Page 61 - MayJuneGrocery
P. 61

Stock   Description                              Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal  Sale   UPC       PAF  GLU  ORG  KOS  VEG  HAL    FTR  Lang.
     ID#                                                        Price     Month  Price                     NGM
     366256  Scout SS Kids Btl-400ml-Rocketship ...........................................................................400ml  14.36  30%  B  10.05  7 00064 93285 8  E
     366258  Scout SS Kids Btl-400ml-White Owl .............................................................................400ml  14.36  30%  B  10.05  7 02865 47596 1  E
     ECOLIFE                          (800) 550-7423
     We are dedicated to delivering the best organic products from “Farm to Fork”, by producing crops that are organically grown without chemical fertilizers, pesticides, preservatives, synthetic growth
     hormones or irradiation.  We believe in Fair Trade and Social Responsibility, being continuously involved in enriching local communities through our programs on sustainable living, which address the
     critical global challenges of poverty, food security and water conservation. Our Women’s Empowerment, Stand for Seed Sovereignty and the Right to Food & Water Security Programs are changing and
     improving lives every day.
     Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure the products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months.  No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-date or unsold Products.
     250105  ecoLife Red Quinoa ..................................................................................................... 6 x 2lb   58.91      7 45042 72410 0   A  G  O  N      V
     250300  ecoLife Split Black Gram.............................................................................................. 6 x 2lb   52.69      7 45042 72416 2   A  G  O  N      V
     250310  ecoLife Whole Chickpea .............................................................................................. 6 x 2lb   52.69      7 45042 72414 8   A  G  O  N      V

     BROKERED BY  Marsham International                         (800) 293-0160
     Since 1993, Endangered Species Chocolate has been helping fund the preservation of at-risk species while simultaneously supporting sustainable livelihoods for African cocoa farmers.  One of the most
     important ingredients in every Endangered Species Chocolate bar is a promise.  10% of our annual net profits are donated to support species preservation and habitat conservation.  Indulge in a cause that
     uses the universal appeal of chocolate to support Species, Habitat and Humanity.
     Important Notice:  Purity Life will ensure that all Endangered Species Products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months.  No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-date or unsold
              SAVE 14%  SELECT ITEMS JUN
     Case stack deals not to be combined with any other deals. Mix & Match - 20-29 case: 11% off, 30-74 cases: 15% off, 75-149 cases: 18% off,150+ cases: 21% off
     370900  Natural Shipper ...............................................................................................................96 ct   335.42   13%  J  291.82  0 37014 12024 0  B
     370100  Dark Chocolate with 88% Cocoa ..............................................................................12 x 85g   41.93      0 37014 24517 2      G      N  K  V      F   B
     370105  Dark Chocolate with Forest Mint Nat .........................................................................12 x 85g   41.93      0 37014 24506 6      G      N  K  V      F   B
     370110  Natural Dk Chocolate with Raspberry........................................................................12 x 85g   41.93      0 37014 24507 3      G      N  K  V      F   B
     370115  Natural Milk Chocolate ..............................................................................................12 x 85g   41.93      0 37014 24510 3      G         K         F   B
     370120  Natural Dark Chocolate .............................................................................................12 x 85g   41.93      0 37014 24513 4      G      N  K  V      F   B
     370125  Dk Choc. with Cranberry/Almond .............................................................................12 x 85g   41.93      0 37014 24509 7      G         K  V      F   B
     370130  Ntrl Dk Choc.with SeaSalt/Almonds ..........................................................................12 x 85g   41.93      0 37014 13000 3      G      N  K  V      F   B
     370135  Natural Dk Choc. Hazelnut Toffee ..............................................................................12 x 85g   41.93      0 37014 13001 0      G      N  K         F   B
     370140  Dk Choc. with Caramel & Sea Salt ............................................................................12 x 85g   41.93      0 37014 52000 2      G      N            F   B
     370145  Dk Chocolate Peppermint Crunch .............................................................................12 x 85g   39.89      0 37014 24700 8            N  K  V      F   B
     370150  Dark Chocolate With Cacao Nibs - New ....................................................................12 x 85g   41.93   0 37014 24518 9  G  B
     BROKERED BY  Marsham International                        (888) 503-6569
     Enjoy Life is the delicious “Free From” brand committed to food health that deeply understands and empathizes with nutritional standard challengers’ passionate Interest in how food is made and the
     benefits it can deliver.
     Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.

     332850  Berry Medley ..............................................................................................................6x250g  23.84     1 08 19597 12719 9   A  G      N  K  V         B
     332855  Fig and Maple Flavour .................................................................................................6x250g  23.84     1 08 19597 12726 6   A  G      N  K  V         B
     332860  Chocolate Chip and Banana ........................................................................................6x250g  23.84     1 08 19597 12702 2   A  G      N  K  V         B
     332865  Apple-Cinnamon.........................................................................................................6x250g  23.84     1 08 19597 12696 6   A  G      N  K  V         B
     332900  Baking Chocolate Shipper ..............................................................................................1 unit   289.50   B
     332905  Baking Chocolate Shipper #2........................................................................................1 unit   289.50   B
     332910  Chewy Bars Mixed Shipper ............................................................................................1 unit   185.94   0 08 19597 11531 1  B
     332915  Chewy Bars Mixed Shipper #2 ......................................................................................1 unit   185.94   0 08 19597 11555 5  B
     332935  Soft Baked Cookie Shipper - A .....................................................................................48 pcs   176.40   11%  M  157.00  0  B
     332955  Energy Bites Shipper ................................................................................................48x180g  263.60     8 19597 01150 0            N  K  V         B
     332960  Mini Cookies Shipper .....................................................................................................1 unit   158.86   0  B
         Contains: 9 Crunchy Choc Chip/ 9 Crunchy Double Choc Brownie/ 9 Soft Double Choc Brwn/ 9 Soft Snickerdoodle
     332965  Breakfast Ovals Shipper 36ct .........................................................................................1 unit   143.03   8 19597 01284 2  B
     332945  Halloween Assorted Mini Candy Bars .......................................................................12x179g  82.79  1 08 19597 11323 3  B
     332947  Mini Confection Variety Pack Easter ..........................................................................12x179g  75.26     1 08 19597 11729 9   A  G      N  K  V         B
     332950  Holiday Chocolate ....................................................................................................12x179g  75.26     1 08 19597 11859 9   A  G      N  K            B
     332800  Chocolate Marshmallow Bar .................................................................................... 6x 5x28g   23.84      1 08 19597 11910 0   A  G      N  K  V         B
     332805  Caramel Banana ...................................................................................................... 6x 5x28g   23.84      1 08 19597 11903 3   A  G      N  K  V         B
     332810  Maple & Sweet Potato Flavour ................................................................................. 6x 5x28g   23.84      1 08 19597 11897 7   A  G      N  K  V         B
     332815  Cranberry & Orange Flavour .................................................................................... 6x 5x28g   23.84      1 08 19597 11927 7   A  G      N  K  V         B

                           PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 18 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
                                                                                                    MAY - JUNE  2020  59
   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66