Page 241 - JanFebRegular
P. 241

Raising  the



                    e are craft chocolate makers,                  Coconut sugar is our main sweetener
                    with a hear t for our ear th.                  (with  a little Canadian maple from
       W Zimt Chocolates is Canadian                               time to time). Add some select cocoa nibs

       owned and operated- and has been from                       and weʼre golden.
       the get go.                                                 You wonʼt find any emulsifiers or

       We are committed to using exclusively                       weird ingredients in any of our creations.
       organic, vegan ingredients, biodegradable                   Ever.

       packaging, and creating a product to make                   And, most importantly, we donate
       a believer out of quality chocolate skeptics.               to organizations working real hard to
       That includes vegan milk, dark and white.                   make life on earth a bit better.

                Please contact your representative at Purity Life to get Zimt Chocolates on your shelves.
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