Page 26 - Dar and Winny
P. 26

Dar and  VVinny                                                                                                        24

            What  does                 That's  easy  Dar,                        So  Darwin's  theory  of  the
              ''origin ..              it  means  .. where                      ORIGIN  of  species  is  about
                mean,                everything  comes                              .. where  all  living  things
               Winny?                          from .. !                                    come  from .. ?                 ------

             Then  how                                                          So  where  DID
             come  he                               That's  an                all  living  things
             NEVER  TELLS                           excellent                   come  from ... ?
             US,  not  even                             little                 Dar?  Hey  dar?
             ONCE  in  his                          question
             book!?                                     Dar.


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