Page 20 - Dar and Winny
P. 20

Dar and  VVinny                                                                                                         18

              The  platypus                                                       Well,  just  look  at it!  Partly a
              must  have  come                       Why  do                   fish,  partly reptile,  bits  of  some
              from a  terrible                      you say                             duck,  some beaver ...
              accident!                                that,

              ...  partly  otter,                                             Maybe  they
              and some  snake!                                                all  evolved                          Stop!
              Maybe  they  all                                                into  a                                 Some
              fell  down  into a                                              platypus!?!                       evolutionists
              hole  together?                                                                                     think you
                                                                                                                  are being
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