Page 22 - Dar and Winny
P. 22

Dar and  VVinny                                                                                                        20

                Hey  Dar,  me                         rm                                            Well,  according to
                 old  buddy,                    checking                      Why?                       the theory of
               what are you                          my                                             evolution,  whales
                     doing?                      nostrils!                                               used to look
                                                                                                            like  cows!

             Then,  over millions                                              So  you think
             of years,  their                                                  you  might  be                           hhh
             nostrils went over                                                evolving  into                          ot s
             the top  of their                                                 a  whale?                                 ud
             heads and they
             became whales!
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