Page 63 - MayJuneGrocery
P. 63

Stock   Description                              Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal  Sale   UPC       PAF  GLU  ORG  KOS  VEG  HAL    FTR  Lang.
     ID#                                                        Price     Month  Price                     NGM

     493856  Essencia Mist Orange Essential Oil .................................................................................60ml  5.20  5%  B  4.94  7 78159 76800 2  B
     493857  Essencia Mist Lavender-Rosemary .................................................................................60ml  5.20  5%  B  4.94  7 78159 76797 5  B
     493858  Essencia Mist Pine, Fir ,Eucalyptus .................................................................................60ml  5.20  5%  B  4.94  7 78159 76798 2  B
     493859  Essencia Mist Bergamot-Lemongrass .........................................................................180 ml   9.99   5%  B  9.49  7 78159 76796 8  B
     ETHICAL BEAN COFFEE                          (877) 431-3830
     Every delicious cup of Ethical Bean Coffee has been crafted with one simple objective in mind: to make the best fairtrade organic coffee on the planet. Period. Because as far as we’re concerned, doing
     something good should be rewarded with something that tastes spectacular.
     325100  Ground Superdark Org ..............................................................................................6 x 227g   40.86      1 08 41631 27502 2         O      K         F   B
     325160  Ground Sweet Espresso Org .....................................................................................6 x 227g   40.86      1 08 41631 27601 1         O      K         F   B
     325165  Ground Lush Org ......................................................................................................6 x 227g   40.86      1 08 41631 27032 2         O      K         F   B
     325170  Ground Decaf Org.....................................................................................................6 x 227g   40.86      1 08 41631 27056 6         O      K         F   B
     325175  Ground Classic Org ..................................................................................................6 x 227g   40.86      1 08 41631 27018 8         O      K         F   B
     325180  Ground Bold Org.......................................................................................................6 x 227g   40.86      1 08 41631 27025 5         O      K         F   B
     325105  Whole Bean Lush Org ...............................................................................................6 x 340g   57.16      1 08 41631 26013 3         O      K         F   B
     325110  Whole Bean Sweet Espresso Org ..............................................................................6 x 340g   57.16      1 08 41631 26037 7         O      K         F   B
     325115  Whole Bean Superdark Org .......................................................................................6 x 340g   57.16      1 08 41631 34807 7         O      K         F   B
     325120  Whole Bean Mellow Org ...........................................................................................6 x 340g   57.16      1 08 41631 26044 4         O      K         F   B
     325125  Whole Bean Exotic Org .............................................................................................6 x 340g   57.16      1 08 41631 26051 1         O      K         F   B
     325130  Whole Bean Decaf Org .............................................................................................6 x 340g   57.16      1 08 41631 26068 8         O      K         F   B
     325135  Whole Bean Classic Org ...........................................................................................6 x 340g   57.16      1 08 41631 26075 5         O      K         F   B
     325140  Whole Bean Bold Org ...............................................................................................6 x 340g   57.16      1 08 41631 26020 0         O      K         F   B
     325145  Pods Superdark ................................................................................................... 6 x 12 pods   47.43      1 08 41631 11358 8         O      K         F   B
     325150  Pods Lush ........................................................................................................... 6 x 12 pods   47.43      1 08 41631 11334 4         O      K         F   B
     325155  Pods Classic ....................................................................................................... 6 x 12 pods   47.43      1 08 41631 11341 1         O      K         F   B
     Eve’s Crackers are handmade, packed with fibre and protein from the goodness of Canadian flaxseed. Gluten free, plant based and ketogenic friendly, Eve’s Crackers check all the boxes.
              SAVE 10%  LINE DRIVE JUN

     May: 10 cases get 1 cases free,15 cases get 2 cases free. please note on order to receive discount.
     214100  Chili Pepper Pumpkin Seed ...................................................................................12 x 108 gr   73.30   10%  J  65.97   6 27843 72504 6      G            V         B
     214105  Savoury Sunflower ...............................................................................................12 x 108 gr   73.30   10%  J  65.97   6 27843 72502 2      G            V         B
     214110  Black Sesame ......................................................................................................12 x 108 gr   73.30   10%  J  65.97   6 27843 72503 9      G            V         B
     FALSE OX                                             W                                  (833) 325-7369
     Naturally refreshing drinks made with organic apple cider vinegar, Shrubs and Switchel!
     265100  Strawberry Mint Shrub ................................................................................................355 ml   10.81      6 27843 77014 5   A  G            V         B
     265105  Raspberry Balsamic Shrub ..........................................................................................355 ml   10.81      6 27843 77015 2   A  G            V         B
     265110  Mango Lime Shrub ......................................................................................................355 ml   10.81      6 27843 77011 4   A  G            V         B
     265115  Celery Jalapeno Shrub ................................................................................................355 ml   10.81      6 27843 77010 7   A  G            V         B
     265120  Beet Ginger Shrub .......................................................................................................355 ml   10.81      6 27843 77013 8   A  G            V         B
     265125  Grapefruit Rosemary Shrub .........................................................................................355 ml   10.81      6 27843 77012 1   A  G            V         B
     BROKERED BY  Abundant by Design Inc.                                (844) 243-3323
     Farmer You kits are the easiest way to grow micro-greens. The seeds are grown on a natural fiber pad so there is no soil to make a mess.
     376205  Serious About Wheatgrass Kit .........................................................................................1 kit   25.99      7 56113 23487 9   A  G            V         B
     376100  Sunflower Microgreen Seed ...................................................................................12 x 0.5 lb   117.30      1 07 56113 28356 6   A  G            V         B
     376105  Sunflower Microgreen Seed .....................................................................................24 x 25 g   54.21      1 07 56113 36078 8   A  G            V         B
     376110  Wheatgrass Microgreen Seed ..................................................................................24 x 25 g   54.21      1 07 56113 53150 0   A  G            V         B
     376115  Broccoli Microgreen Seed .......................................................................................24 x 10 g   54.21      1 07 56113 29056 6   A  G            V         B
     376120  Radish Microgreen Seed..........................................................................................24 x 15 g   54.21      1 07 56113 59640 0   A  G            V         B
     376125  Mustard Microgreen Seed .......................................................................................24 x 10 g   54.21      1 07 56113 46534 4   A  G            V         B
     376130  Arugula Microgreen Seed ........................................................................................24 x 10 g   54.21      1 07 56113 43762 2   A  G            V         B
     376135  Wheatgrass Microgreen Seed ................................................................................12 x 0.5 lb   70.20      1 07 56113 44417 7   A  G            V         B
     FATSO HIGH PERFORMANCE PEANUT BUTTER W                                 (250) 885-1366
     Fatso is an all natural peanut butter enriched with plant-based superfats including coconut oil, avocado oil, MCT oi, chia seeds, flax and a prebiotic fiber.  Its peanut butter but way better!
     June: Order 120+ units (mix and match) receive 9% off.
     203100  Fatso Peanut Butter........................................................................................................500 g   7.43      6 27843 71069 1      G      N  K  V

                           PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 18 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
                                                                                                    MAY - JUNE  2020  61
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