 5   A  G  O  N  K  V        B
      497205  Reishi Mushroom Superfood Powder ...........................................................60g  10.19     6   8 56210 00862 2   A  G  O  N  K  V        B

      OMEGA 3 NUTRACLEANSE W                    844-954-5445
      Omega 3 NutraCleanse is a family run Canadian company.  Recognizing the lack of fibre in the North American diet, Omega 3 Nutracleanse  was designed to help people balance their diet and live
      a healthier and happier lifestyle using our nutritional blend.   O3NC is packed with fibre and Omega 3 + 6, from 5 simple all-natural, ingredients. Certified Organic & Certified Gluten Free. A healthy
      outside, starts with a healthy inside
      618900E Floor Display Unit ......................................................................................1disp     1   0        O  N    V       B
           Required fill: 24 units of Omega3 NutraCleanse
      618100  Omega 3 Nutracleanse ................................................................................. 1kg  24.11     6   8 39266 00001 7        O  N    V        B
      618105  Omega 3 Nutracleanse ...............................................................................420g  12.84     8   8 39266 00002 4     G  O  N    V        B
      .618L01 Omega3 NutraCleanse Brochure ...................................................................1un  25  0  E

      ONE BARS                    866-202-1313
      Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.   ***MAP
      Pricing applies***
      629120  ONE BAR -  Almond Bliss ..................................................................... 12 x 60g   37.08   12  7 88434 10666 5  B    
      629115  ONE BAR -  Birthday Cake .................................................................... 12 x 60g   37.08   12  7 88434 10774 7  B    
      629101  ONE BAR -  Blueberry Cobbler .............................................................. 12 x 60g   37.08   12  7 88434 10600 9  B    
      629110  ONE BAR -  Maple Glazed Doughnut ..................................................... 12 x 60g   37.08   12  7 88434 10679 5  B    
      629125  ONE BAR -  Peanut Butter Pie ............................................................... 12 x 60g   37.08   12  7 88434 10783 9  B    
      629170  ONE BAR - Choc Chip Cookie Dough .................................................... 12 x 60g   37.08   6  7 88434 10553 8  B    
      629155  ONE BAR - Chocolate Brownie ............................................................. 12 x 60g   37.08   12  7 88434 10852 2  G  B    
      629135  ONE BAR - Cinnamon Roll .................................................................... 12 x 60g   37.08   12  7 88434 10663 4  B    
      629160  ONE BAR - Cookies & Creme ............................................................... 12 x 60g   37.08   12  7 88434 10838 6  G  B    
      629165  ONE BAR - Peanut Butter Cup ............................................................... 12 x 60g   37.08   6  7 88434 10474 6  G  B    
      629150  ONE BAR - White Chocolate Truffle ....................................................... 12 x 60g   37.08   12  7 88434 10516 3  B    
      BROKERED BY  Cyba-Stevens Natural                         800-600-1445
      Truly natural skin care products with the renowned therapeutic qualities of the Dead Sea to relax muscles, stimulate circulation, and restore the skin’s natural pH. Experience the Dead Sea Difference!
      612900  Rose Petal Shipper .....................................................................................1disp  262.26  1  8 12281 01010 0  E
           Rose Shipper Contents 40 Units - 16 Rose Bar Soap, 8 Rose Hand Wash, 8 Rose Body Wash, 8 Rose Lotion
      BAR SOAP
      612267  Blackberry Pear Soap ........................................................................... 6 x 200g   29.90   36  8 12281 01038 4  B
      612260  Dead Sea Mud Bar Soap ....................................................................... 6 x 200g   29.90   36  8 93455 00039 4  B
      612261  Dead Sea Salt Bar Soap ........................................................................ 6 x 200g   29.90   36  8 93455 00036 3  B
      612266  Eucalyptus Soap................................................................................... 6 x 200g   29.90   36  8 12281 01041 4  B
      612268  Grapefruit Guava Soap ......................................................................... 6 x 200g   29.90   36  8 12281 01035 3  B
      612262  Lavender Bar Soap ............................................................................... 6 x 200g   29.90   36  8 93455 00035 6  B
      612263  Lemon Sage Bar Soap .......................................................................... 6 x 200g   29.90   36  8 93455 00049 3  B
      612269  Lilac Soap ............................................................................................ 6 x 200g   29.90   36  8 12281 01032 2  B
      612264  Rose Petal Bar Soap ............................................................................. 6 x 200g   29.90   36  8 93455 00037 0  B

     PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 24 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
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