Page 327 - July August 2021
P. 327

Stock   Description                       Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal   Sale   Case       UPC   GLU  ORG  NGM  KOS  VEG  HAL  FTR  Lang.  Groc
      ID#                                                 Price     Month   Price   Size         PAF                 Item

      THINKBABY                               877-446-1616
      Thinksport was developed to address the growing concern of toxic chemical leaching from consumer products. Since our inception in 2006, we have generated a large list of industry firsts. 1st BPA
      free baby bottle line, 1st bottle line to convert as a child grows, 1st sunscreen to pass Whole Foods Premium Care requirements, and 1st BPA free insulated sports bottle line. Our company continues
      to pioneer the development of safe solutions.
                SAVE 15%  LINE DRIVE AUG

      833905E Floor Display Baby .....................................................................................1disp  1  0 06 28055 80913 3  A  E
           Thinksport Thinkbaby Floor Display with 4 shelves that are able to hold the entire line of Thinksport Thinkbaby products.  A great way to display the entire brand in one spot to the customer.  Size 11 X 12 X 46 inches
      833475  Bottle to Sippy Cup Kit Blue ...........................................................................1kit  6.46  15%  A   5.49  6  8 52714 00720 8  A  B    
      833480  Bottle to Sippy Cup Kit Green .........................................................................1kit  6.46  15%  A   5.49  6  8 52714 00721 5  A  B    
      833485  Bottle to Sippy Cup Kit Orange .......................................................................1kit  6.46  15%  A   5.49  6  8 90397 00214 1  A  B    
      833470  Bottle to Sippy Cup Kit Pink ...........................................................................1kit  6.46  15%  A   5.49  6  8 52714 00722 2  A  B    
      833455  Sippy Cup to Straw Bottle Kit Blue .................................................................1kit  4.12  15%  A   3.50  6  8 52714 00719 2  A  B    
      833460  Sippy Cup to Straw Bottle Kit Green ...............................................................1kit  4.12  15%  A   3.50  6  8 52714 00718 5  A  B    
      833465  Sippy Cup to Straw Bottle Kit Orang ...............................................................1kit  4.12  15%  A   3.50  6  8 90397 00221 9  A  B    
      833450  Sippy Cup to Straw Bottle Kit Pink .................................................................1kit  4.12  15%  A   3.50  6  8 59871 00495 8  A  B    
      833655  Stainless Steel Sippy Cup Blue .................................................................237ml  15.55  15%  A   13.22  6  8 52714 00777 2  A  B    
      833660  Stainless Steel Sippy Cup Green ...............................................................237ml  15.55  15%  A   13.22  6  8 52714 00778 9  A  B    
      833665  Stainless Steel Sippy Cup Orange .............................................................237ml  15.55  15%  A   13.22  6  8 59871 00452 1  A  B    
      833650  Stainless Steel Sippy Cup Pink .................................................................237ml  15.55  15%  A   13.22  6  8 52714 00779 6  A  B    
      833605  Stainless Steel Straw Bottle Blue ...............................................................237ml  15.55  15%  A   13.22  6  8 52714 00780 2  A  B    
      833615  Stainless Steel Straw Bottle Green ............................................................237ml  15.55  15%  A   13.22  6  8 52714 00781 9  A  B    
      833610  Stainless Steel Straw Bottle Orange ..........................................................237ml  15.55  15%  A   13.22  6  8 59871 00451 4  A  B    
      833600  Stainless Steel Straw Bottle Pink ...............................................................237ml  15.55  15%  A   13.22  6  8 52714 00782 6  A  B    
      833720  Aloe After Sun Lotion EWG Verified ...........................................................237ml  13.43  15%  A   11.42   8   8 10009 37455 8           N    V        B
      833705  Baby Lotion EWG Verified / Vegan ............................................................237ml  8.18  15%  A   6.95   8   8 10009 37506 7           N    V        B
      833700  Bubble Bath EWG Verified / Vegan ............................................................237ml  8.18  15%  A   6.95   8   8 10009 37456 5           N    V        B
      833710  Chlorine Removing Shampoo ...................................................................237ml  8.18  15%  A   6.95   8   8 10009 37454 1           N    V        E
      833103  Cradle Cap Cream ....................................................................................118ml  13.43  15%  A   11.42  6  8 10009 37701 6  A  B
      833725  Diaper Rash Ointment Zinc Oxide ................................................................88ml  10.43  15%  A   8.87   8   8 52714 00752 9           N    V        B
      833102  Eczema Lotion ..........................................................................................177ml  13.43  15%  A   11.42  6  8 10009 37699 6  A  B
      833375  Mineral Sunscreen Lotion SPF50+ ..........................................................177ml  25.68  15%  A   21.83   96   8 59871 00417 0           N    V        B
      833360  Mineral Sunscreen SPF50+ .......................................................................88ml  13.43  15%  A   11.42   144   8 90397 00268 4           N    V        B
      833730  Mineral Sunscreen Stick SPF 30 .................................................................18ml  10.55  15%  A   8.97  8  8 59871 00490 3  N  B
      833715  Papaya Shampoo and Body Wash ............................................................237ml  8.18  15%  A   6.95   8   8 10009 37452 7           N    V        B


                           PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 24 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
                                                                                                 JULY - AUGUST  2021  325
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