Page 354 - July August 2021
P. 354


                                                                 Probiotic Night Recovery

                                                                 Water Cream 60ml

                                                                 Join the cult for beautiful skin with the innovative new water
                                                                 cream moisturiser from Scientific Green Beauty brand,
                                                                 Antipodes. Formulated with clean ingredients from New Zealand
                                                                 nature and the power of good bacteria to promote healthy skin,
                                                                 awaken to your freshest, healthiest looking visage.
                                                                 The certified vegan sleep-in night cream delivers a lifeline to any
                                                                 skin type by boosting moisture levels and helping to strengthen
                                                                 the skin barrier, optimising skin recovery overnight. It’s all thanks
                                                                 to Kalibiome AGE Probiotic, a natural “good” bacteria that helps
                                                                 to seal the skin’s epidermal layers, reducing water loss and
                                                                 supporting firmer skin. Plant-sourced hyaluronic acid and native

                                              WITH               New Zealand extracts boost water levels for intensive hydration.
                                           PROBIOTIC*            Applied as part of a relaxing evening ritual, users awaken to
                                         GOOD                    beautifully calm, clear, hydrated skin.

                                          LOOKING SKIN

     Kalibiome AGE Probiotic                                      Plant-based Hyaluronic Acid

     This high-performing innovative compound is naturally sourced   Powerfully hydrating, it works as a humectant, increasing moisture
     and specially bio-fermented to help strengthen the skin barrier.   content of the skin by attracting and binding to water at up to 1000
     In-vitro testing has shown Kalibiome AGE Probiotic helps to   times its normal weight.
     increase skin elasticity and hydration, while simultaneously
     reducing roughness and redness*.

     Vegan                                   Clean                                  Science

     Certified vegan by the UK Vegetarian    Free from animal testing and toxic     In-vitro investigations show that
     Society, the world’s oldest and most    ingredients, including petrochemicals,   Kalibiome AGE Probiotic can help increase
     recognised vegetarian organisation.     parabens, sulphates, phthalates, and   skin elasticity & firmness, hydration, and
                                             artificial fragrances.                 collagen production*.

      *kalibiome probiotics/postbiotics 600: clinically shown to revitalise extracellular matrix.
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