Page 351 - July August 2021
P. 351

Stock   Description                       Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal   Sale   Case       UPC   GLU  ORG  NGM  KOS  VEG  HAL  FTR  Lang.  Groc
      ID#                                                 Price     Month   Price   Size         PAF                 Item

      WHISPS                                18334
      Light, crunchy Whisps Cheese Crisps are made of 100% wheel cheese for a deliciously low carb, high protein, and gluten free snack to beat even your cheesiest cravings.
      962115  Asiago Pepper Cheese Crisps ............................................................... 12 x 60g   54.32   12  0 08 10030 23127 7  G  E    
      962105  Cheddar Cheese Crisps ........................................................................ 12 x 60g   54.32   12  1 00 88231 17504 4  G  B    
      962110  Parmesan Cheese Crisps...................................................................... 12 x 60g   54.32   12  1 00 88231 17498 8  G  B    
      962100  Tomato Basil Cheese Crisps ................................................................. 12 x 60g   54.32   12  1 00 88231 17528 8  G  B    
      962900  Whisps Displayer .........................................................................................1un  217.28     48  0 08 10030 25213 3     G       K    H     E     
           Contains: 24 Parmesan, 12 Cheddar and 12 Tomato Basil.

      WILD ROSE                      800-663-4136
      All Wild Rose products are created from a combination of clinical experience, traditional wisdom and modern knowledge. We begin with proven traditional formulas and then build upon the firm
      foundation with a structure of botany, biochemistry and herbology. By combining past wisdom with modern technology, we create products that reflect our commitment to excellence. We use the
      highest quality ingredients available. At Wild Rose, we believe this to be true and trust that you will come to realize the same. You are invited to enjoy greater health and well-being as a result of using
      our products.
      840625  Gentle D-Tox ..................................................................................................1kit  34.40  12  7 76521 17462 8  B
      840620  Liver D-Tox ....................................................................................................1kit  38.87  14  7 76521 17471 0  B
      840618  Wild Rose Herbal D-tox .................................................................................1kit  34.40  12  7 76521 17461 1  O  B

      WISE W                              000-000-0000
      Wise caters to a new generation of conscious consumer; those who want thoughtful, carefully-sourced, and natural personal care products down to the last ingredient and packaging detail.
      906900E Wooden Display ..........................................................................................1un  1  0  B
      906215  Refill Chaga Face Cream ...........................................................................100ml  16.91  40%  B   10.15  6  6 28110 11922 3  B
      906205  Refill Willow Herb Face Cleanser ...............................................................250ml  22.09  40%  B   13.25  6  6 28110 11924 7  B
      906110  Birch Bark Daily Shampoo ........................................................................100ml  13.00  40%  B   7.80  6  6 28110 11901 8  B
      906130  Neem Wood Comb .......................................................................................1un  9.76  12  6 28110 11917 9  B
      906100  Red Maple Cream Pomade .........................................................................60ml  20.80  40%  B   12.48  6  6 28110 11905 6  B
      906115  Refill Birch Bark Daily Shampoo ...............................................................475ml  22.09  40%  B   13.25  6  6 28110 11900 1  B
      906120  Refill Glacier Clay Pomade ............................................................................60g  15.59  40%  B   9.35  6  6 28110 11902 5  B
      906135  Refill Hemp Seed Conditioner ...................................................................450ml  22.09  40%  B   13.25  6  6 28110 11919 3  B
      906125  Refill Red Maple Cream Pomade ...................................................................60g  15.59  40%  B   9.35  6  6 28110 11904 9  B
      906200  Sea Kelp Soap Bar ......................................................................................100g  7.80  40%  B   4.68  6  6 28110 11916 2  B

      WIZE MONKEY W   
      BROKERED BY  Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing                            604-839-7640
      Wize Monkey creates an award-winning beverage: Coffee Leaf Tea, made from coffee leaves processed using tea techniques. It is smooth, rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, and has a similar
      caffeine to green tea. It revolutionizes the coffee industry by bringing a secondary income source and year-round jobs for coffee producers.
      963905  Wize Monkey Shipper Display .....................................................................1disp  243.36  40%  B   146.02   1   6 28250 38727 8           N    V        E     
           Contains 36 units: 12 x Coffee Leaf tea Original (963100), 12 x Mango Party (963105), 12 x Earl Grey (963110).
      963120  Coffee Leaf Tea Jasmine ............................................................................. 15pk  6.76  40%  B   4.06   6   6 27843 50885 4   A       N    V        B     
      963105  Coffee Leaf Tea Mango Party ......................................................................15bg  6.76     6   6 27843 50883 0   A       N    V        B     
      963100  Coffee Leaf Tea Original ..............................................................................15bg  6.76     6   6 27843 33400 2   A       N    V        B     
      963130  Coffee Leaf Tea Strawberry Hibiscus .......................................................... 15pk  6.76     6   6 28250 38707 0   A       N    V        B     
      WOBENZYM                               866-856-9954
      The authentic German formula, backed by decades of clinical research, in a new look and now available in 4 different sizes.  Wobenzym  provides Systemic Enzyme Support and assists the body’s
      immune, regulatory and communication systems.  Wobenzym  is safe, effective and contains only all natural active ingredients.  Wobenzym , the world’s leading natural solution in systemic enzymes.
      933101  Wobenzym ................................................................................................100ct  27.14  12  3 10539 03504 7  B
      933106  Wobenzym ................................................................................................200ct  49.35  12  3 10539 03505 4  B
      933111  Wobenzym ..............................................................................................400tab  88.57  12  3 10539 03506 1  B
      933116  Wobenzym ..............................................................................................800tab  165.38  12  3 10539 03507 8  B
      933120  Wobenzym Plus ......................................................................................120tab  41.43  24  3 10539 03962 5  B
      933125  Wobenzym Plus ......................................................................................240tab  73.66  24  3 10539 03964 9  B
      933130  Wobenzym Plus ......................................................................................480tab  131.20  12  3 10539 03966 3  B


                           PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 24 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
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