Page 236 - JanFebRegular
P. 236
Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F
ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R
912145 Organic Lemon Pepper Blend ........................ 3x104g 12 024153 17.76 B 825145 Raw Manuka Honey Mono. KFactor16 ................ 1 kg 6 022171 66.65 15% F 56.65 B
912147 Organic Adobo Seasoning - New ................... 3x116g 12 025624 18.20 B SPECIALTY HONEY
912150 Organic Seafood&Poultry Season .................... 3x94g 12 024177 17.76 B 825205 Raw Beechwood Honey ....................................500g 6 020818 16.47 15% F 14.00 B
912152 Organic Chai Powder - New ........................... 3x113g 12 025709 21.85 B 825215 Raw Rata Honey ................................................500g 6 021624 16.47 15% F 14.00 B
912155 Organic Steak Seasoning ................................. 3x94g 12 024160 17.76 B 825220 Raw Thyme Honey ............................................500g 6 022409 16.47 15% F 14.00 B
912160 Organic Crushed Red Pepper ........................... 3x48g 12 024122 15.41 B
912165 Organic Onion Powder ..................................... 3x82g 12 024108 15.41 B APPLE CIDER VINEGAR
912170 Organic Chili Powder 85g .............................3x2.9oz. 12 024078 15.41 B 825500 Apple Cider Vin with Manuka Honey ................750ml 6 022652 11.72 15% F 9.96 B
912175 Organic Garlic Powder 90g ...........................3x3.1oz. 12 024092 17.76 B DROPS
912180 Organic Ground Cinnamon 71g ....................3x2.5oz. 12 024146 15.41 B 825400 Org Manuka Honey Drops Ginger ......................120g 12 021006 7.43 15% F 6.32 B
912185 Organic Ground Black Pepper 80g ................3x2.8oz. 12 024139 16.58 B 825405 Org Manuka Honey Drops Lemon ......................120g 12 020993 7.43 15% F 6.32 B
912190 Organic Black PeppercornGrinder .................... 3x75g 12 024221 23.68 B 825410 Org Manuka Honey Drops Eucalyptus ................120g 12 020986 7.43 15% F 6.32 B
912195 Mediterranean Sea Salt Grinder...................... 3x150g 12 024238 18.93 B 825415 Org Manuka Honey Drop Fennel&Cinn ...............120g 12 022515 7.43 15% F 6.32 B
upc 608185 825420 Org Manuka Honey Drops Echinacea .................120g 12 022881 7.43 15% F 6.32 B
EXTRACTS 825425 Org Manuka Honey Drops Ocean Mint ...............100g 12 023499 7.43 15% F 6.32 B
912200 Coconut Extract ............................................. 6x59ml 24 005538 20.11 B KIDS POPS
912205 Pure Peppermint Extract ................................ 6x59ml 24 001868 20.11 B 825615 Org Manuka Honey Pops Variety Pack ...............120g 6 022164 7.43 15% F 6.32 B
912210 Carmel Flavor Extract ..................................... 6x59ml 24 005439 24.24 B upc 108144
upc 108137 LIP BALM
912215 Organic Pure Lemon .................................... 12x59ml 1 024835 75.73 B
upc 108185 825700 Org Manuka Lip Balm - Lavender Lem ........ 20 x 4.5g 1 021119 49.46 15% F 42.04 B
912220 Pure Vanilla Extract ...................................... 12x29ml 1 007063 90.65 B 825705 Org Manuka Lip Balm Coconut Lime .......... 20 x 4.5g 1 021096 49.46 15% F 42.04 B
upc 108137 825710 Org Manuka Lip Balm - Peppermint ............ 20 x 4.5g 1 021072 49.46 15% F 42.04 B
912225 Organic Pure Vanilla .................................... 12x59ml 1 024811 130.05 B upc 814422
912230 Organic Almond Extract ............................... 12x59ml 1 024828 75.73 B 825715 Org Manuka Lip Balm - Lav. Lemon .................2 pack 12 023598 4.95 15% F 4.21 B
upc 108185 825720 Org Manuka Lip Balm - Coco Lime ..................2 pack 12 023604 4.95 15% F 4.21 B
912240 Pure Vanilla Extract ...................................... 12x59ml 1 005052 143.51 B 825725 Org Manuka LipBalm - Peppermint ..................2 pack 12 023581 4.95 15% F 4.21 B
upc 108137 FACE CARE
912245 Baking Vanilla Extract ................................... 12x59ml 1 021919 65.03 B 825300 Manuka Honey Night Cream Bee Venom............50ml 6 021594 38.22 15% F 32.49 B
upc 108185 825305 Manuka Honey Hydrating Day Cream ...............50 ml 6 023444 21.59 15% F 18.35 B
912250 Pure Almond Extract .................................... 12x59ml 1 001603 52.86 B
912255 Pure Lemon Extract ..................................... 12x59ml 1 002143 40.22 B WELEDA - INCLUDED IN BUSINESS PARTNER
upc 108137
912260 Baking Vanilla Extract ................................12x325mL 1 021896 197.84 B BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management
upc 608185
912265 Pumpkin Spice Extract .................................. 6x59 ml 24 008737 24.24 B (800) 241-1030
912270 Pure Anise Extract ........................................ 6x59 ml 24 001820 20.11 B In 1921 Pharmacists and physicians gathered in Switzerland under the guidance of Dr. Rudolf
912275 Organic Baking Vanilla - New ...................... 12x59 ml 12 77.68 B Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy, to create a natural and personal care company later called
WELEDA. Using pharmaceutical techniques combined with a spiritual approach, they formulated
WAY BETTER SNACKS a truly innovative line of quality products based upon the study of relationships between the
substances and processes of nature and the human being. By cultivating plants using organic
BROKERED BY Indigo Natural Products Management and biodynamic agricultural methods, harvesting them at peak times, and processing them with
the utmost care, WELEDA believes it is possible to retain a plant’s inherent qualities and healing
1 612-314-2060 upc 095508
Our beans, grains and seeds are expertly sourced for texture, color, and most importantly:
way better flavor. The quality comes through each and every snack. You can actually see the DISPLAYS
deliciousness! 965904 Display Hand Cream ..................................1 tray/8un 1 026867 85.77 B
upc 108143 Required Fill: 4x Hydrating Hand Cream and 4x Soothing Hand Cream
CORN TORTILLA CHIPS 965905 Facial Tower - 33 pcs ....................................... 1 unit 0 570.42
925100 Avocado Ranch Corn Tortilla Chips ............ 12 x 156g 1 020809 38.76 B Contains: 6 x Clarifying S.O.S Gel, 3 x Clarifying Lotion, 3 x Clarifying Cleansing Gel,
3 x Hydrating Day Cream, 3 x Hydrating Night Cream, 3 x Renewing Day Cream or
925105 Nacho Cheese Corn Tortilla Chips.............. 12 x 156g 1 020076 38.76 B Awakening Day Cream or Skin Revitalizng Day Cream, 3 x Renewing Night Cream or
upc 008555 Awakening Night Cream or Skin Revitalizing Night Cream, 3 x Gentle Cleansing Foam, 3
925110 Sweet Chili Corn Tortilla Chips ................... 12 x 156g 1 003567 38.76 B x Gentle Cleansing Milk, 3 x Sensitive Care Cleansing Lotion. * Tester on top
925115 Sweet Potato Corn Tortilla Chips ................ 12 x 156g 1 003543 38.76 B 965905E Facial Tower - 33 pcs ....................................... 1 unit 0
Required Fill: 6 x Clarifying S.O.S Gel, 3 x Clarifying Lotion, 3 x Clarifying Cleansing
WEDDERSPOON Gel, 3 x Hydrating Day Cream, 3 x Hydrating Night Cream, 3 x Renewing Day Cream or
Awakening Day Cream or Skin Revitalizng Day Cream, 3 x Renewing Night Cream or
BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management Awakening Night Cream or Skin Revitalizing Night Cream, 3 x Gentle Cleansing Foam, 3
x Gentle Cleansing Milk, 3 x Sensitive Care Cleansing Lotion. * Tester on top (888) 256-6603 965911 Display - Skin Food Small 30ml .................1 tray/4un 2 42.89 B
Founded in 2005, Wedderspoon is a passionate steward of Manuka Honey-based wellness products Required - 4 units Skin Food Small
that awaken energized living. Wedderspoon offers a dynamic collection of expertly crafted products upc 100955
to support daily wellness, capturing the rare and powerful nature of genuine Manuka Honey, which 965912 Skin Food Modular Display 24’’ .........................32 ct 0 026888 365.65
is exclusively produced by bees feeding off the Manuka bush on New Zealand’s North and South Required Fill: 8 x Skin Food Original 75ml, 8 x Skin Food Light 75ml, 12 x Skin Food Lip
Islands. From its use in home “remedies,” the kitchen, and in beauty and active lifestyle self-care Butter, 4 x Skin Food Body Butter
rituals, Wedderspoon Manuka Honey’s vibrant health properties make it one of the most highly
sought after holistic wellness ingredients in the world. upc 095508
965913 Counter Display Skin Food .................................. 1 ea 0 073700 80.79 B
SAVE 15% LINE DRIVE FEB Required Fill :4 x Skin Food Light - 30ml, 6 x Skin Food Lip Butters
965914 Skin Food Skinny Tower Display ........................32 ct 0 026904 365.65
Manuka including Specialty honey: 48 units = 10%, 72 units = 15%, Required Fill: 4 x Skin Food Original 75ml, 8 x Skin Food Light 75ml, 12 x Skin Food Lip
ACV : 24 units = 10%, 48 units = 15% Butter, 8 x Skin Food Body Butter.
Drops & Pops: 48units = 10%, 72 units = 15%, 144 units = 20% 965915E Cleansing Foam Display ........................1 display/6ct 0
* must be accompanied by MCB auth code Required Fill: 6x Gentle Cleansing Foam
upc 814422 upc 100955
MANUKA HONEY 965916 Skin Food Lip Butter Clip Strip.....................1 clip/6un 0 073752 35.95 E
825100 Raw Manuka Honey KFactor 16 .........................500g 6 020641 35.08 15% F 29.82 B 6 x Skin Food Lip Butters of 8ml
825105 Raw Manuka Honey KFactor 16 .........................250g 6 020672 20.62 15% F 17.53 B 965918 Deo & Body Wash Tower - 29 pcs .................... 1 unit 0 257.49
825110 Honey Go Raw Manuka Honey 24 Packs ..........120 g 6 020931 20.62 15% F 17.53 B Required Fill: 4 x Wild Rose Deo Spray, 4 x Citrus Deo Spray, 4 x Sage Deo Spray, 8
825115 Raw Manuka Honey KFactor 12 .........................500g 6 020658 31.03 15% F 26.38 B x Roll-on Deo (Citrus, Men’s, POM, Seabuckthorn), 9 x Body Wash (Almond, Arnica,
825120 Raw Manuka Honey KFactor 12 .........................250g 6 020665 19.27 15% F 16.38 B Citrus, Evening Primrose, Lavender, POM, Seabuckthorn, Wild Rose, Men’s). * Tester
825125 Multifloral Man.Hon.KFactor12 ........ 340gSqueezeJar 6 022614 22.30 15% F 18.96 B on top
825130 Monofloral Man.Hon. KFactor16 ...... 340gSqueezeJar 6 022607 26.35 15% F 22.40 B 965918E Deo & Body Wash Tower - 29 pcs .................... 1 unit 0
825135 Raw Manuka Honey KFactor16..........................325g 6 021495 28.66 15% F 24.36 B Required Fill: 4 x Wild Rose Deo Spray, 4 x Citrus Deo Spray, 4 x Sage Deo Spray, 8
825140 Raw Manuka Honey KFactor12..........................325g 6 021488 25.96 15% F 22.07 B x Roll-on Deo (Citrus, Men’s, POM, Seabuckthorn), 9 x Body Wash (Almond, Arnica,
Citrus, Evening Primrose, Lavender, POM, Seabuckthorn, Wild Rose, Men’s). * Tester
on top