Page 262 - July August 2021
P. 262

Stock   Description                       Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal   Sale   Case       UPC   PAF  GLU  ORG  NGM  KOS  VEG  HAL  FTR  Lang.  Groc
      ID#                                                 Price     Month   Price   Size                             Item
      611205  Feminine Hygiene Wipes..............................................................................20ct  3.89  12  8016867008860  B
      611115  Beauty Cotton Balls ...................................................................................100ct  4.17  12  8016867007047  B
      611110  Beauty Cotton Rounds .................................................................................70ct  4.09  12  8016867007030  B
      611105  Beauty Cotton Swabs ................................................................................200ct  4.17  12  8016867007023  B
      611600  Baby Cotton Squares ...................................................................................60ct  6.49  12  8016867001267  O  B
      611100  Beauty Baby Wipes .....................................................................................60ct  5.52  12  8016867009997  B
      611605  Nursing Pads ...............................................................................................24ct  6.09  12  8016867001274  O  B

      BROKERED BY  Cornerstone Sales                      888-550-8332
      Mission is to bring regenerative agriculture to rural India using organic and biodynamic farming methods for true wellness products.
      Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure the products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months.  No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-date or unsold Products.
                SAVE 15%  SELECT ITEMS JUL

      605125  Tulsi Green Tea ..................................................................................... 6 x 18bg   34.66   15%  J   29.46   6   8 01541 50894 5   A    O  N  K  V  H     B     
      605120  Tulsi Lemon Ginger ............................................................................... 6 x 18bg   34.66   15%  J   29.46   6   8 01541 50895 2   A    O  N  K  V  H     B     
      605130  Tulsi Masala Chai ................................................................................. 6 x 18bg   34.66   15%  J   29.46   6   8 01541 50891 4   A    O  N  K  V  H     B     
      605115  Tulsi Original ......................................................................................... 6 x 18bg   34.66   15%  J   29.46   6   8 01541 50890 7   A    O  N  K  V  H     B     
      605110  Tulsi Peppermint ................................................................................... 6 x 18bg   34.66   15%  J   29.46   6   8 01541 50897 6   A    O  N  K  V  H     B     
      605105  Tulsi Sweet Rose .................................................................................. 6 x 18bg   34.66   15%  J   29.46   6   8 01541 50898 3   A    O  N  K  V  H     B     
      605900  Tulsi Tea Shipper .........................................................................................48ct  375.01  15%  J   318.76   1   8 51469 00002 1   A    O  N  K  V  H  F   B     
      605100  Tulsi Turmeric Ginger ............................................................................ 6 x 18bg   34.66   15%  J   29.46   6   8 01541 51323 9   A    O  N  K  V  H     B     
      605150  Ceylon Cinnamon ....................................................................................90caps  21.23     12   8 01541 51407 6   A    O  N  K  V  H  F   B
      605155  Ginger .....................................................................................................90caps  17.95     12   8 01541 51409 0   A    O  N  K  V  H  F   B
      605160  Moringa ...................................................................................................90caps  17.95     12   8 01541 51410 6   A    O  N  K  V  H  F   B
      605175  Moringa Leaf Powder .................................................................................226g  19.15     12   8 01541 51411 3   A    O  N  K  V  H  F   B     
      605140  Psyllium Organic Whole Husk .....................................................................340g  13.46     12   8 01541 51412 0   A    O  N    V  H     B     
      605165  Triphala ...................................................................................................90caps  17.95     12   8 01541 51413 7   A    O  N  K  V  H  F   B
      605170  Tulsi - Holy Basil ......................................................................................90caps  20.62     12   8 01541 51415 1   A    O  N  K  V  H  F   B

      ORGANIC TRADITIONS W                  800-304-1497
      Prevention, Regeneration, Longevity.
      Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.
      690907E Cardboard Floor Display - En .......................................................................1un  1  0  E
      690908E Display Pumpkin Spice Latte ..................................................................... 0box  1  0 00000 00000 0  E    
           Required Fill: 36 units of Pumpkin Spice Latte
      690909E French Display Pumpkin Spice Latte ..........................................................1disp  1  0 00000 00000 0  F    
           Required Fill: 36 units of Pumpkin Spice Latte
      690906E Generic Floor Display - Fr ............................................................................1un  1  B
      690905E Holiday Displayer .........................................................................................1un  1  0  E
           Holiday display for limited edition lattes
      690202  Gold Vitality Blend ........................................................................................80g  12.99  6  6 27733 00962 1  B    
      690201  Green Vitality Blend ....................................................................................120g  12.99  6  6 27733 00964 5  B    
      690208  12 Day Holiday Box ....................................................................................102g  16.99     1   6 27733 00002 4        O  N  K  V    F   B     
           12 Day advent calendar with 8 instant lattes & 4 loose leaf teas
      690207  Latte, Holiday Spice ....................................................................................150g  10.98     6   6 27733 00141 0        O  N  K  V    F   B     
      690206  Latte, Mint Chocolate ..................................................................................150g  10.98     6   6 27733 00142 7        O  N  K  V    F   B     
      690204  Latte, Red Velvet .........................................................................................150g  10.98     6   6 27733 00145 8        O  N  K  V    F   B     
      690264  Cacao Beans ..............................................................................................227g  7.80     6   6 27733 00215 8        O  N  K  V        B     
      690260  Cacao Butter ..............................................................................................227g  8.45     6   6 27733 00205 9        O  N  K  V        B     
      690259  Cacao Butter ..............................................................................................454g  14.94     6   6 27733 00206 6        O  N  K  V        B     
      690232  Cacao Nibs .................................................................................................227g  7.80     6   6 27733 00210 3        O  N  K  V        B     
      690258  Cacao Nibs .................................................................................................454g  12.99     6   6 27733 00220 2        O  N  K  V        B     
      690257  Cacao Paste ...............................................................................................227g  8.45     6   6 27733 00203 5        O  N  K  V        B     
      690256  Cacao Paste ...............................................................................................454g  14.94     6   6 27733 00204 2        O  N  K  V        B     
      690255  Cacao Powder ............................................................................................227g  7.80     6   6 27733 00207 3        O  N  K  V        B     
      690254  Cacao Powder ............................................................................................454g  14.29     6   6 27733 00208 0        O  N  K  V        B     
      690376  Probiotic Cereal Choc. Coconut ..................................................................200g  6.48     6   6 27733 00515 9        O  N  K  V        B     
      690378  Probiotic Cereal Golden Turmeric ................................................................200g  6.48     6   6 27733 00518 0        O  N  K  V        B     
      690374  Probiotic Cereal Lucuma Baobab ................................................................200g  6.48     6   6 27733 00517 3        O  N  K  V        B     
      690375  Probiotic Cereal Triple Berry........................................................................200g  6.48     6   6 27733 00516 6        O  N  K  V        B     
      690380  Coconut Milk Powder .................................................................................150g  7.78     6   6 27733 00107 6   A    O  N  K  V        B     

     PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 24 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
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